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Keyword: Ba’

Thermalism in the Roman Provinces

ed. Silvia González Soutelo

This book is focused on the role of thermal establishments with mineral-medicinal waters in the different territories of the Roman Empire, including their symbiosis with the landscape as well as the ways in which their construction was adapted to give greater comfort to those who came to take advantage of their health-giving properties. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Modelling the Logistics of Mantzikert

Philip Murgatroyd et al.

The Battle of Mantzikert had profound consequences for both Byzantine and Turkish history, yet the historical sources for this campaign contain significant gaps. This book presents the results of a project that seeks to demonstrate the important role computer simulation can play in the analysis of pre-modern military logistics. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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‘a hole worlde of things very memorable’

ed. Martin Henig et al.

Julian Munby has gained a reputation over half a century in many branches of archaeological and historical knowledge. His lively and warm character and sense of fun has made him many friends who also in some sense feel they are his pupils, and this collection of papers has been assembled as a tribute in honour of his 70th birthday. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

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St Albans Abbey: The Excavation of the Chapter House 1978

ed. Martin Biddle et al.

Excavations at the site of the medieval chapter house of St Albans Abbey in 1978 uncovered fragments of decorated floor tiles of the Anglo-Saxon abbey and associated burials, along with the magnificent floor of relief-decorated tiles of the medieval chapter house, and the graves of 16 known figures of the late 11th-to 15th-century abbey. READ MORE

Hardback: £110.00 | Open Access

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Roman Imperial Artillery

Alan Wilkins

Fully revised and expanded for a new Third Edition, this book traces the Greek origins of torsion catapults, describes the machines used from the time of Sulla and Caesar, the Roman improvements in their design and power, and their importance in the defence of the Roman Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00

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Las islas Baleares durante la Antigüedad Tardía (siglos III-X)

ed. Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros

This volume brings together different contributions on the history and archaeology of the Balearic Islands during Late Antiquity. Together, these contributions provide an overview of the period between the 3rd and 10th centuries AD, traditionally considered to be one of the least known periods in the history of the islands. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Le Banquet cérémoniel entre archéologie et ethnologie

ed. Matthieu Michler et al.

While the practice of the banquet or ceremonial feast has been recognized in many societies around the world, living, ancient or extinct, it had not yet been the subject of a large-scale synthesis. This book offers an interdisciplinary study of the festive banquet in relation to the cosmogonies and social practices of the social spaces concerned. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Open Access

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From Wilderness to Paradise: A Sixth-Century Mosaic Pavement at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya

Jane Chick

An in-depth study of the large mosaic pavement in the East Church at Qasr el-Lebia in Cyrenaica, Libya. Consisting of fifty panels, each panel with a different image, it has frequently been dismissed as random with no overarching scheme. This book argues that the remarkably rich and complex mosaic should be understood as a coherent whole. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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City of Culture 2600 BC: Early Mesopotamian History and Archaeology at Abu Salabikh

John Nicholas Postgate

This book presents the city beneath the surface of Abu Salabikh, southern Iraq. The archaeology and the textual data combine to reveal its architecture, agricultural and industrial enterprises, and social structure. Integrated with our wider knowledge of south Mesopotamia at this time it creates a vivid image of city life in 2600 BC. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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De l’objet à la société romaine

ed. Touatia Amraoui et al.

This volume brings together some twenty contributions reflecting many of the research themes of Prof. Jean-Claude Béal, to whom these studies are offered. They are mainly centred on Roman Gaul, and more generally on the western Roman provinces, reflecting the geographical areas in which he works. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici

ed. Federica Carbotti et al.

Papers consider the level of ecological awareness inherent in ancient societies and to identify the possible solutions implemented, trying to answer two questions in particular: what were the choices (political, economic, social) implemented during climatic variations, and how were they perceived by ancient societies? READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

Instalaciones y paisajes azucareros atlánticos (siglos XV-XVII)

ed. María del Cristo González Marrero et al.

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, sugar cultivation and processing, a Mediterranean industry throughout the Middle Ages, experienced what we can aptly describe as the first period of its prosperous Atlantic history. This book explores the material dimension of sugar mills and the landscapes of which they are both cause and effect. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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La Arqueología Urbana de Buenos Aires

Daniel Schávelzon

This book analyzes the process of formation of the urban land of Buenos Aires. The use of garbage and rubbish in large quantities is analyzed and three case-studies are considered: the town of Belgrano and its garbage dumps, the construction fills with rubble and the areas whose level has been lowered. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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En Tierras de Hércules. Torregorda - Camposoto - Sancti Petri: Una Revisión del Patrimonio

Carlos Bruquetas-Galán

This book explores the history and archaeological heritage of the southwest coast of the Isla Gaditana – the territory where the Temple of Hercules and the Idol of Cádiz are said to have stood for more than twelve centuries: Torregorda, Camposoto and Sancti Petri. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Non-Intrusive Methodologies for Large Area Urban Research

ed. Ian Haynes et al.

Papers address a major challenge in archaeology: non-intrusive research in pursuit of a deeper understanding of urban areas can be richly informative and cost-effective. Geophysical surveys, UAVs, exposed historic structures and the exhaustive examination of archival records can all play a vital role and their implementation is considered here. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’: Glass from Nubia and the Ancient Mediterranean

Juliet V. Spedding

Using modern scientific methods, this book examines glass beads and vessel fragments dating from the Meroitic and Early Nobadia periods, providing a new assessment of glass from Nubia. Results reveal interrelationships between trade, technological understanding, and manufacturing choices across the cultures of Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Roman Funerary Rituals in Mutina (Modena, Italy)

Federica Maria Riso

This study presents the results of a research project undertaken in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield. The project sought to identify and reconstruct the funerary space and rituals of the necropolis in Mutina (now Modena) in the period between the first century BC and second century AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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People and Agrarian Landscapes: An Archaeology of Postclassical Local Societies in the Western Mediterranean

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo et al.

This book provides an overview of the driving theories, methodologies and main topics that have been addressed to date regarding agrarian archaeology. The text is presented as an introduction for students, a critical reading guide for other scholars, and an informative instrument aimed at a wide audience. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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The Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir: 1995–2001 and 2009–2016

ed. Scott Stripling et al.

Khirbet el-Maqatir lies 16 km north of Jerusalem. The Associates for Biblical Research excavated 14 summer seasons and 5 winter seasons between 1995 and 2016. Volume 2 reports on the remains of a Late Hellenistic/Early Roman village, and a Byzantine ecclesiastical complex. READ MORE

Hardback: £85.00 | Open Access

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Bronze Age Barrow and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: Archaeological Excavations on Land Adjacent to Upthorpe Road, Stanton Suffolk

Chris Chinnock

Archaeological investigations by MOLA on land adjacent to Upthorpe Road, Stanton (2013-2014), revealed the remains of a prehistoric round barrow and a cemetery containing the remains of 67 inhumations with associated grave goods. This book provides detailed analysis of the archaeological features, skeletal assemblage and other artefacts. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project

ed. Timothy Clack et al.

War and its legacy are traumatic to individuals, communities, and landscapes. The impacts last long beyond the events themselves and shape lives and generations. Archaeology has a part to play in the recording of, and recovery from, such trauma. This volume delivers the first intensive archaeological survey of the battlefields of the Falklands War. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.99 | Open Access

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Les sociétés humaines face aux changements climatiques: Volume 2

ed. François Djindjian

Is climate change a factor whose impact on human societies can be witnessed through time, forcing them to adapt and find sustainable solutions? This book is the second of two volumes exploring human societies facing climate change in pre and protohistory. Volume 2 concerns protohistory, from the beginning of the Holocene to historical times. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Open Access

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Les sociétés humaines face aux changements climatiques: Volume 1

ed. François Djindjian

Is climate change a factor whose impact on human societies can be witnessed through time, forcing them to adapt and find sustainable solutions? This book is the first of two volumes exploring human societies facing climate change in pre and protohistory. Volume 1 concerns prehistory from the earliest humans to the end of the Pleistocene. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Open Access

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Excavaciones en el baptisterio del conjunto eclesiástico de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca, islas Baleares)

ed. Mateu Riera Rullan et al.

Archaeological excavations of the baptistery of the Late Antique site of Son Peretó (Manacor), located on the island of Mallorca in the Balearic Islands (Spain), provide interesting new findings related to the material culture of the 5th to 8th centuries AD and, above all, in relation to the tombs, pools and baptismal buildings on the site. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Water in the Roman World

ed. Martin Henig et al.

Offering a wide and expansive new treatment of the role water played in the lives of people across the Roman world, papers consider ports and their lighthouses; water engineering, whether for canals in the north-west provinces, or for the digging of wells for drinking water; baths for swimming; and spas. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Circular Archetype in Microcosm: The Carved Stone Balls of Late Neolithic Scotland

Chris L. Stewart-Moffitt

This study is the culmination of seven years research into the Carved Stone Balls of Late Neolithic Scotland. It is the first study of these enigmatic artefacts since that undertaken by Dorothy Marshall in 1977 and includes all currently known examples in both museums and private hands, described and analysed in considerable detail. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Open Access

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Waterlands: Prehistoric Life at Bar Pasture, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough

ed. Andy Richmond et al.

Presenting the results of a decade-long archaeological investigation at Bar Pasture Farm, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough, this book represents one of the most significant landscape excavations carried out in recent years. The 55-hectare site was the scene of human activity on the fenland edge from the Mesolithic through to the Late Iron Age. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

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Da Roma a Gades/De Roma a Gades

ed. Darío Bernal-Casasola et al.

This volume, dedicated to the illustrious archaeologist Simon Keay. collects the scientific results of an international workshop held in Rome (2019), which discussed the management, elimination and reuse of artisanal and commercial waste in maritime and river ports, focussing on the Roman cities of Rome and Gades (modern day Cádiz). READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border

Alastair Small et al.

The broad valley of the Bradano river and its tributary, the Basentello, separates the Apennine mountains in Lucania from the limestone plateau of the Murge in Apulia in southeast Italy. This book aims to explain how the pattern of settlement and land use changed in the valley over the whole period from the Neolithic to the late medieval.


Hardback: £125.00 | Open Access

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The Fertile Desert: A History of the Middle Euphrates Valley until the Arrival of Alexander

Anas Al Khabour

This book attempts to reconstruct the history of the Euphrates Valley between the mouths of the Balikh and the Khabour. Several surveys, archaeological expeditions, and interventions of the Syrian Directorate of Antiquities, have made a significant amount of data available which contribute to an improved overview of the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond

ed. Adnan Baysal

This volume aims to show networks of cultural interactions by focusing on the latest lithic studies from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans, bringing to the forefront the connectedness and techno-cultural continuity of knapped and ground stone technologies. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Pottery Making and Communities During the 5th Millennium BCE in Fars Province, Southwestern Iran

Takehiro Miki

This book explores pottery making and communities during the Bakun period (c. 5000 – 4000 BCE) in the Kur River Basin, Fars province, southwestern Iran, through the analysis of ceramic materials collected at Tall-e Jari A, Tall-e Gap, and Tall-e Bakun A & B. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

