Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection

Keyword: Antalya

La séquence paléolithique de Karain E (Antalya, Turquie)

Marcel Otte et al.

The long Paleolithic sequence of Karain (Antalya, Turkey) began around 500,000 years ago and continued until the final Paleolithic around 10,000 BC. This volume presents all the cultural and technical variations during this immense period, situated in a context which joins Africa, Asia, and Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

Amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean

Hakan Öniz

Amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean is designed to share the subject of amphorae which were found on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey with the wider scholarly community. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection