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Survey of Medieval Winchester

Derek Keene

This survey is based on a reconstruction of the histories of the houses, plots, gardens, and fields in the city and suburbs of Winchester between c. 1300 and c. 1540. The reconstruction presents a gazetteer of 1,128 histories of properties, with accounts of 56 parish churches and the international fair of St Giles, all illustrated by detailed maps. READ MORE

Hardback: £210.00

The Cult of St Swithun

Michael Lapidge

Following the translation of his relics from a conspicuous tomb into the Old Minster, Winchester, the massive rebuilding of the cathedral, and a vigorous publicity campaign by Bishop Aethelwold (963-84), St Swithun became one of the most popular and important English saints, whose cult was widespread in England, Ireland, Scandinavia, and France. READ MORE

Hardback: £115.00

Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester

Alexander R. Rumble

Winchester in the Anglo-Saxon and early Norman periods was an important royal and religious centre. This volume comprises an edition and translation, with extensive commentary, of thirty-three Anglo-Saxon and Norman documents relating to the topography and minsters of early medieval Winchester. READ MORE

Hardback: £58.00

The People of Early Winchester

ed. Caroline M. Stuckert

This volume traces the lives, health, and diseases of Winchester's inhabitants as seen in their skeletal remains from the mid-3rd to mid-16th century, a period of over 1,300 years. It offers a continuous chronological window, rather than a series of isolated studies, and is notable for the large sample of 8th-10th century Anglo-Saxon burials. READ MORE

Hardback: £80.00

Calaforno 1: L’Ipogeo e il territorio

ed. Pietro Militello

The Hypogeum of Calaforno is one of the most intriguing structures of prehistoric Sicily, an underground sequence of 35 chambers preceded by a vestibule and a megalithic entrance, built in the Late Copper Age. The book presents the results of the investigations inside the hypogeum between 2013-2017. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00

Winchester in the Early Middle Ages

ed. Martin Biddle

This volume provides a full edition, translation, and analyses of the Winton Domesday and of the city depicted therein, drawing on the evidence derived from archaeological excavation and historical research in the city since 1961, on personal- and place-name evidence, and on contemporary advances in Anglo-Saxon numismatics. READ MORE

Hardback: £96.00

Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester

Martin Biddle

Over 6000 objects were recovered during the Winchester excavations (1961-1971), offering insight not only into the industries and arts, but the economic, cultural, and social life of medieval Winchester. This volume covers all the objects from the finest products of the Anglo-Saxon goldsmith’s skill to the iron tenter-hooks of the cloth industry. READ MORE

Hardback: £195.00

Ausgewählte kleine Schriften zur römischen Antike (1974–2024)

Günther E. Thüry

A selection of fifty papers produced over the course of fifty years, supplemented here with epilogues considering developments in the field since first publication. They cover a wide range of topics in antiquity; Roman provincial archaeology; classical philology; epigraphy; numismatics; archaeobiology; history of medicine; and history of sexuality. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00

Plain of Plenty: Farming Practices, Food Production, and the Agricultural Potential of the Late Bronze Age (1600–1200 BCE) Argive Plain, Greece

Riia Elina Timonen

The Argive Plain was central to Late Bronze Age Mycenaean culture. Renowned for its settlements and treasures, less is known about its agricultural sustainability. This study examines Mycenaean farming in the Argive Plain and its societal implications, investigating if resource depletion contributed to the Bronze Age collapse. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00

Magia y brujería en el Mundo Antiguo

ed. José Javier Martínez García et al.

12 papers analyse magic and witchcraft in their different aspects and forms in the ancient world from an international and multidisciplinary perspective. Case studies come from Egypt, the Greek and Roman world and from Late Antiquity, and even cover the reception of ancient magic in the modern world. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell’altopiano ibleo. Volume 2

ed. Antonino Cannata et al.

The second Hyblaea highlights interesting new elements on different themes relating to the archaeology and ancient topography of the southern cusp of Sicily, with reference to a broad chronological span that reaches from prehistory to the end of the Iron Age and the first phases of Greek penetration. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture Volume 7 2023

ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.

Volume 7 of JHP, an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00

Adolescente de Jalpan

María Teresa Muñoz Espinosa

This book proposes an interpretation of the iconographic elements and an iconological analysis of the Huastec sculpture of the so-called "Adolescente de Jalpan", which seems to be related to the iconography and iconology associated with the god Quetzalcoatl and his twin brother, Xolotl. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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On the Paths of Prehistory

Dario Calderone

Using various research methods and sources, the author identifies natural pathways in Milena, central-southern Sicily, that were likely used throughout prehistory to reach the coasts from this inland region that continued to be used in more recent historical periods, including the Roman period and the Middle Ages. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00

Multicultural Mankind: An Exploration of Portugal’s Worldwide Archaeological and Cultural Heritage

ed. Marco Valente et al.

How is Portuguese archaeological cultural Heritage reflected today as traces of its colonial expansion through the World? The editors gathered 25 contributors from a wide variety of countries to explore this theme: Brazil, Cape Verde Islands, China, India, Japan, México, Morocco, Namibia, Portugal, Saint Thomas & Prince Islands and Spain. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00

Roman Military Tribunes (First Century BC to Third Century AD): A Historical and Prosopographical Study. Volume I

Ireneusz Łuć

A historical and prosopographical study of the Romans who held the military rank of tribune and served between the 1st century BC and the 3rd century AD, presented across three volumes. This volume (I) presents a catalogue of 285 Romans, divided into Tribuni militum in exercitu and Tribuni militum in praetorio.


Paperback: £45.00

Mirroring Worlds: Rural Domestic Spaces through Multidisciplinarity in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages

ed. Silvia Berrica et al.

This book aims to connect the domestic spaces of rural settlements from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages periods with other rural contexts, such as cemeteries or production areas, which were also part of the living and organisational dynamics of the communities that inhabited them. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00

An Irish Civil War Dugout: Tormore Cave, County Sligo

Marion Dowd et al.

Combining archaeology, local and military histories, community recollections, and landscape studies, this groundbreaking study, the first excavation of a Civil War site in Ireland, facilitates a wider discussion of the role of dugouts in guerrilla warfare and offers a unique view on the Irish revolutionary period at a regional and national scale. READ MORE

Hardback: £38.00

Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 2

ed. Nathalie Kallas

Volume 2 compiles papers presented in three enlightening sessions: Session 3 – Visual and Textual Forms of Communication; Session 7 – The Future of the Past. Archaeologists and Historians in Cultural Heritage Studies; and Session 8 – Produce, Consume, Repeat. History and Archaeology of Ancient Near Eastern Economies. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Archaeological Excavations at Little Paxton Quarry Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire

James Fairclough et al.

Archaeological excavations at Little Paxton Quarry, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire were undertaken by MOLA 2017-2021 reveal evidence of Neolithic pits, a middle Bronze Age cremation cemetery, and more. Permanent occupation took place from the middle Iron Age period, with one settlement continuing into the middle Roman period. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00

How to Read Ancient Texts

Anthony J. Frendo

This book foregrounds the principles of interpretation that scholars employ when reading ancient inscriptions. In order to better come to grips with Canaanite, such as Phoenician, inscriptions, we need to first understand how people wrote and read texts in the ancient Mediterranean world, including that of the Greeks and Romans. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontier in Georgia

Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski et al.

An accessible summary of the history of the Roman Frontier in Georgia, placed into its wider context by a supporting essay from David Breeze looking at the whole Roman Frontier as an interconnected world heritage site. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Spring Archaeology: Atti del Convegno, Siena 27-29 ottobre 2022

ed. Andrea Bellotti et al.

Spring Archaeology provides young researchers and professionals working in Italy with an opportunity to showcase their work. The presentations and posters focus on the application of new technologies in archaeology, the study of material culture, public archaeology projects, advances in research, and considerations on methodological issues. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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There and Back Again: Afro-Eurasian Exchange in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Periods

ed. Marie Nicole Pareja et al.

This book evaluates the evidence for indirect connections between the Aegean and the Indus extending back to the third and fourth millennia BCE, particularly commodities such as tin and lapis lazuli, and discusses recently discovered objects, new methods of materials analysis techniques and topics, as well as iconographic investigation. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00

Coming of Age: Ethics and Biological Anthropology in the 21st Century

ed. Vanessa Campanacho et al.

A collection of papers from AnthroEthics 2021 consider ethical issues related to biological anthropology. It combines views from people working in various countries and continents, allowing for a worldview on ethical discussions within biological anthropology. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2024

David J. Breeze et al.

This volume celebrates the twenty-sixth Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. It presents the history of the congress accompanied by photographs and reminiscences from participants, a story populated by many of the well-known archaeologists of the last 75 years and, indeed, earlier as the genesis of the Congress lies in the inter-War years. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Current Research in Egyptology 2023

ed. L. Dogaer et al.

Collecting 22 selected papers from the twenty-third Current Research in Egyptology conference, topics include language and literature, archaeology and material culture, society and religion, archival research, intercultural relations, reports on archaeological excavations and methodological issues, regarding all periods of Ancient Egypt. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Thermalism in the Roman Provinces

ed. Silvia González Soutelo

This book is focused on the role of thermal establishments with mineral-medicinal waters in the different territories of the Roman Empire, including their symbiosis with the landscape as well as the ways in which their construction was adapted to give greater comfort to those who came to take advantage of their health-giving properties. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume III

John Vincent Bellezza

Focusing on the Eastern half of Stod, this is the third in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying an unprecedented view of the long-term development of culture and religion on a large swathe of the Tibetan Plateau. READ MORE

Paperback: £160.00 | Open Access

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Exploring the Antonine Wall with Terrestrial Remote Sensing

William S. Hanson et al.

This book has three main aims: to make more widely available the data from the numerous geophysical surveys that have been undertaken at sites on the Antonine Wall over the last 20 years; to re-analyse this data and provide more focused interpretations; and to offer some wider archaeological and geophysical conclusions. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry

ed. Eleni Filippaki

Proceedings of the 7th Symposium Hellenic Society for Archaeometry includes a selection of contributions, covering a wide range of fields in archaeological science, such as provenance and technology of archaeomaterials, geo- and bio-archaeology, dating and landscape studies, as well as papers illuminating the origins of archaeometry in Greece. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Open Access

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Harbours of Byzantium

ed. Alkiviadis Ginalis

Beyond general approaches to the study of Byzantine harbour archaeology, contributions in this volume offer a representative picture of harbour activities across the historical and geographical boundaries of the Byzantine Empire, providing the basis for future comparative research on a local, regional, and supra-regional level. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Pots, Pans, and People: Material Culture and Nature in Mesoamerican Ceramics

Eduardo Williams

This book explores material culture and human adaptations to nature over time, with a focus on ceramics. The author also explores the role of ethnoarchaeology and ethnohistory as key elements of a broad research strategy that seeks to understand human interaction with nature over time. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Prehistoria y Antigüedad en el Alto Valle del Río Almanzora (Almería, España)

Catalina Martínez Padilla et al.

This book presents the study of a natural region, the Alto Almanzora, in the north of the province of Almería (Spain), in which 6 campaigns of systematic archaeological prospection were carried out. The study considers the societies that occupied the territory for more than 4000 years until the end of the Roman occupation. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Modelling the Logistics of Mantzikert

Philip Murgatroyd et al.

The Battle of Mantzikert had profound consequences for both Byzantine and Turkish history, yet the historical sources for this campaign contain significant gaps. This book presents the results of a project that seeks to demonstrate the important role computer simulation can play in the analysis of pre-modern military logistics. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Treasures of the Gupta Empire

Sanjeev Kumar

A reference for history enthusiasts, scholars and collectors alike, this book offers a comprehensive guide to Gupta Dynasty numismatics. The 2nd edition sees all known Gupta coin issues documented, with updated classifications and notes on their rarity. A revised chronology is presented, using data from coins, inscriptions, seals and copper plates. READ MORE

Hardback: £120.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Economy of the Later Roman Province of Third Palestine

Walter D. Ward

This book provides a comprehensive examination of the evidence for the economy of the later Roman province of Third Palestine, which roughly corresponds to southern Jordan, the Negev desert in Israel, and the Sinai Peninsula. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Lower Danube Limes in Bulgaria

Piotr Dyczek et al.

The inextricability of the connection between the Roman limes and the lands it ran through is easily observed and perfectly illustrated in Bulgaria. For a considerable distance it follows the Danube; both a major natural obstacle and at the same time a convenient communication route, it was easily defendable and facilitated control of trade routes. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Landmarks of Identity: Bronze Age Towers of the Oman Peninsula

Stephanie Döpper

In the Early Bronze Age, monumental stone and mud-brick structures known as towers appeared in Oman. This book aims to update the long-standing discussions on these towers and to assess their chronological depth of more than a millennium. The book also reassesses their possible functions in the light of recent archaeological research. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

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Las domus de Bulla Regia (Túnez): arquitectura y decoración musiva

Raquel Rubio González

This book is a study of the architecture and decoration of the mosaic floors of the Roman private spaces of Bulla Regia, located in the northwest of Tunisia. The book is divided into six chapters which offer a complete overview of both the city in general and the domestic architecture and mosaic decoration of each of the domus. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Tales of Two Cities: Settlement and Suburb in Old Sarum and Salisbury

ed. Hadrian Cook et al.

Telling the story of Old Sarum and Salisbury, from the mid-10th century to the start of the 20th, this book brings together the most up-to-date thinking on the archaeological evidence, and, through analysis of the rich documentary record, provides a fresh take on the story of this most illustrious cathedral city in the heart of southern England. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Archaeological Mitigation at Magna Park, Lutterworth, Leicestershire

Stephen Morris

MOLA carried out a programme of archaeological investigations at Magna Park, Lutterworth, Leicestershire (June 2020-March 2021). This work included the recovery of 30 middle Bronze Age cremations at one location, the second largest cemetery of this period yet found in the county. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Art of Ancient India and the Aegean

A.S. Bhalla

This book examines similarities and differences between art in ancient Indian (Indus) civilizations and that of the Aegean civilizations. The comparison raises questions about possible cross-cultural influences, which became more significant following Alexander’s invasion and the subsequent adaptation of Indian art under the Indo-Greek kingdoms. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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‘a hole worlde of things very memorable’

ed. Martin Henig et al.

Julian Munby has gained a reputation over half a century in many branches of archaeological and historical knowledge. His lively and warm character and sense of fun has made him many friends who also in some sense feel they are his pupils, and this collection of papers has been assembled as a tribute in honour of his 70th birthday. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Dinámicas históricas, religiosas e iconográficas en el norte de África

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

A varied collection of scientific works on cultural phenomena and historical issues concerning North Africa as a whole, with special interest in Africa Proconsularis, this book contains diverse themes and methodologies that are indicative of the multidisciplinary orientation that brought together the Spanish-Tunisian collaborators. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Anthropomorphism, Anthropogenesis, Cognition

ed. Dragoş Gheorghiu et al.

Anthropomorphism could be described as a production of analogies generated by human cognition. It is present in the imaginary, mythologies, religions, and material culture of all ages. This book approaches anthropomorphism from the moment of anthropogenesis, tracing its presence in nature and material culture in prehistory and Antiquity. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 53 2024

ed. Matthew Johnson et al.

The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the longest continually running academic forum for the presentation of cultural heritage research on the Arabian Peninsula. Subjects include archaeology, epigraphy, history, ethnography, art, architecture, linguistics, and literature from prehistory to the early twentieth century. READ MORE

Paperback: £69.00 | eBook: £16.00

The British in the Adriatic, 1800-1825

Malcolm Scott Hardy

Three detailed studies consider British naval and military, diplomatic and commercial activity in the eastern Adriatic during the Napoleonic wars, drawing on original research in various British archives. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00

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Ideas and Images: A Historical Interpretation of Eastern Vindhyan Rock Art, India

Ajay Pratap

This book argues that the development of symbols and signs informing scripts, mainly the idea of coding thoughts through symbols and images, has always been uniquely ‘historical.’ Rock art abuts and occupies long periods of time in which the translation of indigenous thoughts was perfected through numerous mnemonic practices. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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St Albans Abbey: The Excavation of the Chapter House 1978

ed. Martin Biddle et al.

