Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection

Keyword: Engraved gems

Natter’s Museum Britannicum: British gem collections and collectors of the mid-eighteenth century

John Boardman et al.

This book presents the first comprehensive publication of Lorenz Natter’s (1705- 1763) Museum Britannicum, offering full discussion in English and presenting Natter’s drawings and comments alongside modern information on the ancient and later engraved gems that can be identified and located through fresh research. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Engraved Gems and Propaganda in the Roman Republic and under Augustus

Paweł Gołyźniak

This book studies small but highly captivating artworks from antiquity – engraved gemstones. These objects had multiple applications, and the images upon them captured snapshots of people's beliefs, ideologies, and everyday occupations. They provide a unique perspective on the propaganda of Roman political leaders, especially Octavian/Augustus. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00 | Open Access

Included In Library Collection

Representations of Animals on Greek and Roman Engraved Gems

Idit Sagiv

A comprehensive study of the depictions of animals and their significance on Greek and Roman gems. The work examines the associations between animal depictions and the type of gemstone and its believed qualities. The study also compares the representation of animals on gems to other, larger media, and analyses the differences. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

Included In Library Collection