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Keyword: Archaeological method

Shipwrecks and Provenance: in-situ timber sampling protocols with a focus on wrecks of the Iberian shipbuilding tradition

Sara A. Rich et al.

This book presents a set of protocols to establish the need for wood samples from shipwrecks and to guide archaeologists in the removal of samples for a suite of archaeometric techniques currently available to provenance the timbers used to construct wooden ships and boats. Case studies presented use Iberian ships of the 16th to 18th centuries. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection

ed. Benjamin Jennings et al.

The Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection draws together over 100 papers addressing archaeological prospection techniques, methodologies and case studies from around the world. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

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Paleoart and Materiality

ed. Robert G. Bednarik et al.

This book addresses the presentation of scientific approaches to the materiality of rock art, ranging from recording and sampling methods to data analyses. The issue of the materiality of visual productions of the distant past is addressed through various scientific approaches, including fieldwork, laboratory techniques and data analysis protocols. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Three Dimensions of Archaeology

ed. Hans Kamermans et al.

This volume brings together presentations from two sessions organized for the XVII World UISPP Conference: The scientific value of 3D archaeology, and Detecting the Landscape(s). READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | Open Access

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CAA2015. Keep The Revolution Going

ed. Stefano Campana et al.

This volume brings together all the successful peer-reviewed papers submitted for the proceedings of the 43rd conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology that took place in Siena (Italy) from March 31st to April 2nd 2015. READ MORE

Paperback: £129.00 | Open Access

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