Excavations at the site of the medieval chapter house of St Albans Abbey in 1978 uncovered fragments of decorated floor tiles of the Anglo-Saxon abbey and associated burials, along with the magnificent floor of relief-decorated tiles of the medieval chapter house, and the graves of 16 known figures of the late 11th-to 15th-century abbey. READ MORE

Hardback: £110.00 | Open Access

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A Map of the Body, a Map of the Mind: Visualising Geographical Knowledge in the Roman World

Iain Ferris

This study considers the relationship between geography and power in the Roman world, most particularly the visualisation of geographical knowledge in myriad forms of geography products: geographical treatises, histories, poems, personifications, landscape representations, images of barbarian peoples, maps, itineraries, and imported foodstuffs. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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From Safin to Roman: Cultural Change and Hybridization in Central Adriatic Italy

Oliva Menozzi

The Central Adriatic Apennines (roughly modern Abruzzo) was occupied in antiquity by Italic populations variously termed ‘Sabelli’, ‘Sabellics’ or ‘Sabellians’. The region in general has received little scholarly attention internationally compared with Tyrrhenian Italy, although the last three decades have been very rich in excavations and finds. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Roman Imperial Artillery

Alan Wilkins

Fully revised and expanded for a new Third Edition, this book traces the Greek origins of torsion catapults, describes the machines used from the time of Sulla and Caesar, the Roman improvements in their design and power, and their importance in the defence of the Roman Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00

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Double-Sided Antler and Bone Combs in Late Roman Britain

Nina Crummy et al.

This is the first detailed study and catalogue of a comb type that represents a new technology introduced into Britain towards the end of the 4th century AD and a major signifier of the late fourth- to fifth-century transition. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese

Eleni Marantou

This book traces the origins of the religious system of the Peloponnese to identify the factors behind its subsequent development from the Geometric to the Classical period. Through a presentation of cult places, the deities worshipped, and the epithets used, the book explores preferences for particular deities and the reasons for this. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Cave Art

Paul Bahn

For speleologists and holidaymakers alike, here is an essential handbook. The first guide to all the decorated Ice Age caves in Europe that are open to the public, fully revised and updated for a third edition, this book covers more than 50 caves in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, as well as relevant museums and centres. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £9.99

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Las islas Baleares durante la Antigüedad Tardía (siglos III-X)

ed. Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros

This volume brings together different contributions on the history and archaeology of the Balearic Islands during Late Antiquity. Together, these contributions provide an overview of the period between the 3rd and 10th centuries AD, traditionally considered to be one of the least known periods in the history of the islands. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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La nécropole aux amants petrifies. Ruines mégalithiques de Wanar (Région de Kaffrine, Sénégal)

ed. Luc Laporte et al.

This collective work reports on the studies and archaeological work carried out at the megalithic ruined necropolis of Wanar, Senegal, between 2008 and 2017 (classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006). The study is an important milestone in the advancement of our knowledge of protohistoric societies and megalith builders in West Africa. READ MORE

Paperback: £180.00 | Open Access

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Reconstructing the Development of Somerset’s Early Medieval Church

Carole Lomas

This book uses Somerset as a case study to contribute to a broader understanding of how the Church developed across the British Isles during the transition from the post-Roman Church to the 11th century. It collates and cross-references all earlier research and offers the most up-to-date study of Somerset’s post-Roman churches. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene

Luca Cherstich

This book analyzes ancient tombs in Eastern Libya, from the Archaic phase to Late Roman times. Despite plundering, these ornate structures reveal funerary competition, spatial organization, and lost rituals. The book reconstructs the social history of ancient Cyreneans through their ostentatious funerary culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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La industria ósea en la Hispania romana

F. Germán Rodríguez-Martín

This book considers the work of the bone industry in a specific province of the Roman Empire. Through this work we obtain a global and general vision of this industry in a wide territory, Hispania. It shows the peculiarities found in each territory, as well as the local and regional influences and connections, and with the rest of the Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Apotropaia and Phylakteria: Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece

ed. Maria G. Spathi et al.

The belief in the existence of evil forces was part of ancient everyday life and a phenomenon deeply embedded in popular thought of the Greek world. Stemming from a conference held in Athens in June 2021, this volume addresses the apotropaia and phylakteria from different perspectives: via literary sources, archaeological material, and iconography. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

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Ajanta’s Evolution: From Sāvakayāna to Bodhisatvayāna amid Hunnic Turmoil

Rajesh Kumar Singh

This book offers a new scholarly exploration of the rock-cut Ajanta Caves located in the modern-day Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India, their sculpture and paintings. The book meticulously traces the rise, transformation, and legacy of these architectural marvels from the late third century BC to around AD 480. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Penser l’espace en Mésopotamie : contributions à la compréhension spatiale à travers les aménagements

ed. Laura Battini

Research into furniture has been neglected by archaeologists. Fixed installations lack clear definitions and are often subjectively identified. These studies pay tribute to the late Jean-Claude Margueron, and consider furniture by exploring spatial perception, functionality, and architectural complexities.


Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeology and Geology of Ancient Egyptian Stones

James A. Harrell

This book seeks to identify and describe all the rocks and minerals employed by the ancient Egyptians using proper geological nomenclature, and to give an account of their sources in so far as they are known. The various uses of the stones are described, as well as the technologies employed to extract, transport, carve, and thermally treat them. READ MORE

Paperback: £125.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Hunting and Fishing in the Neolithic and Eneolithic

ed. Selena Vitezovic et al.

This volume contains 13 papers on hunting and fishing techniques, weapons and prey in the area from Anatolia to the Gibraltar region. Papers include specific case studies as well as syntheses of wider data sets and provide the latest methodological and theoretical perspectives on the role of hunting and fishing in early agricultural societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £49.00 | Open Access

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Džarkutan Nekropole 4A

Boriboi Abdullaev et al.

A catalogue of a Late Bronze Age necropolis in Southern Uzbekistan, containing 719 burials from the 20th-16th c. BC of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex – Central Asia’s largest scientifically studied prehistoric necropolis after Gonur. The catalogue includes burial descriptions and inventories, with ceramic drawings and photographs. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Open Access

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Disease and Healing in the Indus Civilisation

Robert Arnott

This book provides insights into health, disease, and healing in the Indus Civilisation during the third to early second millennia BCE. Based on original research, it examines skeletal remains, material culture, and environmental factors. The book sheds light on diseases, healing practices, and public health in this ancient civilization. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Dirt, Dwellings and Culture: Living Conditions in Early Medieval Dublin

Eileen Reilly

This book explores the living conditions and environments as experienced by early medieval people in Ireland, touching upon a wide range of environmental, architectural, artefactual and historical datasets from significant archaeological excavations of settlement sites across Ireland and Northern Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Open Access

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Archæographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio – X

Fotis Ifantidis

Archæographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio – X treats the initial Archæographies (2013) as an archaeological artifact, encircling the experimental project of depicting the excavation of the lakeside neolithic settlement of Dispilio.


Open Access

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Satellite and Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Ṭūr ’Abdīn, Turkey

Kenneth Silver et al.

Presents results from the Finnish-Swedish Archaeological Project in Mesopotamia (FSAPM) pilot study of Tūr Abdin, Turkey. Aiming to record and document sites in this endangered area to save its cultural heritage, the sites consist of fortified remains in an ancient border zone between the Graeco-Roman/Byzantine world and Parthia/Persia. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Le Banquet cérémoniel entre archéologie et ethnologie

ed. Matthieu Michler et al.

While the practice of the banquet or ceremonial feast has been recognized in many societies around the world, living, ancient or extinct, it had not yet been the subject of a large-scale synthesis. This book offers an interdisciplinary study of the festive banquet in relation to the cosmogonies and social practices of the social spaces concerned. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Open Access

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Wessex: A Landscape History

Hadrian Cook

Wessex is famous for its coasts, heaths, woodlands, chalk downland, limestone hills and gorges, settlements and farmed vales. This book provides an account of the physical form, development and operation of its landscape as it was shaped by our ancestors. Major themes include the development of agriculture, settlements, industry and transport. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Blue/Green Glass Bottles from Roman Britain

H.E.M. Cool

Square bottles came into use in the AD 60s and rapidly became the commonest glass vessel form in the empire. For the next two centuries their fragments dominate all glass assemblages. This book presents a classification scheme for the moulded base patterns which allows their chronological development to be reconstructed. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Hadrian's Wall in our Time

ed. David J. Breeze et al.

