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Keyword: Eneolithic

Hunting and Fishing in the Neolithic and Eneolithic

ed. Selena Vitezovic et al.

This volume contains 13 papers on hunting and fishing techniques, weapons and prey in the area from Anatolia to the Gibraltar region. Papers include specific case studies as well as syntheses of wider data sets and provide the latest methodological and theoretical perspectives on the role of hunting and fishing in early agricultural societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £49.00 | Open Access

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Nel regno del fango: speleoarcheologia della Grotta di Polla (Salerno, Italia)

ed. Antonella Minelli et al.

This book presents the preliminary results of the archaeological excavations carried out in the Grotta di Polla, in the province of Salerno, Italy. The challenges of speleoarchaeology are discussed, and the methodologies adopted for the preservation and conservation of archaeological materials and the results obtained are illustrated. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Megaliths of Vera Island in the Southern Urals

Stanislav Grigoriev et al.

The largest and brightest megalithic complex in Russia’s Ural Mountains is located on Vera Island, represented by three chambered megaliths and sanctuaries of the Eneolithic period (mid-4th - 3rd millennium BC). The oldest samples of stone sculpture in the Urals have been revealed within this complex. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Anthropomorphic Representations in the Cucuteni-Tripolye Culture

Dan Monah

This book applies the view of Dan Monah (1943-2013) to the analysis of the Cucuteni-Tripolye anthropomorphic representations. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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