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Tomb Families: Private Tomb Distribution in the New Kingdom Theban Necropolis

Katherine Slinger

Tomb Families investigates the apparently random distribution of New Kingdom private tombs in the Theban Necropolis by focusing on factors that may have influenced tomb location. This research provides a deeper understanding of the necropolis and how private tombs linked to the wider sacred landscape of Thebes. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Alexandria Antiqua: A Topographical Catalogue and Reconstruction

Amr Abdo

Alexandria Antiqua aims to catalogue the archaeological sites of Alexandria, from the records of the French Expedition (1798-99) to the present day, and to infer the urban layout and cityscape at the time of its foundation (4th century BC), and then through the successive changes which took place up to the Arab conquest (7th century AD). READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Life and Works of Robert Wood

Rachel Finnegan et al.

The Life and Works of Robert Wood (1717-1771) commemorates the Irish classicist and traveller on the 250th anniversary of his death and provides the general reader with a source book for the fascinating life and career of a much-neglected figure in the realm of Irish eighteenth-century travels and antiquarianism. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Die Entstehung komplexer Siedlungen im Zentraloman: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Al-Khashbah

Conrad Schmidt et al.

This volume presents the results of a survey conducted in 2015 and beyond in Al-Khashbah, one of the largest Early Bronze Age sites on the Omani Peninsula. Ten monumental buildings, 273 tombs and other structures from the Hafit (3100-2700 BC) and Umm an-Nar periods (2700-2000 BC) were documented here. READ MORE

Hardback: £96.00 | Open Access

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The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia

ed. Miljana Radivojević et al.

The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the evolution of early metallurgy in the Balkans. It demonstrates that far from being a rare and elite practice, the earliest metallurgy in the world was a common and communal craft activity.


Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access

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Carterhaugh Ba’

Ian Landles et al.

For anyone interested the true origins of the game of rugby in the centuries-old mass ba’ games of the Scottish Borders and the North of England – still alive and kicking to this day – here are tales wonderfully told by historians of the game. Historic images ant texts, alongside contemporary photography, tell a story two centuries in the making. READ MORE

Hardback: £16.95

Epigraphy in the Digital Age

ed. Isabel Velázquez Soriano et al.

This volume presents epigraphic research using digital and computational tools, comparing the outcomes of both well-established and newer projects to consider the most innovative investigative trends. Papers consider open-access databases, SfM Photogrammetry and Digital Image Modelling applied to textual restoration, Linked Open Data, and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Big Data and Archaeology

ed. François Djindjian et al.

The advent of Big Data is a recent and debated issue in Digital Archaeology. Papers consider the historiographic context and current developments, as well as comprehensive examples of a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to the recording, management and exploitation of excavation data and documents produced over a long period of research. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | Open Access

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Pits and Boots: Excavation of Medieval and Post-medieval Backlands under the Bon Accord Centre, Aberdeen

Michael Roy

Excavations in 2007-8, ahead of an extension to the Bon Accord Centre in Aberdeen, uncovered backlands that would have formed part of the industrial quarter of the medieval town. The excavation charts the changing nature of the area, from an industrial zone in the medieval period, to horticultural and domestic spaces in post-medieval times. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Open Access

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Taymāʾ II: Catalogue of the Inscriptions Discovered in the Saudi-German Excavations at Taymāʾ 2004–2015

ed. Michael C.A. Macdonald et al.

The Catalogue contains all inscriptions discovered during 24 seasons of Saudi-German excavations at Taymāʾ, 2004–15. The 113 objects carry inscriptions in different languages and scripts, including Babylonian cuneiform, Imperial Aramaic inscriptions, Arabic inscriptions and more, illustrating the linguistic diversity of the oasis through time. READ MORE

Hardback: £65.00 | Open Access

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Rougga I: Le forum et ses abords (fouilles 1971–1974)

ed. Maurice Euzennat et al.

Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Open Access

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Ex Asia et Syria: Oriental Religions in the Roman Central Balkans

Nadežda Gavrilović Vitas

This book examines the cults of Asia Minor and Syrian origin in the Roman provinces of the Central Balkans. The author analyzes all hitherto known epigraphical and archaeological material attesting to the presence of the cults in that region, a subject yet to be the object of serious scholarly study. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | eBook: £16.00

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La transformación del mundo rural en la isla de Mallorca durante la Antigüedad tardía (c. 300-902/903 d. C.)

Catalina Mas Florit

The latest entry in the 'Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean' series presents the study of the rural landscape of the eastern part of the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands) during Late Antiquity, providing new data that improves our understanding of one of the least well-known periods of the island. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan

Yoshihiro Nishiaki et al.

This volume publishes the first round of fieldwork and research (2008-2013) at Göytepe, a key site for understanding the emergence and development of food-producing communities in the South Caucasus. Results include findings relating to chronology, architecture, technology, social organisation, plant and animal exploitation, and more. READ MORE

Hardback: £88.00 | Open Access

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Vernacular Buildings and Urban Social Practice: Wood and People in Early Modern Swedish Society

Andrine Nilsen

Wooden buildings housed the majority of Swedish urban populations during the early modern era, but many of these buildings have disappeared as the result of fire, demolition, and modernisation. This book reveals the fundamental role played by the wooden house in the formation of urban Sweden and Swedish history. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum: Acta 46

ed. Catarina Viegas

Acta 46 comprises 64 articles. Out of the 120 scheduled lectures and posters presented at the 31st Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtores, 61 are included in the present volume, to which three further were added. Given the location of the conference in Romania it seems natural that there is a particular focus on the Balkans and Danube. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Tangible and Intangible Cultural Landscape of Wadi Bani Kharus

Moawiyah M. Ibrahim et al.

