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Keyword: Cave paintings

Messages from the Past: Rock Art of Al-Hajar Mountains

Angelo E. Fossati

Angelo E. Fossati takes the reader on an in-depth journey into the various themes present in the rock art of Oman, offering theories on the chronology and interpretation, while exploring the landscape setting of the decorated panels. Highly illustrated throughout, beautiful photographs and scientific tracings of the rock art accompany the text. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection

El sol, símbolo de continuidad y permanencia: un estudio multidisciplinar sobre la figura soliforme en el arte esquemático de la Provincia de Cádiz

Mercedes Versaci

The purpose of this study is to analyze the soliform figures in schematic cave paintings in the area of Laguna de la Janda and Campo de Gibraltar (Cadiz). Technological, typological, stylistic, semiotic, astronomical, anthropological and landscape aspects of the cave paintings are considered. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | Open Access

Included In Library Collection