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Zigeuner-arabisch : wortschatz und grammatik der arabischen bestandteile in den morgenländischen...

: 2 pages l., 147 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 2005
Arabische Dialektgeographie : eine Einführung /

: This volume is the first comprehensive and systematic description of the dialect geography of the Arabic language which investigates the methods and insights developed in the European context and how these can be applied to the domain of Arabic. It also deals briefly with the problems of the historical development of the modern Arabic dialects. With the help of 112 maps it examines topics such as types of maps, interpretation of maps, areal norms and their significance for Arabic and defining dialect borders. For the first time dialectometrical procedures are applied to Arabic dialects. It can be used as a practical introduction into Arabic dialect geography because in addition it discusses extensively methods of designing dialect geography maps a investigational techniques in the field.
: 1 online resource (xviii, 269 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-237) and indexes. : 9789047406495 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Praktisches handbuch der neu-arabischen sprache /

: Volume 2 has half-title only ; volume 3 has title "Schlüssel zum Praktischen handbuch der neu-arabischen sprache ... Zugleich der III. teil des Praktischen handbuches der neu-arabischen sprache". : 3 volumes in 2 ; 21 cm.

Syrisch-arabische Grammatik : (Dialekt von Damaskus) /

: "Lesestücke" (in transliterated Arabic) : pages [118]-140.
Based, in part, on the author's thesis with title Laut- und Formenlehre des Dammaszenisch-Arabischen. : viii, 171 pages ; 23 cm. : Bibliography : pages [114]-117.

Die ägyptisch-arabischen Dialekte /

: "Glossar Arabisch-Deutsch" (roman) : volume 1, pages [97]-125. : 4 volumes : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Bibliography : volume 1, pages [127]-129.

Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur /

: 2 volumes ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : sahar

Published 2007
Neo-Muʻtazilismus? : Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des Islam /

: This book examines the modern Arab rediscovery of the Muʿtazila through a critical assessment of the concept of \'Neo-Muʿtazilism\' and by concentrating on the various intentions and contexts of the use of Muʿtazilite ideas. The main part of the book analyzes five ways of understanding Mu'tazilite ideas - liberal, historic-materialist, political-Islamic, literary-exegetical and through comparison with the philosophie des valeurs - as well as one way of dealing with the school historically: the treatment of the miḥna . The book discusses a wide range of authors of whom many, such as Aḥmad Amīn, Ḥusain Murūwa, Ḥasan Ḥanafī, Muḥammad ʿAmāra, Naṣr Abū Zaid und Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Ğābirī, have had an important impact on modern Arab-Islamic thought. By also presenting authors such as Zuhdī Ğārallāh, Chikh Bouamrane, Rašīd al-Ḫayyūn, Amīn Nāyif Ḏiyāb, Samīḥ Duġaim, ʿĀdil al-ʿAwwā und Fahmī Ğadʿān, additional light is shed on a number of lesser known figures.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [524]-544) and index. : 9789047419624 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Nahrungsmittel in der Arabischen Medizin : das Kitāb al-Aġd̲iya wa-l-ašriba des Naǧib ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī /

: Naǧīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandīs (st. 619/1222) Buch der Nahrungsmittel und Getränke ( Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba ) ist ein umfassendes medizinisches Lexikon mit Informationen zu über 500 verschiedenen Nahrungsmitteln, Speisen, Getränken und Duftstoffen. Es kann als letzte große arabische Monografie zur Diätetik im islamischen Osten angesehen werden und stellt vermutlich eines der am weitesten verbreiteten vormodernen arabischen Bücher zum Thema Ernährung dar. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin bietet Juliane Müller eine textkritische Edition des Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba mit deutscher Übersetzung. Anschließend verorten Kapitel zur Textgenese und Rezeption des Werks sowie zu seinen ernährungsmedizinischen Inhalten as-Samarqandīs Nahrungsmittellexikon in seinem Kontext innerhalb der arabischen Medizinliteratur. Najīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī's (d. 619/1222) Book on Foods and Drinks ( Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba ) is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia with information on more than 500 different food items, dishes, drinks and fragrances. It can be considered to be the last major Arabic monograph on dietetics in the Islamic East and it probably rates among the most widespread premodern Arabic books on the subject of nutrition science. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin , Juliane Müller presents a critical edition of the Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba along with a German translation of the text. An extensive contextual study locates the book and its dietetic contents within Arabic medical literature and examines the sources and the reception of as-Samarqandī's food encyclopedia.
: This book is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Freie Universität Berlin in 2015. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004345096 : 0169-8729 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
History of the Arabic Written Tradition Supplement Volume 3 - ii