This survey aimed to gain greater understanding of the past and present of Wadi Bani Kharus (Oman) through its tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The book provides an eclectic overview of the wadi’s twenty-nine communities including ancient fortresses, water distribution systems, sundials, cemeteries, tombstones and period architecture. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Experiencing the Frontier and the Frontier of Experience: Barbarian perspectives and Roman strategies to deal with new threats

ed. Alexander Rubel et al.

This book considers the Roman Empire’s responses to the threats which were caused by the new geostrategic situation brought on by the crisis of the 3rd century AD, induced by the ‘barbarians’ who – often already part of Roman military structures as mercenaries and auxiliaries – became a veritable menace for the Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Invisible Connections: An Archaeometallurgical Analysis of the Bronze Age Metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig

Martin Odler et al.

The Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig has the largest university collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts in Germany. This volume presents an analysis of 86 of these artefacts using a range of archaeometallurgical methods in order to provide a diachronic sample of Bronze Age Egyptian copper alloy metalwork from Dynasty 1 to Dynasty 19. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Urbanisation of the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire

Frida Pellegrino

This study investigates the development of urbanism in the north-western provinces of the Roman empire. Key themes include continuity and discontinuity between pre-Roman and Roman ‘urban’ systems, relationships between juridical statuses and levels of monumentality, levels of connectivity and economic integration, and regional urban hierarchies. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Die Bestattungsgruben in Bat

Conrad Schmidt et al.

A comprehensive study of two Umm an-Nar (2700-2000 BC) burial pits from the UNESCO World Heritage site Bat in the Sultanate of Oman, excavated 2010-2012. Each burial pit represents one of the largest closed finds of the Early Bronze Age in the region, including beads and other items of personal adornment, as well as pottery and human bones. READ MORE

Hardback: £75.00 | Open Access

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Animal Husbandry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time

ed. Nemanja Marković et al.

This volume presents the results of new research on animal herding and hunting in the central and western Balkans during the prehistoric and historic periods. The investigations cover a wide range of topics related to animal exploitation strategies, ranging from broad syntheses to specific case studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Racconto d’Egitto: Trascrizione e traduzione del manoscritto di ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī (con brevi note di commento)

Ahmed F. Kzzo et al.

This edition provides the first Italian translation of ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī's fascinating account of Egypt in the 12th-13th centuries. The translation is accompanied by a full transcription of the original Arabic manuscript as well as essential and insightful commentary and analysis. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Turkish Long-Necked Lute Saz or Bağlama

Hans de Zeeuw

The saz or bağlama, a generic name for long-necked lutes in Turkey, plays an important role in Turkish musical culture. This volume focusses on the instrument's cultural-historical background while briefly discussing various saz or bağlama types and their construction, tuning, and playing techniques. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Global Connections of Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

This volume addresses directly the question of cross-cultural influence on and by Gandhāran art. The contributors wrestle with old controversies, particularly the notion that Gandhāran art is a legacy of Hellenistic Greek rule in Central Asia and the growing consensus around the important role of the Roman Empire in shaping it. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Excavations at Chester. The Northern and Eastern Roman Extramural Settlements

Leigh Dodd

This publication presents the results of fifteen archaeological investigations carried out within the canabae to the north and east of the Roman legionary fortress at Chester between 1990 and 2019. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Le commerce régional et international au Xe siècle en Syrie

Alaa Aldin Al Chomari

This volume presents a study of the treasure of Buseyra, which is preserved in the museum of Deir az-Zour in Syria. These coins offer precious information, not only about a large number of mints but also about the periods and quantities of minting activity in the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Rome and Barbaricum: Contributions to the Archaeology and History of Interaction in European Protohistory

ed. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă et al.

How did the ‘Barbarians’ influence Roman culture? What did ‘Roman-ness’ mean in the context of Empire? What did it mean to be Roman and/or ‘Barbarian’ in different contexts? 9 papers explore concepts of Romanisation and of Barbaricum from a multi-disciplinary and comparative standpoint, covering Germania, Dacia, Moesia Inferior, Hispania, and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Excavation, Analysis and Interpretation of Early Bronze Age Barrows at Guiting Power, Gloucestershire

Alistair Marshall

This volume covers the full excavation, analysis and interpretation of two early Bronze Age round barrows at Guiting Power in the Cotswolds, a region where investigation and protection of such sites have been extremely poor, with many barrows unnecessarily lost to erosion, and with most existing excavation partial, and of low quality. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Rock-Art Landscapes of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire

Vivien Deacon

This landscape study of the rock-art of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire, considers views of and from the sites. In an attempt to understand the rock-art landscapes of prehistory the study considered the environment of the moor and its archaeology along with the ethnography from the whole circumpolar region. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Khirbat Faris: Rural Settlement, Continuity and Change in Southern Jordan. The Nabatean to Modern Periods (1st century BC – 20th century AD)

Alison McQuitty et al.

This volume is the first of three which chart the temporal and spatial occupational fluctuations at the site of Khirbat Faris in Southern Jordan and the stories of the communities that lived there. The excavation report follows the site and its environs throughout their many phases of use and occupation, from the 13th century BC to the present day. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Urban Landscape of Bakchias: A Town of the Fayyūm from the Ptolemaic-Roman Period to Late Antiquity

Paola Buzi et al.