The cutting down of the tree in Sycamore Gap on Hadrian's Wall caused widespread shock. In a positive response to this sad event, David Breeze invited 80 friends and colleagues to offer personal reflections on their favourite view of the Wall, presented here in a visual celebration with photographs and specially commissioned line drawings. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99

Living in the Ice Age

Elle Clifford et al.

This colourful book, aimed at younger readers, takes you on a highly illustrated journey through daily life in Ice Age Europe, and tells you the things you’d need to know to survive! Explore the types of houses, food, clothes and toys people created, and their relationship with the natural environment - would have liked to live back then? READ MORE

Paperback: £14.99 | eBook: £7.99

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Neolithic Pits, Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Pit Alignments and Iron Age to Roman Settlements at Wollaston Quarry, Northamptonshire

Rob Atkins et al.

Between 1990 and 1998, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertook a series of archaeological excavations within Wollaston Quarry covering an area of 116ha. Eight excavation areas and a watching brief were undertaken revealing evidence of Neolithic pits, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignments and Iron Age to Roman settlements. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

Water and the Law: Water Management in the Statutory Legislation of Later Communal Italy

Francesco Salvestrini

Investigating water resource law in the statutory legislation codified by commune, oligarchic and seigneurial governments in Northern and Central Italy from the 13th-14th centuries, this book explores the relationship between water management norms and the local environment, and the protection of inhabited areas from the danger of flooding. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Archaeology of Body and Thought

Tomasz Gralak

This study explores what we as people can do with our bodies, what we can use them for, and how we can alter and understand them. With analysis based on artefacts found in graves, anthropomorphic images, and written sources, it considers the ways in which human groups from the Neolithic to the Migration Period have perceived and treated the body. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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From Wilderness to Paradise: A Sixth-Century Mosaic Pavement at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya

Jane Chick

An in-depth study of the large mosaic pavement in the East Church at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya. Consisting of fifty panels, each panel with a different image, it has frequently been dismissed as random with no overarching scheme. This book argues that the remarkably rich and complex mosaic should be understood as a coherent whole. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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The 2018 Archaeological Survey at Tawi Said, Sultanate of Oman

Stephanie Döpper et al.

The 2018 archaeological survey at Tawi Said, located on the edge of the Sharqiyah desert in the Sultanate of Oman, yielded close to 8,600 artifacts, the majority being pottery sherds. Two significant phases are attested by the survey's finds: the Wadi Suq period (2000-1600 BCE) and the Late Islamic period (1650-1970 CE). READ MORE

Hardback: £55.00 | Open Access

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City of Culture 2600 BC: Early Mesopotamian History and Archaeology at Abu Salabikh

John Nicholas Postgate

This book presents the city beneath the surface of Abu Salabikh, southern Iraq. The archaeology and the textual data combine to reveal its architecture, agricultural and industrial enterprises, and social structure. Integrated with our wider knowledge of south Mesopotamia at this time it creates a vivid image of city life in 2600 BC. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Advances in UAE Archaeology


New excavations conducted across the United Arab Emirates over the last few years are presented here, revealing a wealth of new data on all periods of UAE archaeology from the Palaeolithic to the recent past. Some of these discoveries fill important gaps in our knowledge, while others have fundamentally revised what we thought we knew already. READ MORE

Hardback: £58.00 | Open Access

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Landscapes of Death: Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman Peninsula

Kimberly D. Williams

This book provides a comprehensive and detailed review of the evidence for Early Bronze Age mortuary rituals on the Oman Peninsula, describing the research conducted, synthesizing the resulting data, and presenting a complete view of the state of knowledge on the topic. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | Open Access

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The Adventure of the Second Wife

Andrew Finkel

Strange that the last great Ottoman Sultan would have Sherlock Holmes stories read to him before going to sleep. Stranger still, his addiction helped change the course of history. A clue to these goings-on lay in Conan Doyle’s dying words that the one adventure that still intrigued him was ‘The Second Wife’. For no such story exists… Or does it? READ MORE

Hardback: £20.00

Exeter: A Roman Legionary Fortress and Civitas Capital

John Pamment Salvatore

This accessible summary of the archaeological evidence from Roman Exeter reveals its origins as a legionary fortress garrisoned by the Second Augustan Legion. After the legion departed to Wales, Exeter became a Roman regional capital and continued to flourish on the very western edge of the Empire before its ultimate demise in the late 4th century. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00

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South Asian Goddesses and the Natural Environment

ed. Marika Vicziany et al.

This multidisciplinary collection presents 11 essays ranging from the pre-Vedic to the modern era and incorporating research on Hindu, Buddhist and tribal cultures. Authors ask whether the worship of goddesses, strongly linked to fertility rituals, might have mitigated the ecological decline of South Asia in the pre-British and post-colonial eras. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno medio en las sierras de Tandilia oriental (Argentina)

Juan Pablo Donadei Corada

Research on the hunter-gatherer groups that inhabited the eastern Tandilia mountain range (Argentina) during the mid-Holocene period offers new knowledge on aspects related to lithic technology, raw material management and mobility strategies. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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De l’objet à la société romaine

ed. Touatia Amraoui et al.

This volume brings together some twenty contributions reflecting many of the research themes of Prof. Jean-Claude Béal, to whom these studies are offered. They are mainly centred on Roman Gaul, and more generally on the western Roman provinces, reflecting the geographical areas in which he works. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeological Investigations at South Quay, Hayle

Yvonne Wolframm-Murray et al.

Archaeological work took place on South Quay, Hayle (Cornwall) between 2010-2014. The development of Hayle started in the mid-18th century and it soon became a significant industrial centre. This book extensively uses cartographic, photographic and documentary records to place the archaeological and structural features uncovered into context. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies N°4 – 2024

Ilaria Calini

EMMS 4 provides the first complete presentation of the ceramic vessels from the levels associated with the Neo-Assyrian occupation of Tell Masaïkh, excavated by a French-Syrian archaeological mission between 1996 and 2010. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeology

Tim van Tongeren

This book is the result of a large-scale yet detailed study of early medieval grave furnishings from the Netherlands, aiming at the creation of a comprehensive artefact typology and updated relative chronology for this under-explored period in the Low Countries. READ MORE

Hardback: £100.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Picta Nilotica Romana

Eleonora Voltan

An in-depth analysis of Roman paintings with a Nilotic theme, the study first introduces the classical texts on Egypt and provides an overview of landscape depiction in Roman art. An iconographic-archaeological catalogue of the 74 paintings is presented, followed by an analysis of the archaeological contexts in which these paintings are found. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

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Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici

ed. Federica Carbotti et al.

Papers consider the level of ecological awareness inherent in ancient societies and to identify the possible solutions implemented, trying to answer two questions in particular: what were the choices (political, economic, social) implemented during climatic variations, and how were they perceived by ancient societies? READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

Ab imo pectore: Estudios sobre las emociones en la Antigüedad

ed. Paula Arbeloa Borbón et al.

This volume brings together papers focused on the study of emotions in the Ancient World from various perspectives through an interdisciplinary approach. The aim is to explore the complex network of emotional states (happiness, fear, anger, love...) based on contributions from, mainly, Ancient History, Classical Philology and Archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Rushen Abbey, Isle of Man

Peter Davey

Rushen Abbey was a Cistercian monastery founded in 1134 and suppressed in 1540. It was the most important religious institution on the Isle of Man wielding significant secular power as well as ecclesiastical authority. This book aims to provide a synthesis of all the available evidence for Rushen Abbey under one cover. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Instalaciones y paisajes azucareros atlánticos (siglos XV-XVII)

ed. María del Cristo González Marrero et al.

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, sugar cultivation and processing, a Mediterranean industry throughout the Middle Ages, experienced what we can aptly describe as the first period of its prosperous Atlantic history. This book explores the material dimension of sugar mills and the landscapes of which they are both cause and effect. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Venta Belgarum: Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Winchester

Francis M. Morris et al.

This is a detailed study of the archaeology of Roman Winchester—Venta Belgarum, a major town in the south of the province of Britannia— and its development from the regional (civitas) capital of the Iron Age people, the Belgae, who inhabited much of what is now central and southern Hampshire.