: The present English translation reproduces the original German of Carl Brockelmann's Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL) as accurately as possible. In the interest of user-friendliness the following emendations have been made in the translation: Personal names are written out in full, except b . for ibn ; Brockelmann's transliteration of Arabic has been adapted to comply with modern standards for English-language publications; modern English equivalents are given for place names, e.g. Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem, et cetera; several erroneous dates have been corrected, and the page references to the two German editions have been retained in the margin, except in the Supplement volumes, where new references to the first two English volumes have been inserted. Supplement volume SIII-ii offers the thee Indices (authors, titles, and Western editors/publishers).
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004384682 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch : eine Studie zu klassisch-arabischen Dialogen /

: Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch ist die erste Monographie über die Verwendung der Dialogform in der arabischen Literatur. Regula Forster untersucht dazu ein umfangreiches Korpus klassisch-arabischer Dialoge ganz unterschiedlichen Inhalts (Religion, Jurisprudenz, Alchemie, Geschichte et cetera) aus der Zeit zwischen dem 8. und der Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts. Sie zeigt auf, dass arabische Dialoge nicht einfach als dialogisierte Abhandlungen zu verstehen sind. Vielmehr erschaffen Dialoge eigene literarische Universen, indem sie Figuren in Zeit und Raum agieren lassen und spezifische Formen der Argumentation und Textstrukturierung verwenden. Durch die spezifische literarische Form des wissensvermittelnden Dialogs wird auch der Inhalt der Texte gelenkt. This is the first book-length study about the usage of the form of literary dialogue in Arabic literature. Regula Forster studies an extensive corpus of Classical Arabic didactic dialogues on very different subjects (religion, jurisprudence, alchemy, history, et cetera) from the 8th to the mid-11th centuries. She shows that Arabic dialogues are by no means dialogised treatises. Rather, they create a literary universe of their own. In this universe, figures are shown to be acting and speaking in time and space. Therefore, the dialogues use specific forms of argumentation and structuring. Through the use of the literary form of dialogue the content of these texts is shaped and the knowledge presented channelled.
: 1 online resource (xi, 532 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 480-509), repertorium of texts, and indexes. : 9789004326729 : 0929-2403 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. jh.) [p.quseirarab. ii] /

: The Quṣayr Documents, one of the few Arabic archives unearthed in situ, shed new light on a lonely 13th-century outpost on the Red Sea shore where Egyptian donkey caravans met with ships coming from the Ḥidjāz and South Arabia. This is the publication of another twenty-five business letters and process slips from al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm. These unspectacular but elucidative documents follow clear rules in phraseology and in layout, as is shown by a multitude of close parallels with Arabic papyri and papers and with Judeo-Arabic Geniza documents. The book includes a short introduction on how online search strategies can be used in dealing with Arabic mass sources. Die Quṣayr-Dokumente, eines der wenigen in situ gefundenen arabischen Archive, werfen ein neues Licht auf einen einsamen Aussenposten an der Küste des Roten Meeres, in dem im 13. Jahrhundert ägyptische Eselskarawanen auf die Schiffe aus dem Ḥiǧāz und Südarabien trafen. Dies ist die Edition von weiteren 25 Geschäftsbriefen und Geleitschreiben aus al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm. Diese unspektakulären Dokumente folgen in Phraseologie und Layout klaren Regeln, wie der Vergleich mit zahlreichen arabischen Papyri und Papieren und mit jüdisch-arabischen Geniza-Dokumenten zeigt. Eine kurze Einleitung führt in den sinnvollen Einsatz von online-Suchstrategien bei arabischen Massenquellen ein. For more titles about Papyrology, please click here .
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004279605 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. jh.) [p.quseirarab. ii] /