This book summarises the results of field research—including historical, historico-religious and papyrological studies—conducted on the archaeological site of Bakchias, located in the north-eastern part of the Fayyūm region. The book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the rise and fall of the kome of Bakchias. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles

John F. Potter

This book examines the evidence for the measures taken to make church buildings secure or defensible from their earliest times until the later medieval period. In particular it examines the phenomenon of ‘bar locks’ which the author identifies in many different contexts throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Digging Up Jericho

ed. Rachel Thyrza Sparks et al.

21 papers present a holistic perspective on the research and public value of the site of Jericho – an iconic site with a long and impressive history stretching from the Epipalaeolithic to the present day. Covering all aspects of archaeological work from past to present and beyond, they re-evaluate and assess the legacy of this important site. READ MORE

Paperback: £54.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd – 3rd c. AD)

Damjan Donev

This book reconstructs the urban geography of the Balkan and Danube provinces during the Severan dynasty, mapping the variable developments of the urban network between and within the sub-regions of that part of the Roman Empire. It examines the role of the town in Roman provincial society, and the prerequisites for their emergence and prosperity. READ MORE

Paperback: £54.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Uno sguardo su Pisa ellenistica da piazza del Duomo

Emanuele Taccola

Excavations in Pisa carried out between 1985 and 1988 in Piazza del Duomo, close to the Leaning Tower (saggio D) provided much new data regarding the origins of the city. This book studies the ceramic finds and redefines the role of Pisa in the Hellenistic period as one of the major trade centres of northern coastal Etruria. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Imágenes y Paisajes: El Arte Rupestre del Noreste de Catamarca, Argentina

Eva Amanda Calomino

Northeast of Catamarca, Argentina, there is a set of shelters and caves located in the rainforest with rock art with virtually no background. This book presents a study and systematic analysis of the plastic-thematic-compositional repertoire of the rock art sites of ‘Los Algarrobales’ and their spatial and temporal distribution. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Dating Urban Classical Deposits: Approaches and Problems in Using Finds to Date Strata

Guido Furlan

This book considers the dating of archaeological strata on the basis of the assemblages recovered from them. It reviews the present state of archaeological practice and follows this with a theoretical discussion of the key concepts involved in the issue of dating deposits. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

Included In Library Collection

Les restes humains badegouliens de la Grotte du Placard

Bruno Boulestin et al.

This book presents a detailed study of the Badegoulian human remains from Placard, a major Upper Palaeolithic site in France. Despite the antiquity of the discovery, the remains still constitute a unique assemblage that contributes greatly to our knowledge of the behaviours of hunter-gatherer populations in European prehistory. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Arab Settlements: Tribal structures and spatial organizations in the Middle East between Hellenistic and Early Islamic periods

Nicolò Pini

How can the built environment help in the understanding of social and economic changes involving ancient local communities? Arab Settlements aims to shed light on the degree to which economic and political changes affected social and identity patterns in the regional context from the Nabatean through to the Umayyad and Abbasid periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Beau Street, Bath Hoard

ed. Verity Anthony et al.

The remarkable discovery of the Beau Street Hoard captured the public imagination and became the focus for a major scientific investigation and a significant learning and public engagement programme. This book provides a thorough and complete publication and analysis of the hoard, which is one of the largest yet found in a Roman town in Britain. READ MORE

Hardback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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I Nebrodi nell’antichità: Città Culture Paesaggio

Francesco Collura

The Nebrodi mountains, central-northern Sicily, have long remained archeologically unexplored. This volume hopes to increase the knowledge of many aspects of this part of the island: the meeting between indigenous and Greek cultures, their coexistence, the types of settlement and the organization of cities, the trade and the local productions. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC

ed. Silvia Amicone et al.

Balkan ceramic studies is an emerging field within archaeology. This book brings together diverse studies by leading researchers and upcoming scholars, capturing the variety of current archaeological, ethnographic, experimental and scientific studies on Balkan ceramic production, distribution and use. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Hillforts: Britain, Ireland and the Nearer Continent

ed. Gary Lock et al.

The Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland project (2012-2016) compiled a massive database on hillforts by a team drawn from the Universities of Oxford, Edinburgh and Cork. This volume outlines the history of the project, offers preliminary assessments of the online digital Atlas and presents initial research studies using Atlas data. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Country in the City: Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean)

ed. Dominique Garcia et al.

This volume assembles contributions on the place of agricultural production in the context of the urbanization of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Mediterranean, concentrating on the second-millennium Aegean and the protohistoric north-western Mediterranean. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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La raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua a Ventotene in età romana

Giovanni Maria De Rossi

This volume, written by the Director of the Historical-Archaeological museum at Ventotene island, is divided into two parts: the first examines the topographical and technical problem of the water supply on the island, which essentially has no springs; the second analyses the individual components of the water supply system built by the Romans. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Secret Life of Memorials: Through the Memory Lens of the Australian South Sea Islanders

Julie Mitchell

Focussing on the Australian South Sea Islander minority community this volume employs a variety of theoretical arguments in order to contribute a new method for comprehending the many interleaving aspects of memory spaces, and should be of interest to heritage professionals, local councils and governing bodies, and members of the general public. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Excavation of Later Prehistoric and Roman Sites along the Route of the Newquay Strategic Road Corridor, Cornwall

Andy M. Jones et al.

This volume presents the results of archaeological investigations on the Newquay Strategic Road and goes on to discuss the complexity of the archaeology, review the evidence for ‘special’ deposits and explore evidence for the deliberate closure of buildings especially in later prehistoric and Roman period Cornwall. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Bridging Science and Heritage in the Balkans: Studies in Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Restoration and Conservation

ed. Nona Palincas et al.

