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Cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno medio en las sierras de Tandilia oriental (Argentina)

Juan Pablo Donadei Corada

Research on the hunter-gatherer groups that inhabited the eastern Tandilia mountain range (Argentina) during the mid-Holocene period offers new knowledge on aspects related to lithic technology, raw material management and mobility strategies. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum: Acta 47

ed. Catarina Viegas

16 contributions consider various pottery categories like terra sigillata, black gloss Italian ware, and more, offering multidisciplinary perspectives on trade, local production, and societal contexts. Spanning from early to late Roman periods, Acta 47 sheds light on pottery's significance and its diverse usage across the ancient Roman world. READ MORE

Hardback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Fires in GunaiKurnai Country

ed. Jessie Buettel et al.

Anthropogenic climate change is becoming a reality, and in Australia this means longer , more intense wildfire seasons over a wider area. The GunaiKurnai people saw much of their Country decimated during ‘Black Summer’ (2019/2020), prompting questions about both the management of Country and its heritage resources moving forward. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

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Community Archaeology: Working Ancient Aboriginal Wetlands in Eastern Australia

ed. Wendy Beck et al.

This volume presents the results of an investigation of wetland heritage in eastern Australia, with important contributions to the archaeology of the Tasmanian Midlands and the New England Tablelands. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery Traditions at the Margins of the Hittite State

ed. Federico Manuelli et al.

The intent of this volume is to break through the boundaries usually imposed by the study of 2nd millennium BC pottery production in Anatolia. 12 papers of leading specialists working on relevant material offer, for the first time, the possibility of a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of painted pottery in the 2nd millennium BC. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Le gemme romane e post-antiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari

Miriam Napolitano

This volume provides a catalogue raisonné of around 200 engraved gems from the Roman and post-antique periods currently or formerly preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border

Alastair Small et al.

The broad valley of the Bradano river and its tributary, the Basentello, separates the Apennine mountains in Lucania from the limestone plateau of the Murge in Apulia in southeast Italy. This book aims to explain how the pattern of settlement and land use changed in the valley over the whole period from the Neolithic to the late medieval.


Hardback: £125.00 | Open Access

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The Making of a Roman Imperial Estate: Archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia

ed. Maureen Carroll

Excavation reports and analysis of material remains from Vagnari, southeast Italy, facilitate a detailed phasing of a rural settlement, both in the late Republican period, when it was established on land leased from the Roman state, and later when it became the hub (vicus) of a vast agricultural estate owned by the emperor himself. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond

ed. Adnan Baysal

This volume aims to show networks of cultural interactions by focusing on the latest lithic studies from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans, bringing to the forefront the connectedness and techno-cultural continuity of knapped and ground stone technologies. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Shipwreck at Gnalić

Irena Radić Rossi et al.

Unlike official history, which takes long and impersonal strides through the past, this book describes individual human destinies that convey the story of the late Renaissance period throughout Europe and the Mediterranean as uncovered at the site of the shipwreck at Gnalić, Croatia. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Les pratiques funéraires en Gaule lyonnaise de l’époque augustéenne à la fin du 3e siècle

András Márton

This volume gives an overview of Roman burial practices in the Gallia Lugdunensis province during the Early Roman Empire, focussing on grave treatment and grave furnishing, the structure of the tombs and the selection and treatment of grave goods and human remains. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Statues at Rousham Park

Anne Schlee

Informative and well-illustrated, this book describes how the retired General Dormer, who inherited Rousham in 1738, completed Charles Bridgeman’s garden design with the help of William Kent, but reserved for himself the choice of statues and their placement. Taken together, the statues and busts suggest an autobiographical portrait of Dormer. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99

L’arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità

ed. Francesco M. P. Carrera et al.

This book presents the proceedings of IFRAO 2018 – Session 2H. The various papers present a remarkable synthesis of current knowledge on inscriptions, engraved and painted, on the rock walls of the Italian peninsular. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The World of Disney: From Antiquarianism to Archaeology

David W. J. Gill

A biography of Dr John Disney (1779-1857), the benefactor of the first chair in archaeology at a British university. He also donated his major collection of Classical sculptures to the University of Cambridge. The sculptures continue to be displayed in the Fitzwilliam Museum. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Deposit of Amphorae in the Quarter of St. Theodore, Pula

Alka Starac

This book examines a large group of amphorae from the quarter of St. Theodore in Pula, Croatia, used for drainage and levelling as part of the construction of the terrace of the Roman temple complex and adjacent public thermae. Investigations in 2005-2007 uncovered 2119 amphorae, of which 1754 were extracted and thoroughly documented. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 5 2020

