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María de la Paz Román Díaz

Professor of Prehistory, University of Almería (UAL)

María de la Paz Román Díaz is Full Professor in the area of Prehistory since 2016 at the University of Almería (Spain) and Coordinator of the Master’s in Advanced Studies in History: the Western Mediterranean World, since 2020. Her lines of research focus on early agricultural-livestock societies, sedentarization processes, territory occupation, resources and paleoenvironmental studies. She has participated in several research projects since those carried out in the Alto Almanzora and is currently participating in the R+D+i AQUIVERGIA project as a research member.


Prehistoria y Antigüedad en el Alto Valle del Río Almanzora (Almería, España)

María de la Paz Román Díaz

This book presents the study of a natural region, the Alto Almanzora, in the north of the province of Almería (Spain), in which 6 campaigns of systematic archaeological prospection were carried out. The study considers the societies that occupied the territory for more than 4000 years until the end of the Roman occupation. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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