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Keyword: Sea

The People of Early Winchester

ed. Caroline M. Stuckert

This volume traces the lives, health, and diseases of Winchester's inhabitants as seen in their skeletal remains from the mid-3rd to mid-16th century, a period of over 1,300 years. It offers a continuous chronological window, rather than a series of isolated studies, and is notable for the large sample of 8th-10th century Anglo-Saxon burials. READ MORE

Hardback: £80.00

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontier in Georgia

Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski et al.

An accessible summary of the history of the Roman Frontier in Georgia, placed into its wider context by a supporting essay from David Breeze looking at the whole Roman Frontier as an interconnected world heritage site. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access

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Spring Archaeology: Atti del Convegno, Siena 27-29 ottobre 2022

ed. Andrea Bellotti et al.

Spring Archaeology provides young researchers and professionals working in Italy with an opportunity to showcase their work. The presentations and posters focus on the application of new technologies in archaeology, the study of material culture, public archaeology projects, advances in research, and considerations on methodological issues. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Harbours of Byzantium

ed. Alkiviadis Ginalis

Beyond general approaches to the study of Byzantine harbour archaeology, contributions in this volume offer a representative picture of harbour activities across the historical and geographical boundaries of the Byzantine Empire, providing the basis for future comparative research on a local, regional, and supra-regional level. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Economy of the Later Roman Province of Third Palestine

Walter D. Ward

This book provides a comprehensive examination of the evidence for the economy of the later Roman province of Third Palestine, which roughly corresponds to southern Jordan, the Negev desert in Israel, and the Sinai Peninsula. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Disease and Healing in the Indus Civilisation

Robert Arnott

This book provides insights into health, disease, and healing in the Indus Civilisation during the third to early second millennia BCE. Based on original research, it examines skeletal remains, material culture, and environmental factors. The book sheds light on diseases, healing practices, and public health in this ancient civilization. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeology

Tim van Tongeren

This book is the result of a large-scale yet detailed study of early medieval grave furnishings from the Netherlands, aiming at the creation of a comprehensive artefact typology and updated relative chronology for this under-explored period in the Low Countries. READ MORE

Hardback: £100.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology

ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze et al.

Several papers focus on Tios (the Acropolis, the lower city and coin finds). Its place in ancient geography/cartography is considered before moving on to the indigenous inhabitants of the surrounding area, the immediate and greater region, then the Turkish Black Sea region, and outwards to the western, northern and eastern shores of the Black Sea. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

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“In fretta le navi correvano i sentieri pescosi”: Un’ipotesi di ricostruzione delle rotte di collegamento fra area egea e Mediterraneo Orientale (1700 - 1200 a.C.)

Angiolo Querci

From MM III until the end of the LH/LM period, the entire Aegean area was an integral part of a network of trade contacts that included all the major socio-political realities that lined the shores of the eastern Mediterranean basin. This book considers the vessels used and routes taken to enable this network to function. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Non-Intrusive Methodologies for Large Area Urban Research

ed. Ian Haynes et al.

Papers address a major challenge in archaeology: non-intrusive research in pursuit of a deeper understanding of urban areas can be richly informative and cost-effective. Geophysical surveys, UAVs, exposed historic structures and the exhaustive examination of archival records can all play a vital role and their implementation is considered here. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Open Access

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Community Archaeology: Working Ancient Aboriginal Wetlands in Eastern Australia

ed. Wendy Beck et al.

This volume presents the results of an investigation of wetland heritage in eastern Australia, with important contributions to the archaeology of the Tasmanian Midlands and the New England Tablelands. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Powerful Pictures: Rock Art Research Histories around the World

ed. Jamie Hampson et al.

Focusing on stunning paintings and engravings from around the world, 16 papers interrogate the driving forces behind global rock art research. Many of the motifs featured were created by indigenous hunter-gatherer groups; this book sheds new light on non-Western rituals and worldviews, many of which are threatened or on the point of extinction. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Archaeologiae Una storia al plurale: Studi in memoria di Sara Santoro

ed. Sonia Antonelli et al.