John Bintliff

Volume 5 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology is the richest and most diverse so far. Keeping to the core brief to cover all major periods of Greek Archaeology, articles range from the Neolithic through Greco-Roman times, the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century AD. Geographically, papers range from Sicily through the Aegean to Turkey. READ MORE

Paperback: £96.00

Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece

D. J. Ian Begg

This book relates three years (1921-1924) in the life of Gilbert Bagnani, a young Italian archaeologist in Greece, based on his letters to his mother in Rome, at first as a non-partisan observer of, and later as an active participant in, some of the most tumultuous events in modern Greek history. READ MORE

Hardback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Turkish Long-Necked Lute Saz or Bağlama

Hans de Zeeuw

The saz or bağlama, a generic name for long-necked lutes in Turkey, plays an important role in Turkish musical culture. This volume focusses on the instrument's cultural-historical background while briefly discussing various saz or bağlama types and their construction, tuning, and playing techniques. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 4 2019

John Bintliff

The fourth volume of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (JGA) is rich and varied in content. Geographically the articles range from Sicily via Greece to Anatolia and the Near East, while chronologically they extend from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman era. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00

Les restes humains badegouliens de la Grotte du Placard

Bruno Boulestin et al.

This book presents a detailed study of the Badegoulian human remains from Placard, a major Upper Palaeolithic site in France. Despite the antiquity of the discovery, the remains still constitute a unique assemblage that contributes greatly to our knowledge of the behaviours of hunter-gatherer populations in European prehistory. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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I Nebrodi nell’antichità: Città Culture Paesaggio

Francesco Collura

The Nebrodi mountains, central-northern Sicily, have long remained archeologically unexplored. This volume hopes to increase the knowledge of many aspects of this part of the island: the meeting between indigenous and Greek cultures, their coexistence, the types of settlement and the organization of cities, the trade and the local productions. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Stamps on Terra Sigillata Found in Excavations of the Theatre of Aptera

Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky

Aptera yields more stamped fragments of terra sigillata than any other Cretan city, including Knossos. This book presents stamped fragments of Italian and eastern sigillata found in excavations of the Theatre of Aptera and examines Crete’s strategic position amid crossroads of transit and exchange as well as integration into the Roman economy. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Secret Life of Memorials: Through the Memory Lens of the Australian South Sea Islanders

Julie Mitchell

Focussing on the Australian South Sea Islander minority community this volume employs a variety of theoretical arguments in order to contribute a new method for comprehending the many interleaving aspects of memory spaces, and should be of interest to heritage professionals, local councils and governing bodies, and members of the general public. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Aesthetics, Applications, Artistry and Anarchy: Essays in Prehistoric and Contemporary Art

ed. Jillian Huntley et al.

This volume, in honour of John Kay Clegg, consists of papers by rock art researchers from around the world on topics such as aesthetics, the application of statistical analyses, frontier conflict and layered symbolic meanings, the deliberate use of optical illusion, and the contemporary significance of ancient and street art. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Art of the Ancestors: Spatial and temporal patterning in the ceiling rock art of Nawarla Gabarnmang, Arnhem Land, Australia

Robert G. Gunn

This volume, focusing on the ceiling art at Nawarla Gabarnmang, one of the richest rock art sites in Arnhem Land (in Australia’s Northern Territory), presents a new systematic approach to the archaeological recording and documentation of rock art developed to analyse the spatial and temporal structure of complex rock art panels. READ MORE

Paperback: £150.00 | Open Access

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Etnicidad vs. Aculturación: Las necrópolis castellanas de los siglos V-VI d.C. y el asentamiento visigodo en la Península Ibérica. Una mirada desde la meseta sur

Rafael Barroso Cabrera

A study of the political and archaeological controversies surrounding the Castilian Necropoleis of the V-VI Centuries AD and the Visigoth Settlement in the Iberian Peninsula. The author attempts to deconstruct the various controversies and presents fresh analysis based on the archaeological data and literary evidence. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras

Constantinos Paschalidis et al.