Hardback: £240.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Roman Municipia of Malta and Gozo

George Azzopardi

How did the Maltese and Gozitans fare under Roman occupation? How were they treated by their new masters? And what did they do to appease them? Though based essentially on epigraphical evidence, this study seeks to address the above and other questions through an exercise in which epigraphy and the archaeological record supplement each other. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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An Iron Age Settlement and Roman Complex Farmstead at Brackmills, Northampton

Chris Chinnock

MOLA undertook archaeological excavations at Brackmills, Northampton, investigating part of a large Iron Age settlement and Roman complex farmstead. The remains were very well preserved having, in places, been shielded from later truncaton by colluvial deposits. Earlier remains included a late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignment. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Breaking the dšr.t Vessels

Elena Luise Hertel

‘Breaking the dšr.t-vessels’ was a funerary rite that involved the intentional damaging of a certain type of ceramic vessel. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the rite through a re-evaluation of the primary sources and previous research and to provide the first study devoted entirely to the rite. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Excavations at Redhouse, Adwick Le Street, Doncaster

Tracy Preece

From May 2000 to June 2017, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertook a programme of archaeological excavations and watching briefs at Adwick Le Street, 6.5km to the north-west of Doncaster (South Yorkshire). They revealed evidence for Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman activity. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Gandharan Art and the Classical World: A Short Introduction

Peter Stewart

This book offers an introduction to Gandharan art and the mystery of its relationship with the Graeco-Roman world of the Mediterranean. It presents an accessible explanation of the ancient and modern contexts of Gandharan art, the state of scholarship on the subject, and guidance for further, in-depth study. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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London’s Waterfront and its World, 1666–1800

John Schofield et al.

This volume, covering the period 1666–1800, considers the archaeology of the port of London on a wide scale, from the City down the Thames to Deptford. During this period, with the waterfront at its centre, London became the hub of the new British empire, contributing to the exploitation of people from other lands known as slavery. READ MORE

Hardback: £50.00 | Open Access

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Life along Communication Routes from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages

ed. Ivana Ožanić Roguljić et al.

This volume presents the latest research on Roman roads, not just in terms of their basic infrastructure but also exploring various aspects of life that were connected with it, from the Imperial period to that of decline, acculturation and integration of new identities, within the three Roman provinces of Pannonia, Moesia and Dalmatia. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East

ed. Arnulf Hausleiter

The eleven contributions in this book address the history of contacts and exchanges in the Bronze and Iron Ages within West Asia, extending far beyond the boundaries of the previously defined contact zone of the ‘Ancient Near East’. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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Look at the Coins! Papers in Honour of Joe Cribb on his 75th Birthday

ed. Helen Wang et al.

24 contributions reflect the vast scope of Joe Cribb’s interests including Asian numismatics, museology, poetry and art. Papers are arranged geographically, then chronologically/thematically including studies on coins, charms and silver currencies in or from China; finds from ancient Central Asia and Afghanistan: coins of South Soghd, and far more. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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From Photography to 3D Models and Beyond: Visualizations in Archaeology

Donald H. Sanders

This book explores the history of visual technology and archaeology and outlines how the introduction of interactive 3D computer modelling to the discipline parallels very closely the earlier integration of photography into archaeological fieldwork. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Search for Wellbeing and Health between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

ed. Javier López Rider

This book compiles a series of works on cosmetics and health care, covering different geographical areas of Europe. The studies also focus on different cultures, with some chapters dedicated to the Hebrew sphere, others to the Muslim world, and a larger percentage dealing with Christian society. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Three Forts on the Tay: Excavations at Moncreiffe, Moredun and Abernethy, Perth and Kinross 2014–17

David Strachan et al.

Despite a resurgence in Scottish fort studies, few sites have been investigated, especially at the scale reported in this volume. Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust (with AOC Archaeology Group) excavated three hilltop forts on the Tay estuary to explore their enclosing works and internal buildings, uncovering an impressive assemblage of small finds. READ MORE

Hardback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology

ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze et al.

Several papers focus on Tios (the Acropolis, the lower city and coin finds). Its place in ancient geography/cartography is considered before moving on to the indigenous inhabitants of the surrounding area, the immediate and greater region, then the Turkish Black Sea region, and outwards to the western, northern and eastern shores of the Black Sea. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Gematon: Living and Dying in a Kushite Town on the Nile, Volume I

ed. Derek A. Welsby

The first of a set of three volumes publishing the excavations at the site of Kawa, Northern Dongola Reach, between 1997 and 2018 by the Sudan Archaeological Research Society. Volume I contains a detailed study of the excavations carried out in Areas A, B, C, and F, as well as the temenos gateway, Building Z1 and the Kushite cemetery R18. READ MORE

Hardback: £95.00 | Open Access

Included In Library Collection


Nicholas J. Molinari

Volume VI includes nine papers on Greek coinage and three in the Byzantine, Medieval, and Early Modern section, followed by a catalog of varieties. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £20.00

Gematon: Living and Dying in a Kushite Town on the Nile, Volume III

Isabella Welsby Sjöström

This volume presents the pottery from Sudan Archaeological Research Society excavations at the site of Kawa, Northern Dongola Reach, between 1997 and 2018, fully illustrated with photographs and line drawings. It presents a comprehensive catalogue of the pottery found across the site, focusing on the forms, decoration, marks and fabric. READ MORE

Hardback: £80.00 | Open Access

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Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East No 7 1-2, 2023

ed. Laura Battini

Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £10.00

Compulsion and Control in Ancient Egypt

ed. Alexandre Loktionov

How did the Ancient Egyptians maintain control of their state? Topics include the controlling function of temples and theology, state borders, scribal administration, visual representation, patronage, and the Egyptian language itself, with reference to all periods of Egyptian history, from the Old Kingdom to Coptic times. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

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How Pharaohs Became Media Stars: Ancient Egypt and Popular Culture

ed. Abraham I. Fernández Pichel

New media and its enormous diffusion in the last decades of the 20th century and up to the present has greatly increased and diversified the reception of Egyptian themes and motifs and Egyptian influence in various cultural spheres. This book seeks to provide new evidence of this interdisciplinarity between Egyptology and popular culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Metalworkers and their Tools: Symbolism, Function, and Technology in the Bronze and Iron Ages

ed. Linda Boutoille et al.

12 papers by 22 authors from the “Metools” symposium (Queens University, Belfast, 2016), aim to shine a spotlight on the tools of the metalworker and to follow their evolution from the beginning of the Bronze Age through to the Iron Age, as well as the place held by metalworking and its artisans in the economic and social landscape of the period. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Un insediamento di età romana dimenticato nel tempo

ed. Paolo Visonà

This volume examines archaeological evidence from the environs of Tezze di Arzignano, a village to the south of Trissino (Italy), where the presence of a Roman settlement was reported as early as 1793, and from the wider area of the Agno-Guà River Valley, located to the northwest of Vicenza. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume II

John Vincent Bellezza

Focusing on the central and western parts of the region, this is the second of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying an unprecedented view of the long-term development of culture and religion on a large swathe of the Tibetan Plateau. READ MORE

Paperback: £110.00 | Open Access

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The Winchester Mint and Coins and Related Finds from the Excavations of 1961–71

ed. Martin Biddle et al.

This volume records and illustrates the minting of silver pennies in Winchester between the reigns of Alfred the Great and Henry III. Five and a half thousand survive in museums and collections all over the world. Sought out and photographed (some 3200 coins in 6400 images detailing both sides), they have been minutely catalogued for this volume. READ MORE

Hardback: £115.00 | Open Access

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The Archaeological Survey of Nubia Season 2 (1908-9)

Jenefer Metcalfe

Publication of the first season of the Archaeological Survey of Nubia included an in-depth anatomical study of the cemetery populations, but this was not replicated in future years. This book reconstructs the anatomical studies carried out for the second season, using newly discovered records, archival records and the scant surviving human remains. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Slingers and Sling Bullets in the Roman Civil Wars of the Late Republic, 90-31 BC

Lawrence Keppie

Slingers were an element in the Roman army over many centuries, their activities frequently reported in literary accounts of the Late Republic. Despite an ever-expanding body of ancient evidence, some books on the Roman army scarcely mention slingers. This monograph seeks to redress the balance and draws attention to their role and effectiveness. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | eBook: £16.00

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“In fretta le navi correvano i sentieri pescosi”: Un’ipotesi di ricostruzione delle rotte di collegamento fra area egea e Mediterraneo Orientale (1700 - 1200 a.C.)