In a period when the study of archaeological remains is enriched through new methods derived from the natural sciences and when there is general agreement on the need for more investment in the study, restoration and conservation of the tangible cultural heritage, this book presents contributions to these fields from South-Eastern Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Open Access

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TephroArchaeology in the North Pacific

ed. Gina L. Barnes et al.

‘TephroArchaeology’ (from the Japanese, kazanbai kōkogaku – lit. volcanic ash archaeology), refers to a sub-discipline of archaeology developed in Japan in the last few decades. This book brings into the English-speaking world tephroarchaeological investigations by archaeologists in Japan whose results are usually only accessible in Japanese. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World

ed. Maddalena Bassani et al.

This volume brings together papers dealing with therapeutic aspects connected to thermo-mineral sites both in Italy and in the Roman Provinces, as well as cultic issues surrounding health and healing. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Identifying Brúnanburh: ón dyngesmere – the sea of noise

John R. Kirby

In this study the author uses topographic references found in the manuscript of the poem ‘Brúnanburh’ to try and locate the ‘site’ of this momentous battle. The first references were maritime then latterly landscape leading to field-names which have a more stable base than the constantly changing place-names. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Hypogeum of the Aurelii

John Bradley

This book examines the frescoes of one of the most enigmatic funerary monuments of ancient Rome: the three chambers of the Hypogeum of the Aurelii. This is the first study in modern times to examine all the extant images in detail. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Egil’s Saga: Traditional evidence for Brúnanburh compared to Literary, Historic and Archaeological Analyses

John R. Kirby

Was Egil’s Saga ‘written’ by Snorri Sturluson or by more than one person? Was it embellished by Snorri or others? Where did the Brúnanburh traditions come from? Is it accurate enough to be used as a historic source – a factual reference? This study aims to identify the incongruities within this saga demonstrating a correct analysis. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Pioneer Burial: A high-status Anglian warrior burial from Wollaston Northamptonshire

Ian Meadows

Excavations at Wollaston Quarry, near Wellingborough, uncovered a single late 7th century grave, the Pioneer burial. The burial contained artefacts indicative of very high status, with the early to middle Saxon helmet being at the time only the fourth to have been recovered from a burial in England. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Art of the Ancestors: Spatial and temporal patterning in the ceiling rock art of Nawarla Gabarnmang, Arnhem Land, Australia

Robert G. Gunn

This volume, focusing on the ceiling art at Nawarla Gabarnmang, one of the richest rock art sites in Arnhem Land (in Australia’s Northern Territory), presents a new systematic approach to the archaeological recording and documentation of rock art developed to analyse the spatial and temporal structure of complex rock art panels. READ MORE

Paperback: £150.00 | Open Access

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Rural Cult Centres in the Hauran: Part of the broader network of the Near East (100 BC–AD 300)

Francesca Mazzilli

The first comprehensive multidisciplinary analysis of rural cult centres in the Hauran (southern Syria) from the pre-Roman to the Roman period (100 BC-AD 300). This volume re-evaluates the significance of contacts between the elite of the Hauran and other cultures of the Near East in shaping cult sites. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Function of the Roman Army in Southern Arabia Petraea

Mariana Castro

This volume provides a fresh perspective on the evolving and diverse functions of the Roman army in Arabia from the creation of the province to the end of the Byzantine period. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Die Bleifunde der römisch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca

Regine Müller

This book presents archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the lead finds from the Roman Republican military fort of Sanisera, northern Minorca. It places Sanisera within the historical context of the development of the late Roman Republic and early Imperial times. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Grotte du Placard at 150: New Considerations on an Exceptional Prehistoric Site

Christophe Delage

The prehistoric site of Le Placard, Southwest France, was first explored 150 years. 19th-century excavations almost emptied the cavity, now surprisingly ill-known. This 150-year milestone grants an opportunity to look back at this exceptional site and what it can tell us about the Late Pleistocene hunting and gathering societies who dwelt there. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Quebrando rocas, una aproximación metodológica para el estudio del cuarzo en contextos arqueológicos de Córdoba (Argentina)

Eduardo Pautassi

This book offers a valuable contribution to the development of a methodology to address the study of archaeological quartz artifacts, combining various analytical tools to study these objects so that we might better understand the technological strategies of hunting societies who made use of this raw material. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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New Approaches to Disease, Disability and Medicine in Medieval Europe

ed. Erin Connelly et al.

An interdisciplinary collection of papers focussing on infections, chronic illness, and the impact of infectious diseases on medieval society, with contributions by academics from a variety of disciplines and a diverse range of international institutions. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo

16 papers explore recent developments and core topics within academic Medieval Archaeology studies in Spain. Emergent and consolidated topics of the discipline are considered, including landscapes, cities, rural spaces, bio-archaeological records, archaeology of architectures, agrarian archaeology, post-Roman archaeology and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £64.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Rockshelter Excavations in the East Hamersley Range, Pilbara Region, Western Australia

ed. Dawn Cropper et al.

This volume offers a detailed study of six exceptional rockshelter sites from the inland Pilbara Region of Western Australia. Consisting of 18 chapters, it is rich with colour photographs, illustrations, and figures, including high-resolution images of the rockshelter sites, excavations, stratigraphic sections, cultural features, and artefacts. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Open Access

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Travellers in Ottoman Lands

ed. Ines Asceric-Todd et al.

