Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection

Imprint: Potingair Press

Potingair Press was first launched in 2011 by a small group of practicing archaeologists working in Scotland and the Eastern Mediterranean. Its aim is to disseminate to the public-at-large, in an easy and informative way, the results of current multi-disciplinary research in archaeology, history, the environment and the physical and earth sciences.

The logo of Potingair Press is Master Brun (or Brown), a potingair (or apothecary in Scots), a historical person who lived and practiced in Stirling, Scotland, in the late 15th century. His image, clutching his alembic and looking around him inquisitively, comes from a manuscript dated to the 17th century. Little is known of him outside his practice, but in our view, Master Brun epitomises our curiosity to observe, record, understand and disseminate the benefits received.

In 2011 Potingair launched its first series, Early Materials and Practices. The aim of the series is to revive cultural landscapes where there is little to see today but where there is considerable historical and archaeological evidence for particular 'industrial' events having taken place in the past. These usually fragile landscapes are often places of extraordinary beauty and there are lessons to be learnt regarding their relevance to the present and the urgent need for their preservation. The books are in full colour and contain detailed maps in a clear and informative style. Potingair is also launching two new series: Archaeology, Ritual and the Landscape and Artists and their Materials.

Potingair accepts manuscripts from academics or independent researchers who would like to make their work known to a larger audience. All books are peer reviewed. If you have a manuscript that you would like to submit to Potingair please click Directions to Contributors.

Archaeopress has been acting as Potingair Press' international distributor (excluding North America) since January 2016.

Sweet Waste: Medieval sugar production in the Mediterranean viewed from the 2002 excavations at Tawahin es-Sukkar, Safi, Jordan

Richard E. Jones

This book reports on the excavation of a medieval sugar refinery, Tawahin es-Sukkar near Safi, situated south of the Dead Sea in Jordan. There it was possible to explore many of the steps in the sugar-making process. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Rhesus' Gold, Heracles' Iron: the archaeology of metals mining and exploitation in NE Greece

Nerantzis X. Nerantzis

East Macedonia in northern Greece has rich deposits of gold and silver as well as copper and iron ores. The gold and silver were important to Classical Athens and even more so in Hellenistic times. This book looks at the archaeological and archaeometallurgical evidence for the mining and processing of the ores and the extraction of the metal. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00

Eros, mercator and the cultural landscape of Melos in antiquity

Effie Photos-Jones et al.

This book is about the archaeology of the minerals industries of Melos (in the Cyclades) in antiquity. The localities of their extraction and the type of processing they may have been subject to have been reconstructed on the basis of archaeological evidence. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Lemnian Earth and the earths of the Aegean

Effie Photos-Jones et al.

The earths of the Aegean were used daily by people as medicines, pigments, fumigants, mordants or washing powders. This book investigates whether they can be found today on the islands that gave them their names and whether they still ‘work’. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00