: The 'Qusayr Documents', one of the few Arabic archives unearthed in situ, shed new light on a lonely 13th-century outpost on the Red Sea shore where Egyptian donkey caravans met with ships coming from the Hidjaz and South Arabia.0This is the publication of another twenty-five business letters and process slips from al-Qusayr al-Qadim. These unspectacular but elucidative documents follow clear rules in phraseology and in layout, as is shown by a multitude of close parallels with Arabic papyri and papers and with Judeo-Arabic Geniza-documents. The book includes a short introduction on how online-search strategies can be used in dealing with Arabic mass sources.00Die 'Qusayr-Dokumente', eines der wenigen in situ gefundenen arabischen Archive, werfen ein neues Licht auf einen einsamen Aussenposten an der Küste des Roten Meeres, in dem im 13. Jahrhundert ägyptische Eselskarawanen auf die Schiffe aus dem Hidjaz und Südarabien trafen.
: vii, 208 pages : facsimiles ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 177-189) and index. : 9789004277533

Published 2013
Al-Ḥîra : eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext /

: In al-Ḥīra: Eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext , Isabel Toral-Niehoff draws a vivid portrait of this Late Antique Arab metropolis, located on the frontier between Byzantium and Sasanian Iran. Based on new archaeological and textual evidence, this study documents al-Ḥīra's historical impact far beyond its well-known role in literary history and describes its creation of a distinctly Arabic urban cultural symbiosis that drew on neighboring civilizations. Al-Ḥīra's multicultural synthesis is shown to be a direct precursor to the emerging city of Kufa, its Islamic successor, and Islamic city culture at large. In al-Ḥīra. Eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext zeichnet Isabel Toral-Niehoff ein lebendiges Porträt dieser spätantiken arabischen Stadt im Grenzraum zwischen Byzanz und dem sassanidischen Iran. Auf der Grundlage von teilweise neuen Zeugnissen zeigt diese Studie, dass die historische Bedeutung von al-Ḥīra weit über deren bekannte Rolle in der Literaturgeschichte hinausgeht. Sie richtet ihren Blick insbesondere auf die dort entwickelte multikulturelle Symbiose, welche die Grundlage einer spezifisch arabischen urbanen Kultur bildete, die durch den Kontakt mit den angrenzenden Zivilisationen bereichert wurde. Die Autorin zeigt, dass diese Synthese ein direkter Vorläufer der frühislamischen Kultur war, die später in Kūfa, al-Ḥīra's islamische Nachfolgestadt, entstand. Diese prägte zutiefst das klassische Modell der islamischen urbanen Gesellschaft.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004260245

Published 2021
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond : Volume I: Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica /

: From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber's scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. The collection contains published (since 1967) and unpublished works in English, German, Arabic, Persian and Turkish, including editions of Arabic and Syriac texts. The publication mirrors the intercultural character of Islamic thought and sheds new light on many aspects ranging from the Greek pre-Socratics to the Malaysian philosopher Naquib al-Attas. A main concern is the interpretation of texts in print or in manuscripts, culminating in two catalogues (Vol. V and VI), which contain descriptions of newly discovered, mainly Arabic, manuscripts in all fields. Vol. I: Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica . Vol. II: Islamic Philosophy . Vol. III: From God's Wisdom to Science : A. Islamic Theology and Sufism ; B. History of Science . Vol. IV: Islam, Europe and Beyond: A. Islam and Middle Ages ; B. Manuscripts - a Basis of Knowledge and Science ; C. History of the Discipline ; D. Obituaries ; E. Indexes . Vol. V: Unknown Arabic Manuscripts from Eight Centuries - Including one Hebrew and Two Ethiopian Manuscripts: Daiber Collection III . Vol. VI: Arabic, Syriac, Persian and Latin Manuscripts on Philosophy, Theology, Science and Literature. Films and Offprints: Daiber Collection IV .
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004441774

Published 2007
The libraries of the Neoplatonists : proceedings of the meeting of the European Science Foundation Network "Late antiquity and Arabic thought : patterns in the constitution of European culture", held...