This splendidly illustrated book focuses on the botanical legacy of many parts of the former Ottoman Empire — including present-day Turkey, the Levant, Egypt, the Balkans, and the Arabian Peninsula — as seen and described by travellers both from within and from outside the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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La ocupación cazadora-recolectora durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el oeste de Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil: geoarqueología de los sitios en la formación sedimentaria Touro Passo

Viviane Pouey Vidal

This book presents the results obtained during geoarchaeological studies carried out in the locality of Touro Passo, Brazil. New chronologies obtained represent a scientific advance for the study of hunter-gatherer occupations during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene in the triple border of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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An Intellectual Adventurer in Archaeology: Reflections on the work of Charles Thomas

ed. Andy M Jones et al.

Charles Thomas (1928-2016) was a Cornishman and archaeologist, whose career from the 1950s spanned nearly seven decades. This period saw major developments that underpin the structures of archaeology in Britain today, in many of which he played a pivotal part. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Estudios para la configuración de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Península Ibérica

ed. P. Ruiz Montes et al.

An exploration of the economy and trade in the South of the Iberian Peninsula during the High Roman Empire, focussing on the study of ceramic contexts in several market places and consumption centres located in the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £39.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Il complesso monumentale di Baitokaike (Hoson Sulaiman – Siria)

Tarek Ahmad

The architecture of the temple at Baitokaike shares the characteristics that are typical of the Phoenician region, especially during the imperial era. This study aims to deepen our knowledge, proposing new chronological phases of the site, starting from the time when it was an open cult place, through the architectural analysis of its buildings. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Augustus: From Republic to Empire

ed. Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner et al.

Proceedings from the conference ‘AUGUSTUS. 23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD – 2000 years of divinity’ held in Kakow, 2014. Papers deal with a variety of topics ranging from architecture, urban issues and painting to fine art represented by glyptics and numismatics. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Huosiland: A Small Country in Carolingian Europe

Carl I. Hammer

This volume studies the landscape of western Bavaria in the early-medieval period, between about 750 and 850 AD. The title of the study derives from several indications that a noble genealogia, the Huosi, were particularly influential there during the period. Huosiland may be the best documented European landscape of this time. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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New Home, New Herds: Cuman Integration and Animal Husbandry in Medieval Hungary from an Archaeozoological Perspective

Kyra Lyublyanovics

The Cumans are known to history as nomadic, mounted warriors. Some arrived in the Hungarian Kingdom in the mid-thirteenth century seeking asylum, eventually settling and integrating. This study collects historical, ethnographic and archaeological information on the animal husbandry aspect of the development of the Cuman population in Hungary. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla

Mario Ramírez Galán

This book shows the great potential of Spanish battlefields and their heritage for archaeological study. It suggests Spain could be regarded as a very important country regarding battlefield archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Hillforts and the Durotriges

Dave Stewart et al.

This volume sets out the results of a detailed programme of non-intrusive geophysical survey conducted across hillforts of Dorset (UK), generating detailed subsurface maps of archaeological features, in the hope of better resolving the phasing, form and internal structure of these iconic sites. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Shifting Sand: Journal of a cub archaeologist, Palestine 1964

Julian Berry

Shifting Sand is the journal of Julian Berry, then a 17-year-old archaeologist, written on-site during excavations in Jordan, 1964. The book provides a fascinating insight into the lives of archaeologists over 50 years ago, and the very close links between the European team, the Arab workmen, and the daily life in a simple mud-brick village. READ MORE

Paperback: £18.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Ancient Engineering: Selective Ceramic Processing in the Middle Balsas Region of Guerrero, Mexico

Jennifer Meanwell

This volume has two main objectives: establishing a chronology of the Middle Balsas and detailing the region’s pottery production methods. The author posits that pottery intended for different functions was often deliberately made and/or decorated in ways that were chosen to make the vessels more appropriate for their intended functions. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Time and Stone: The Emergence and Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in Europe

Bettina Schulz Paulsson

This analysis is concerned with the dating of megaliths in Europe and is based on 2410 available radiocarbon results and the application of a Bayesian statistical framework. It is, so far, the largest existing attempt to establish a supra-regional synthesis on the emergence and development of megaliths in Europe. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Glassware and Glassworking in Thessaloniki

Anastassios Ch. Antonaras

A detailed examination of the production of glass and glass vessels in the eastern Mediterranean from the Hellenistic Age to the Early Christian period, analysing production techniques and decoration. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Substantive Evidence of Initial Habitation in the Remote Pacific: Archaeological Discoveries at Unai Bapot in Saipan, Mariana Islands

Mike T. Carson et al.

At the Unai Bapot Site of the Mariana Islands, new excavation has clarified the oldest known instance of a residential habitation prior to 1500 B.C. in the Remote Pacific, previously difficult to document in deeply buried layers that originally had comprised near-tidal to shallow subtidal zones. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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L’artisanat dans les cites antiques de l’Algérie

Touatia Amraoui

This book is the first to examine the artisans of ancient North Africa as its core subject. Focusing on urban production in Algeria during Antiquity, this critical study brings together new documentation drawn up on the basis of field data and the consultation of archives from a long history of survey in Algeria and France. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Territoires et ressources des sociétés néolithiques du Bassin parisien

Claira Lietar

The aim of this book is to study forms of territorial patterning and resource management in the middle Neolithic I and II, between 4500 and 3800 BC in the Paris basin. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Arqueología urbana en el área central de la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina

Andrés D. Izeta et al.

Urban archeology in the central area of ​​the City of Cordoba, Argentina. Excavations at the corporate headquarters of the Bank of the Province of Córdoba (2014-2016). READ MORE

Paperback: £54.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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La ocupación humana del territorio de la comarca del río Guadalteba (Málaga) durante el Pleistoceno

Lidia Cabello Ligero

This investigation exhaustively gathers the archaeological evidence of the Palaeolithic human settlement in the Guadalteba river region (Malaga, Spain) during the Pleistocene. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Roman Frontier Studies 2009

ed. Nick Hodgson et al.

Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (LIMES XXI), hosted by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in August 2009. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

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‘Poedicvlorvm oppida’

Custode Silvio Fioriello

This volume reconstructs – for the first time, in an organic manner and in a global framework – the profile of the urban space of central Apulia, Italy in Roman times. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Birds, Beasts and Burials: A study of the human-animal relationship in Romano-British St. Albans

Brittany Elayne Hill

Birds, Beasts and Burials examines human-animal relationships as found in the mortuary record within the area of Verulamium that is now situated in the modern town of St. Albans. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships

Sara A. Rich

It is commonly recognized that the Cedars of Lebanon were prized in the ancient world, but how can the complex archaeological role of the Cedrus genus be articulated in terms that go beyond its interactions with humans alone? READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Medieval Urban Landscape in Northeastern Mesopotamia

Karel Nováček et al.

Investigates the sites which formed an urban network from 6th to 19th centuries in the region of northeastern Mesopotamia, bounded by the rivers Great Zāb, Little Zāb and Tigris. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeological Research at Caution Bay, Papua New Guinea

ed. Thomas Richards et al.

The first volume of the Caution Bay monographs is designed to introduce the goals of the Caution Bay project, the nature and scope of the investigations and the cultural and natural setting of the study area. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Open Access

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Bearsden: The Story of a Roman Fort

David J. Breeze

This accessible account of the discoveries at the Roman fort at Bearsden examines the process of archaeological excavation, the life of the soldiers at the fort based on the results of the excavation as well as material from elsewhere in the Roman Empire. READ MORE

Paperback: £20.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Castles, Siegeworks and Settlements

ed. Duncan W. Wright et al.

This volume comprises thirteen reports detailing fieldwork undertaken by a research project which sought to assess the archaeological evidence of the period of conflict that took place in mid-twelfth-century England popularly known as ‘the Anarchy’. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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The White Lady and Atlantis: Ophir and Great Zimbabwe

Jean-Loïc Le Quellec

This meticulous investigation, based around a famous rock image, the ‘White Lady’, makes it possible to take stock of the mythical presuppositions that infuse a great deal of scientific research, especially in the case of rock art studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

An Urban Geography of the Roman World, 100 BC to AD 300

J. W. Hanson

This book provides a new account of the urbanism of the Roman world between 100 BC and AD 300. To do so, it draws on a combination of textual sources and archaeological material to provide a new catalogue of cities, calculates new estimates of their areas and uses a range of population densities to estimate their populations. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archeologia dell’acqua a Gortina di Creta in età protobizantina

Elisabetta Giorgi

A study of the early Byzantine aqueduct of Gortyn (Crete). READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Enfoques metodológicos en el estudio de los asentamientos fortificados de la edad del hierro

Óscar Rodríguez Monterrubio

This volume focuses on the main methodological perspectives currently existing in studies on Iron Age fortified settlements. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Inter Moesos et Thraces

Agnieszka Tomas

Excavations at the Roman legionary base at Novae in Lower Moesia reveal one of the most important sites in the Lower Danubian provinces. Towards late Antiquity, the military camp was transformed into a civil town with Episcopal residence and survived until the beginning of the 7th century. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeological rescue excavations on Packages 3 and 4 of the Batinah Expressway, Sultanate of Oman

Ben Saunders

This report presents the results of rescue excavations conducted during the spring and summer of 2014 in preparation for the construction of the Batinah Expressway (Packages 3 and 4) on the Batinah coastal plain in al-Batinah North Governate READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus

Sebastián Vargas Vázquez

This volume focuses on the study of the geometric designs documented in the mosaics of the Conventus Astigitanus, one of the four conventi iuridici of Roman Baetica. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

Holocene Prehistory in the Télidjène Basin, Eastern Algeria

ed. David Lubell

Excavations at Kef Zoura D and Aïn Misteheyia - stratified Capsian escargotières (one openair, the other a rockshelter) in the Télidjène Basin, Eastern Algeria. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

Estudios antracológicos en los espacios de combustión del Alero Deodoro Roca – Ongamira (Córdoba)

Andrés Ignacio Robledo

This book is about how hunter-gatherer groups maintained a relationship with the use and management of fire in the Late Holocene of Southern Precordillera. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Die Anfänge des kontinentalen Transportwesens und seine Auswirkungen auf die Bolerázer und Badener Kulturen

Tünde Horváth

The earliest finds of wheeled vehicles in northern and central Europe date to 3900-3600 BC. However finds (3400-3300 BC) from the Boleraz sites of Arbon/Bleiche 3 and Bad Buchau/Torwiesen II, linked to pile-dwelling settlements, indicate methods of transport typical for higher altitudes (slides, sleds, etc.). READ MORE

Paperback: £24.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Athens from 1920 to 1940

Dimitris N. Karidis

During the short interwar period of the early 20th century, Athens entered into a process of meteoric urban transformation which gave her a unique place among European capital cities of the time. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Tra Montaccianico e Firenze: gli Ubaldini e la città

ed. Alessandro Monti et al.

The central theme The Ubaldini and the City is the classic confrontation between feudal society and a resurgent urban form as the central instrument of organisation of European society, which is crucial to the origins of Europe as we know it today. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Barracks of the Roman Army from the 1st to 3rd Centuries A.D.

David Davison

This study offers a comparative study of the barracks from Roman fortresses, forts and fortlets with an analysis of building types and construction, stabling, and garrisons, seeking to address many direct questions where there is lack of useful written evidence. READ MORE

Open Access

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