Angiolo Querci

From MM III until the end of the LH/LM period, the entire Aegean area was an integral part of a network of trade contacts that included all the major socio-political realities that lined the shores of the eastern Mediterranean basin. This book considers the vessels used and routes taken to enable this network to function. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Offa's Dyke Journal: Volume 5 for 2023

ed. Howard Williams

Volume 5 of Offa's Dyke Journal, a venue for the publication of high-quality research on the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands focusing on the Anglo-Welsh border.


Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

A Tale of Two Collectors: The Lithic Collections of Geoffrey Taylor and David Heys (with particular reference to the county of Yorkshire)

Keith Boughey et al.

Geoffrey Taylor and David Heys, over a 25 year period, amassed a huge amount of prehistoric material in flint, jet, stone, glass and metal, gathered mostly off the North York Moors. The present book aims to introduce the collections to the archaeological world and to give the reader a clear impression of their contents. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Roman Lower Danube Frontier

ed. Emily Hanscam et al.

Over the past few decades, there has been a significant amount of research on the Roman Lower Danube frontier by international teams focusing on individual forts or broader landscape survey work; collectively, this volume represents the best of this collaboration with the aim of elevating the Lower Danube within broader Roman frontier scholarship. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access

Prehistoric Flint Mines in Europe

ed. Françoise Bostyn et al.

This volume offers a review of major flint mines dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. The 18 articles were contributed by archaeologists from Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden, using the same framework to propose a uniform view of the mining phenomenon. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Medieval Settlement Research No. 38, 2023

ed. Mark McKerracher

The journal of the Medieval Settlement Research Group (MSRG), a long-established, widely recognised and open multi-disciplinary research group that facilitates collaboration between archaeologists, geographers, historians and other interested parties. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00

Representations of Writing Materials on Roman Funerary Monuments

ed. Tibor Grüll

Ancient funerary reliefs are full of representations of writing materials and instruments, the interpretation of which can help us better understand the phenomenon of ancient literacy. The eight studies in this volume enrich our knowledge of Roman writing with many new aspects and detailed observations. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Gabii through its Artefacts

ed. Laura M. Banducci et al.

This book brings together 15 papers on objects from the excavations of the town of Gabii undertaken since 2007. Objects ranging from the pre-Roman to Imperial periods are examined using a mix of approaches, making an effort to be sensitive to excavation context and formation processes. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Dimore della Cirenaica: Abitare a Cirene e a Tolemaide durante l’età imperiale

Eleonora Gasparini

This book analyses urban housing in Cyrenaica (East Libya), with a specific focus on the cities of Cyrene and Ptolemais, from the early through to the late Roman imperial period. It represents a corpus of evidence that will be a starting point for any future research on these topics. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

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Portus, investigaciones geoarqueológicas en el muelle este-oeste

ed. Javier Bermejo Meléndez et al.

This volume collects the scientific results of the geoarchaeological project on the east-west pier of Portus (Rome). Since 2017, various excavation and study campaigns have focused their efforts on the pier via an inter- and multidisciplinary methodology involving archaeologists, geologists, palaeobotanists and palaeontologists. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

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Bâtisseurs de mégalithes

Florian Cousseau

This book aims to develop and test a new methodology for Prehistory to enhance architectural analysis. Test results highlight the architectural biography of Neolithic tumuli in western France and the technology used in their construction, and demonstrate that architectural modifications occurred throughout the Neolithic period. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access

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Qalhat, a Medieval Port City of Oman

Axelle Rougeulle

Although it is one of the main archaeological sites in Oman, the medieval port of Qalhat, near Sur in Ash-Sharqiyah Governorate, has long remained poorly documented. The extensive research initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism shed striking light on the history of this famous harbour city. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 23

ed. Helena Hamerow

Volume 23 of Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History (ASSAH), a series concerned with the archaeology and history of England and its neighbours during the Anglo-Saxon period (circa AD 400-1100).


Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

Bronze Age barrow and pit alignments at Upton Park, south of Weedon Road, Northampton

Yvonne Wolframm-Murray et al.

Archaeological work on land at Upton Park south of Weedon Road, Northampton, uncovered, among other evidence, two Bronze Age/early Iron Age sinuous pit alignments. The extensive work and examination of the two pit alignments at Upton has allowed a typology of the variable areas of pits (and related ditches) to be postulated. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Arqueología computacional del territorio. Métodos y técnicas para estudiar decisiones humanas en paisajes pretéritos

Miguel Carrero-Pazos

This book aims to describe some of the current analytical approaches to model past cultural landscapes, their evolution, and relationship with the human societies that inhabited them. To this end, the use of Geographic Information Systems and spatial statistics is proposed, using territorial and landscape archaeology as a theoretical framework. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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The Reuse of Tombs in Eastern Arabia

Stephanie Döpper

This book investigate reuse of tombs in Eastern Arabia from the beginning of the Early Bronze Age until the end of the Sasanian period in order to understand the underlying purposes and social context of this practice. READ MORE

Hardback: £60.00 | Open Access

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La fábrica del prestigio en Mesoamérica

Juliette Testard

The mural paintings of Cacaxtla offer the starting point for a discussion of cultural interactions and the fabrication of prestige. After the disintegration of the Teotihuacán system, this book considers how city-states of the Central Highlands transformed their material culture to construct new political discourses to establish local authority. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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La Arqueología Urbana de Buenos Aires

Daniel Schávelzon

This book analyzes the process of formation of the urban land of Buenos Aires. The use of garbage and rubbish in large quantities is analyzed and three case-studies are considered: the town of Belgrano and its garbage dumps, the construction fills with rubble and the areas whose level has been lowered. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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La Villa imperiale di Punta Eolo: Rivestimenti pavimentali e parietali del settore residenziale

Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers et al.

The Roman villa of Punta Eolo is a large ‘pavilion villa’ on the northern promontory of the island of Ventotene. A large number of fragmentary frescoes, stuccoes, pavement revetments and Campana reliefs were brought to light in the residential area of the Villa during the archaeological excavations by G.M. De Rossi in the years 1990-2005. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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New Perspectives on the Harappan Culture in Light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011–2017, Volume 1: Bioarchaeological Research on the Rakhigarhi Necropolis

ed. Vasant Shinde et al.

Rakhigarhi, situated in Hisar District, Haryana, India, is one of the largest metropolises of the Harappan Civilization found so far. After introducing the excavations that took place 2011-2017 and setting out the objectives of the project, this book focuses on the uncovered cemetery, with detailed analysis and inventories of the burials. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements along the route of the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire

Stephen Morris et al.

This volume reports the results of intermittent archaeological mitigation works for the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire, undertaken by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) between June 2012 to October 2013. Evidence was uncovered relating to Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Lady Gardeners

ed. Francesca Orestano et al.

The Lady Gardeners are those women who, from the eighteenth century to the present day, have been working in a garden, from imagining and creating it, to sowing, planting, pruning, painting and photographing plants, and moving from garden design to more urgent themes such as landscape conservation and environmental issues. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.99 | eBook: £16.00

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Le gai sçavoir: Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec

ed. Julien d'Huy et al.

These vibrant Mélanges celebrate the life and work of an exceptional scientist, Jean-Loïc Le Quellec. The book bears witness to the transdisciplinarity, rigour and benevolence that characterise this great scholar, and through diverse contributions explore themes dear to him: mythologies, folklore, cave arts, cultural heritage, and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Processions: Studies of Bronze Age Ritual and Ceremony presented to Robert B. Koehl

ed. Judith Weingarten et al.

Robert Koehl has long considered processions to have played an integral role in Aegean Bronze Age societies. Papers concentrate mainly on evidence from Crete, the Cyclades and the Greek mainland, with additional perspectives from abroad, these geographic divisions forming the basic outline of this volume. READ MORE

Paperback: £59.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Argiles : De la physique du matériau à l’expérimentation

ed. Xavier Faivre

This volume brings together the proceedings of four study days of the ‘Clay’ Collective Program (2018-2020) on the theme of ‘studying materiality’. The study of this polymorphic material has focused on four complementary areas: physical properties, construction, artefacts and texts relating to clay. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Hadrian's Wall

David J. Breeze

This highly illustrated book offers an accessible summary of Hadrian’s Wall, and an overview of the wider context of the Roman frontiers. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Göreme and Şahinefendi

ed. Andrea Bixio et al.