Presents the study of the finds from the Mycenaean cemetery of Clauss near Patras, carried out between 1988-1992 under the direction of Prof. Thanassis Papadopoulos. During the excavation project, fifteen chamber tombs were located and researched in detail, to be added to those already known from the pre-war excavations by Nikolaos Kyparissis. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Die Bleifunde der römisch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca

Regine Müller

This book presents archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the lead finds from the Roman Republican military fort of Sanisera, northern Minorca. It places Sanisera within the historical context of the development of the late Roman Republic and early Imperial times. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Winifred Lamb: Aegean Prehistorian and Museum Curator

David W. J. Gill

The first comprehensive biography of pioneering archaeologist and museum curator Winnifred Lamb, who was honorary keeper of Greek antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge in the four decades immediately following the First World War. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Grotte du Placard at 150: New Considerations on an Exceptional Prehistoric Site

Christophe Delage

The prehistoric site of Le Placard, Southwest France, was first explored 150 years. 19th-century excavations almost emptied the cavity, now surprisingly ill-known. This 150-year milestone grants an opportunity to look back at this exceptional site and what it can tell us about the Late Pleistocene hunting and gathering societies who dwelt there. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Geography of Trade: Landscapes of competition and long-distance contacts in Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period

Alessio Palmisano

A reassessment of the Old-Assyrian trade network in Upper Mesopotamia and Central Anatolia during the Middle Bronze Age, this volume examines exchange networks and economic strategies, continuity and discontinuity of specific trade circuits and routes, and the evolution of political landscapes throughout the Near East. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Law of Treasure

A.G. Guest et al.

This book aims to provide a reliable guide to the Law of Treasure in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will be of vital interest and utility to metal detectorists in addition to archaeologists, museums, coroner’s offices, finds liaison officers, farmers and landlords’ associations. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España

ed. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo

16 papers explore recent developments and core topics within academic Medieval Archaeology studies in Spain. Emergent and consolidated topics of the discipline are considered, including landscapes, cities, rural spaces, bio-archaeological records, archaeology of architectures, agrarian archaeology, post-Roman archaeology and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £64.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Papers in Italian Archaeology VII: The Archaeology of Death

ed. Edward Herring et al.

This volume collects more than 60 papers by contributors from the British Isles, Italy and other parts of continental Europe, and North and South America, focussing on recent developments in Italian archaeology from the Neolithic to the modern period. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Rockshelter Excavations in the East Hamersley Range, Pilbara Region, Western Australia

ed. Dawn Cropper et al.

This volume offers a detailed study of six exceptional rockshelter sites from the inland Pilbara Region of Western Australia. Consisting of 18 chapters, it is rich with colour photographs, illustrations, and figures, including high-resolution images of the rockshelter sites, excavations, stratigraphic sections, cultural features, and artefacts. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Open Access

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Unearthing Alexandria’s Archaeology: The Italian Contribution

Mohamed Kenawi et al.

Presents an archival survey, historical research, and archaeological description of the main Italian excavations in Alexandria from the 1890s to the 1950s, offering detailed descriptions of excavations at Hadra, Chatby, Anfushi and more, accompanied by often unpublished photographs and a catalogue of rare photographs of further sites in Alexandria. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Luwians of Western Anatolia: Their Neighbours and Predecessors

Fred Woudhuizen

A study focussing on the Luwians of Western Anatolia, the geography of their habitat, and their neighbours and predecessors in the region. A reconstruction of western Luwian history and a sketch of their language is presented, based on linguistic data taken from hieroglyphic inscriptions and cuneiform script. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Ziyaret Tepe: Exploring the Anatolian frontier of the Assyrian Empire

Timothy Matney et al.

This unique record charts the important archaeological finds over 18 years at Ziyaret Tepe in southeast Turkey - site of Tushan, a provincial capital of the Assyrian Empire dating back to the 9th century BC. Informative, scholarly, copiously illustrated, personal and extremely readable, this groundbreaking book sets a new benchmark in the field. READ MORE

Paperback: £16.95

‘Poedicvlorvm oppida’

Custode Silvio Fioriello

This volume reconstructs – for the first time, in an organic manner and in a global framework – the profile of the urban space of central Apulia, Italy in Roman times. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Due antiche diocesi dello stretto di Messina

Francesca Zagari

This monograph is a comparative study of the Saline area and of the Aeolian Islands dioceses’ settlement in Late Antiquity and in the Early Middle ages. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean

Hakan Öniz

Amphorae in the Eastern Mediterranean is designed to share the subject of amphorae which were found on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey with the wider scholarly community. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Liber Amicorum–Speculum Siderum: Nūt Astrophoros

ed. Nadine Guilhou et al.

In this volume, a pleiade of Egyptologists, Archaeologists, Archaeoastronomers, Archaeoanthropologists, Historians and other scholars from fifteen countries have combined their efforts in order to honour Alicia Maravelia. READ MORE

Paperback: £56.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Maritime Traditions of the Fishermen of Socotra, Yemen

Julian Jansen van Rensburg

This research analyses the Socotri maritime traditions and addressing the question as to how social, environmental and technological influences have shaped the maritime traditions of the fishermen of Socotra (205 nautical miles south of Yemen). READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

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