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047419471 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
Books and written culture of the Islamic world studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion of his 75th birthday : Islamicae litterae scripta Claudio Gilliot septuagesimum q...

: In celebration of the many contributions of Claude Gilliot to Islamic studies, an international group of twenty-one friends and colleagues join together to explore books and written culture in the Muslim world. Divided into three sections - authors, genres and traditions - the essays explore themes that have been of central interest and concern to Gilliot himself including the Qurʾān, tafsīr, ḥadīth, poetry, and mysticism. Gilliot's detailed and extensive work on many authors and texts, literary genres, and specific case-studies on many Muslim traditions renders this volume an apt tribute to him as well as offering Islamic studies' scholars valuable research insights on these subjects. The authors of these English, French and German essays are all renowned scholars from Europe and North America, each of whom have benefitted substantially from Gilliot's work and collegiality. With contributions by: Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Mehdi Azaiez, Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau, Abdallah Cheikh-Moussa, Jean-Louis Déclais, Denis Gril, Manfred Kropp, Pierre Larcher, Michael Lecker, Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Harald Motzki, Tilman Nagel, Angelika Neuwirth, Emilio Platti, Jan van Reeth, Andrew Rippin, Uri Rubin, Walid Saleh, Roberto Tottoli, Reinhard Weipert, Francesco Zappa
: 1 online resource (xxiii, 398 pages) : color map. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004283756 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam : eine Festschrift fur Reinhard Schulze zum 65. Geburtstag /

: This Festschrift brings together a range of scholars who congratulate Reinhard Schulze on the occasion of his 65th birthday, by shedding light and reflecting on the relation between Islam and modernity. Scholars from the fields of Islamic studies, religious studies, sociology and Arabic literature connect in various ways to Reinhard Schulze's work to constructively criticize a Eurocentric understanding of modernity. The more specific aspects dealt with under the overarching topic of Islam and modernity make for the four thematic sections of this volume: the study of religion, Islam, and Islamic studies; Islamic knowledge cultures and normativity; language and literature as media of modernity; Islam and Islamic studies in the public sphere. Die Beitragenden zu dieser Festschrift gratulieren Reinhard Schulze zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, indem sie mit der Beziehung zwischen Islam und Moderne ein Lebensthema des Jubilars beleuchten. Vertretende der Islamwissenschaft, Religionswissenschaft, Soziologie und der arabischen Literaturwissenschaft beziehen sich in verschiedener Hinsicht auf Reinhard Schulzes Werk, um ein eurozentrisches Verständnis von Moderne konstruktiv zu kritisieren. Die unter dem Oberthema Islam und Moderne näher behandelten Aspekte sind aus den vier thematischen Sektionen des Bandes ersichtlich: Islam(wissenschaft), Religion und der Eigensinn der Moderne; islamische Wissenskulturen und Normativität; Sprache und Literatur als Medien der Moderne; Islam(wissenschaft) in der Öffentlichkeit. Contributors are: Mona Abaza, Hüseyin Ağuiçenoğlu, Aziz al-Azmeh, Katajun Amirpur, Monica Corrado, Ahmad Dallal, Peter Dové, Susanne Enderwitz, Anne Grüne, Stephan Guth, Kai Hafez, Albrecht Hofheinz, Michael Kemper, Hans G. Kippenberg, Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, Felix Konrad, Gudrun Krämer, Volkhard Krech, Anke von Kügelgen, Jamal Malik, Jürgen Paul, Frank Peter, Stefan Reichmuth, Armando Salvatore, Johannes Stephan, Anna Trechsel, Yves Wegelin, Florian Zemmin.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004364042 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.