Surveys from two areas of Cappadocia document underground architecture complementary to the most substantial Byzantine rock-cut churches. Conducted through speleological techniques and archaeometric survey, numerous defensive structures and related underground hydraulic systems were discovered. Full text presented in English and Italian. READ MORE

Paperback: £130.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Hinterland of Hadrian̕s Wall

David J. Breeze

In this important and beautifully illustrated book, David Breeze elucidates the context of the most famous frontier, Hadrian’s Wall. The zone to north and south of the Wall was a heavily militarised landscape of roads, bridges, forts, fortlets and towers, but also the towns, settlements and supply infrastructure on which the army depended. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Current Research in Egyptology 2022

ed. A. Bouhafs et al.

The present volume collects thirty-two papers on various topics from the history of Egyptology to archaeology and material culture, from the Predynastic to the Roman period, through history and epigraphy, as well as new technologies. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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The Skyband Group, Copán Honduras

David Webster

The Skyband Group is an impressive elite site in the urban core of Copán, Honduras, which is dominated by the palatial compounds of Maya sub-royal nobles. Such grandees often bore court titles showing that they were clients and officials of kings, but also competitors for political power, especially just before the dynastic collapse around AD 800. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Do I Really Want to Be an Archaeologist?

Karen D. Vitelli

An edited collection of letters that Karen D. Vitelli wrote from pre-EU Greece and Turkey to family during her later years of graduate school and early field work (at Franchthi Cave, Gordion, and a training session at Corinth) through to the completion of writing her dissertation in Athens during a coup (1968-1974). READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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En Tierras de Hércules. Torregorda - Camposoto - Sancti Petri: Una Revisión del Patrimonio

Carlos Bruquetas-Galán

This book explores the history and archaeological heritage of the southwest coast of the Isla Gaditana – the territory where the Temple of Hercules and the Idol of Cádiz are said to have stood for more than twelve centuries: Torregorda, Camposoto and Sancti Petri. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Dogs, Past and Present

ed. Ivana Fiore et al.

This volume gathers contributions from scholars from a variety of disciplines to provide a comprehensive assessment of the importance of dogs through history. There is a focus on the necessity of an ‘interdisciplinary perspective’ to fully understand the fundamental role that dogs have played in our past. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Open Access

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LRCW 6: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry

ed. Valentina Caminneci et al.

This volume presents almost 100 papers deriving from the 6th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Themes comprise sea and land routes, workshops and production centres, and regional contexts (western Mediterranean, eastern Mediterranean, Sicily and the Mediterranean islands). READ MORE

Paperback: £120.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Don McCullin: Journeys across Roman Asia Minor

Barnaby Rogerson et al.

Don McCullin's photographs explore the mountains, valleys and coast of western Turkey, hunting out the most poignant and powerful ruins of the Roman Empire. His work offers a meditation on landscape, the effects of light on ancient stone, the way clouds animate the past, but it is also inescapably about past conflict. READ MORE

Hardback: £95.00

A Comprehensive Survey of Rock Art in Upper Tibet: Volume I

John Vincent Bellezza

Focusing on the eastern part of the region, this is the first in a series of five volumes that comprehensively document rock art in Upper Tibet. It examines a panoply of graphic evidence found on stone surfaces, supplying an unprecedented view of the long-term development of culture and religion on a large swathe of the Tibetan Plateau. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access

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Metal Ages / Âges des métaux

ed. Dirk Brandherm

Eight papers, ranging from the Chalcolithic in Northwest Africa and Iberia to the Iron Age in Central Europe, shed light on issues as diverse as the principles of chronology building, the role of alleged ‘defensive’ enclosures, pottery studies, use-wear analysis of Iron Age weaponry and the Hallstatt/La Tène transition in the eastern Alps. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues d’Afrique du Nord

ed. Djillali Hadjouis et al.

This volume traces the scientific work of some thirty prehistorians, geologists and paleontologists from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries in territories (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sahara) where prehistoric and protohistoric discoveries were numerous and fruitful. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

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Revealing Trimontium

ed. Donald Gordon et al.

The Roman fort of Trimontium is renowned internationally thanks to the work of James Curle (1862–1944) who led the excavations of 1905–1910. This volume brings together key sets of his correspondence which cast fresh light on the intellectual networks of the early 20th century, when professional archaeology was still in its infancy. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Non-Intrusive Methodologies for Large Area Urban Research

ed. Ian Haynes et al.

Papers address a major challenge in archaeology: non-intrusive research in pursuit of a deeper understanding of urban areas can be richly informative and cost-effective. Geophysical surveys, UAVs, exposed historic structures and the exhaustive examination of archival records can all play a vital role and their implementation is considered here. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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The Significance of Doorway Positions in English Medieval Parochial Churches and Chapels

Geoffrey Sedlezky

This book analyses the positions of external church doorways in England to investigate the significance that positioning had for the function and design of these buildings. The author proposes a link between the design and function of parochial churches and chapels with the number and attributes of their doorways. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Berkeley Castle Tales

ed. Stuart J. Prior et al.

Presents results of 15-year-long excavations and landscape research at Berkeley Castle. Combining archaeological results with information from the castle's 20,000 historical documents, the project adds greatly to our understanding of the changes that accompanied the arrival of the Normans, with the erection of a castle on the former minster site. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Art as Ritual Engagement in the Funerary Programme of Watetkhethor at Saqqara, c. 2345 BC

Barbara O’Neill

Art as Ritual Engagement is examined through a case study of feminised funerary representation in the repertoire of Watetkhethor, an elite woman interred in the mastaba tomb of her spouse, Mereruka, at Saqqara, c.2345-2181 BCE. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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On the Shoulders of Prometheus: International Collaboration and the Archaeology of Georgia

ed. Emanuele E. Intagliata et al.

Chapters in this volume, with contributions from a a wide range of multidisciplinary specialists, demonstrates the diversity and vibrancy of international research collaboration in the archaeology of Georgia and underlines the enormous potential of the country’s archaeological resource. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Greek Religion in Tauric Chersonesos

Tetiana Shevchenko

Tauric Chersonesos was one of the prominent ancient Greek centres on the north coast of the Black Sea. This comprehensive study of the cults of the gods of the Chersonesan polis, firmly based on the available sources, sheds new light on the religious life of this ancient Greek centre at various stages in its development. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Revealing Cultural Landscapes in North-West Arabia

ed. Rebecca Foote et al.

These papers present a range of recent discoveries that demonstrate north-west Arabia’s centrality to understanding the greater region and further, and to begin to clarify the extraordinary richness of life in this pivotal zone of the Arabian Peninsula from the Palaeolithic through to the Islamic period. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 52 2023

ed. Steve Karacic

The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the longest continually running academic forum for the presentation of cultural heritage research on the Arabian Peninsula. Subjects include archaeology, epigraphy, history, ethnography, art, architecture, linguistics, and literature from prehistory to the early twentieth century. READ MORE

Paperback: £69.00 | eBook: £16.00

TRADE: Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th Centuries AD)

ed. Igor Borzić et al.

Spanning the period between the 2nd and 9th centuries, this volume collects 45 papers dealing with the Adriatic area that aim to create a new dataset for the historical reconstruction of processes related to forms of settlement, aspects of production, and trade and the movement of pottery and other craft products between its two coasts. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Suburbia and Rural Landscapes in Medieval Sicily

ed. Angelo Castrorao Barba et al.

Presents the results of the main ongoing archaeological and historical research focusing on medieval suburbia and rural sites in Sicily. The volume is divided into thematic areas: Urbanscapes, suburbia, hinterlands; Inland and mountainous landscapes; Changes in rural settlement patterns; and Defence and control of the territory. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access

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Sit tibi terra gravis: Sepolture anomale tra età medievale e moderna

ed. Philippe Pergola et al.

Papers in this volume explore the phenomenon of anomalous burials on a European scale, with an interdisciplinary reading between archaeology, history, physical and cultural anthropology. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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(Not) All Roads Lead to Rome

ed. Arnau Lario Devesa et al.

