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Keyword: Gandhāra

Art of Ancient India and the Aegean

A.S. Bhalla

This book examines similarities and differences between art in ancient Indian (Indus) civilizations and that of the Aegean civilizations. The comparison raises questions about possible cross-cultural influences, which became more significant following Alexander’s invasion and the subsequent adaptation of Indian art under the Indo-Greek kingdoms. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Gandharan Art and the Classical World: A Short Introduction

Peter Stewart

This book offers an introduction to Gandharan art and the mystery of its relationship with the Graeco-Roman world of the Mediterranean. It presents an accessible explanation of the ancient and modern contexts of Gandharan art, the state of scholarship on the subject, and guidance for further, in-depth study. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Gandhāran Art in Its Buddhist Context

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

This book considers Gandhāran art in relation to its religious contexts and meanings within ancient Buddhism. Addressing the responses of patrons and worshippers at the monasteries and shrines of Gandhāra, papers seek to understand more about why Gandhāran art was made and what its iconographical repertoire meant to ancient viewers. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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The View from Malakand: Harold Deane’s ‘Note on Udyana and Gandhara’

Llewelyn Morgan et al.

This volume presents a seminal and pioneering account of the antiquities of Swat and Peshawar (Pakistan) by Harold Deane, discovered in the fort at Malakand, Swat; it presents and transcribes the manuscript and provides extended notes identifying and describing the places that Deane discusses in his article. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access

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The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

From the archaeologists and smugglers of the Raj to the museums of post-partition Pakistan and India, from coin-forgers and contraband to modern Buddhism and contemporary art, this fourth volume of the Gandhāra Connections project presents the most recent research on the factors that mediate our encounter with Gandhāran art. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

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The Global Connections of Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

This volume addresses directly the question of cross-cultural influence on and by Gandhāran art. The contributors wrestle with old controversies, particularly the notion that Gandhāran art is a legacy of Hellenistic Greek rule in Central Asia and the growing consensus around the important role of the Roman Empire in shaping it. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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The Geography of Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

This second volume of the Gandhāra Connections project at Oxford University’s Classical Art Research Centre aims to pick apart the regional geography of Gandhāran art, presenting new discoveries at particular sites, textual evidence, and the challenges and opportunities of exploring Gandhāra’s artistic geography. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access

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Problems of Chronology in Gandhāran Art

ed. Wannaporn Rienjang et al.

‘Problems of Chronology in Gandhāran Art’ is the first publication of the Gandhāra Connections project at the University of Oxford’s Classical Art Research Centre. It presents the proceedings of the first of three international workshops on fundamental questions in the study of Gandhāran art, held at Oxford in March 2017. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access

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