This book considers mobility in Antiquity in its broadest sense from a multidisciplinary perspective. Although mobility is always present in studies of exchange and cultural diffusion, here it is discussed as a key feature of societies, inherent to their functioning and where cultural, social and economic processes meet. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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The Rural Hinterland of Antipatris from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Periods

Amit Shadman

This book presents the results of extensive excavations conducted in the rural region south and east of the modern city of Rosh Ha’Ayin. The archaeological and historical data that are analysed span a period of over 1000 years. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Growing Up in the Cis-Baikal Region of Siberia, Russia

Victoria van der Haas

This volume analyses the dietary life histories of prehistoric hunter-gatherers from six cemeteries in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia, Russia. The overarching goal was to better understand how they lived by examining what they ate, how they utilized the landscape, and how this changed over time.


Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Homines, Funera, Astra 3-4: The Multiple Faces of Death and Burial

ed. Raluca Kogălniceanu et al.

Papers focus on two central topics regarding past funerary behaviour in Central and South-Eastern Europe: cremation, and cause and time of death. Six studies relate to prehistory, from the Neolithic to Iron Age. Three more papers focus on the Roman Age and the other four are dedicated to the Medieval period. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum: Acta 47

ed. Catarina Viegas

16 contributions consider various pottery categories like terra sigillata, black gloss Italian ware, and more, offering multidisciplinary perspectives on trade, local production, and societal contexts. Spanning from early to late Roman periods, Acta 47 sheds light on pottery's significance and its diverse usage across the ancient Roman world. READ MORE

Hardback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture Volume 6 2022

ed. Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom et al.

Volume 6 of JHP, an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00

Claves para la definición de un paisaje cultural

ed. Desiderio Vaquerizo-Gil et al.

The Guadalquivir River has been a feature of the identities of the communities settled around it throughout history. This book aims to reflect on contemporary threats to the sustainability of the region's complex cultural landscapes from multiple perspectives, including archaeology, the natural environment, didactics, new technologies and tourism. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

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Gallaecia Gothica

Rafael Barroso Cabrera et al.

This book uses numismatic and archaeological evidence to offer a new interpretation of the Argimundus rebellion, one of the most difficult challenges of Reccared’s reign. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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From Concept to Monument: Time and Costs of Construction in the Ancient World

ed. Simon J. Barker et al.

21 papers focus on modelling the costs of construction over the course of 2,500 years, from Bronze Age Greece to the early Middle Ages. They discuss both broader issues of methodology and particular case studies, with particular attention to the exploitation of raw materials (e.g. quarries), transport, and construction processes on building sites. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Mirrors of Salt: Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt

ed. Marius Alexianu et al.

The study of salt from an anthropological perspective provides a holistic view of its role in the evolution of human communities. Studies from around the world, ranging from prehistory to modern times, are here organized into 6 sections: theory, archaeology, history, ethnography/ ethnoarchaeology/ethnohistory, linguistics, and literature. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Open Access

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Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres

ed. Beatriz Noria-Serrano

Papers in this volume aim to reevaluate the importance of women as active and powerful social agents in the definition of ancient cultures, their contribution to the economic and social development of the community and to the position, reputation, and prestige of their families. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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La provincia dell’Arpione Occidentale nei testi egiziani: ricerche storiche, geografiche e religiose dalle origini all’Epoca Romana

Elena Tiribilli

This is the first monograph devoted to a comprehensive study of the Western Harpoon province – the seventh nome of Lower Egypt – located in the north-western Delta. The book and aims to reconstruct its history and religious geography through textual sources, from its origins to the end of the Roman era. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Arqueología de las sociedades locales en la Alta Edad Media

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo et al.

This volume brings together a large number of specialized studies and provides an interpretation of the site of San Julián de Aistra (Zalduondo-Araia, Álava) in terms of socio-political practices that define the main characteristics of early medieval local societies in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Europa Postmediaevalis 2022

ed. Gabriela Blažková et al.

26 contributions divided into five thematic sections consider post-medieval pottery from the perspectives of local, regional and long-distance trade. Papers show the importance of connections and networking and provide an opportunity to compare concrete find situations across Europe – in both coastal as well as landlocked states. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Western Mesoamerican Calendars and Writing Systems

ed. Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen et al.

Mesoamerica is one of the few places to witness the independent invention of writing. Bringing together new research, papers discuss the writing systems of Teotihuacan, Mixteca Baja, the Epiclassic period and Aztec writing of the Postclassic. These writing systems represent more than a millennium of written records and literacy in Mesoamerica. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Between Roman Culture and Local Tradition

Barbara Zając

Offering a detailed analysis of the Roman provincial coinage of Bithynia and Pontus during the reign of Trajan (98-117), this book characterises individual mints, the rhythm of monetary production, iconography and legends, and considers the attribution and dating of individual issues. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Personal Religion in Domestic Contexts during the New Kingdom

Iria Souto Castro

This study has three main themes: the definition of personal religion and religious domestic practices from a theoretical perspective; the description and analysis of the main archaeological and anthropological evidence; and, on that basis, the study of the impact of the Amarna period in the development of personal religion during the New Kingdom. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Fires in GunaiKurnai Country

ed. Jessie Buettel et al.

Anthropogenic climate change is becoming a reality, and in Australia this means longer , more intense wildfire seasons over a wider area. The GunaiKurnai people saw much of their Country decimated during ‘Black Summer’ (2019/2020), prompting questions about both the management of Country and its heritage resources moving forward. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Archaeology by the Fourth Nile Cataract: Survey and Excavations on the left bank of the river and on the islands between Amri and Kirbekan, Volume I

Derek A. Welsby

The first in a series of volumes publishing results of surveys and excavations in the region of the Fourth Cataract, chapters focus on the palaeoenvironment in the concession area between Amri and Kirbekan, on the flora and toponyms, and on the folklore, agricultural practices, architecture and the lifestyles of the Manasir and Shaqiya inhabitants. READ MORE

Hardback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Human Brain in Ancient Egypt

Sofia Aziz

This volume provides a medical and historical re-evaluation of the function and importance of the human brain in ancient Egypt. The study evaluates whether treatment of the brain during anthropogenic mummification was linked to medical concepts of the brain. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £9.99

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The Assyrian Rock Relief at Yaǧmur (Evrihan) in the Tur Abdin

Bülent Genç et al.

This study publishes a newly discovered rock relief in the Mazıdağı Plain, at the western end of the Tur Abdin in southeastern Turkey. The preserved remains include an image of an Assyrian king, divine symbols and traces of three panels of cuneiform inscription. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £9.99

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Well Met! Friends and Travelling Companions of Rev. Thomas Bowles

David Kennedy

This volume follows Rev. Thomas Bowles on his travels from Sri Lanka to Egypt and the Levant. His travel journals record the places seen and the often harsh travel conditions. Bowles' notes are amplified by chapters offering additional context and biographies for the broad cross-section of fascinating people encountered along the way.


Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Sans sépulture: Modalités et enjeux de la privation de funérailles de la Préhistoire à nos jours

Aurore Schmitt et al.

This volume gathers contributions from archaeologists, anthropologists and historians to present a rich interdisciplinary and diachronic reflection on the diversity of motivations that lead to the intentional deprivation of funerals. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | Open Access

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‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’: Glass from Nubia and the Ancient Mediterranean

Juliet V. Spedding

Using modern scientific methods, this book examines glass beads and vessel fragments dating from the Meroitic and Early Nobadia periods, providing a new assessment of glass from Nubia. Results reveal interrelationships between trade, technological understanding, and manufacturing choices across the cultures of Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Picturing Royal Charisma: Kings and Rulers in the Near East from 3000 BCE to 1700 CE

ed. Arlette David et al.

This book assesses how Middle Eastern leaders manipulated visuals to advance their rule from around 4500 BC to the 19th century AD. In nine fascinating narratives, it showcases the dynamics of long-lasting Middle Eastern traditions, dealing with the visualization of those who stood at the head of the social order. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access

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Roman Funerary Rituals in Mutina (Modena, Italy)

Federica Maria Riso

This study presents the results of a research project undertaken in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield. The project sought to identify and reconstruct the funerary space and rituals of the necropolis in Mutina (now Modena) in the period between the first century BC and second century AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Mortuary differentiation and social structure in the Middle Helladic Argolid, 2000-1500 B.C.

Eleni Milka

In this volume the archaeological, anthropological and radiocarbon data from selected sites of the Middle Helladic period are integrated to determine if there was variation between individual burials, groupings and cemeteries and to reconstruct change through time. This work was done for selective Argive sites, namely Lerna, Asine and Aspis. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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