Dedicated to the late Sara Santoro, an archaeologist and multifaceted scholar who worked actively in Italy, France and Albania, this volume is divided into Six sections, considering topics that include iconography and philology; Adriatic studies; field research; valorisation and planning in cultural heritage; 'minor' settlements; and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £110.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Thirsty Seafarers at Temple B of Kommos

Judith Muñoz Sogas

The island of Crete was an important place for cultural and economic exchanges between Greeks and Near Easterners in the Aegean during the 1st millennium BC. This book aims to understand the Phoenician presence and trade in Aegean temples, as well as how Crete shaped its role within the context of Mediterranean trade routes from East to West. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Eastern Frontiers

David J. Breeze et al.

This volume considers the military architecture and its impact on local communities in Rome's eastern frontier, which stretched from the north-east shore of the Black Sea to the Red Sea. READ MORE

Paperback: £14.99 | Open Access

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Contextualización del reconocimiento arqueológico de Eduard Seler en la Región de Chaculá, Departamento de Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Ulrich Wölfel

This study re-examines and contextualises Eduard Seler's investigations in the Chaculá-Region, Guatemala. A new study of the Ethnological Museum Berlin's materials from the region, including previously undocumented ceramics, reveals a chronology suggesting that the major settlements were occupied from the Late Classic to the Early Postclassic. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

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Practice and Prestige: An Exploration of Neolithic Warfare, Bell Beaker Archery, and Social Stratification from an Anthropological Perspective

Jessica Ryan-Despraz

Drawing on the author's recent study that assessed the bone morphology of skeletons in Bell Beaker burials for signs of specialised archery activity, this book contextualises the osteological findings and explores the evidence for warfare and archery throughout the Neolithic period in general and the Bell Beaker period in particular. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Open Access

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SOMA 2016: Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

ed. Hakan Öniz et al.

SOMA 2016 focused on the archaeology of the Northern Black Sea; while rich in archaeological sites, the region is also subject to active industrial development. In addition to archaeological finds in various parts of the Mediterranean, papers focus on new ideas for the conservation and management of sites of historical and cultural heritage. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

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Transhumance: Papers from the International Association of Landscape Archaeology Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018

ed. Mark Bowden et al.

A collection of papers, mostly arising from the Newcastle and Durham conference of the International Association of Landscape Archaeology (2018), explore the practice, impact and archaeology of British and European transhumance, the seasonal grazing of marginal lands by domesticated livestock, usually accompanied by people, often young women. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Spring Archaeology: Atti del Convegno, Siena, 15-17 maggio 2020

ed. Andrea Bellotti et al.

Proceedings of a 2020 symposium organised by students of the University of Siena (held online due to COVID-19). Papers consider many facets of archaeology in Italy, including the application of new technologies, the study of material culture, examples of public archaeology projects, advances in research and reflections on methodological problems. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Epigraphy in the Digital Age

ed. Isabel Velázquez Soriano et al.

This volume presents epigraphic research using digital and computational tools, comparing the outcomes of both well-established and newer projects to consider the most innovative investigative trends. Papers consider open-access databases, SfM Photogrammetry and Digital Image Modelling applied to textual restoration, Linked Open Data, and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | eBook: £16.00

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A Monumental Hellenistic Funerary Ensemble at Callatis on the Western Black Sea

ed. Valeriu Sîrbu et al.

Documaci Tumulus, a spectacular early Hellenistic funerary monument recently excavated on the western Black Sea coast, was built at the threshold of the 4th to 3rd centuries BC in the cemetery of the Greek City of Callatis. Excavations offer a glimpse into a complex and interconnected world of Hellenistic architects and artists. READ MORE

Paperback: £52.00 | Open Access

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Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period

ed. Manolis Manoledakis

Contributions to this volume, covering all shores of the Black Sea, draw on a mix of archaeological evidence, epigraphy and written sources to explore the activities and characteristics of those that inhabited or colonised the Black Sea area, as well as those that visited, acted in, or influenced the region, from the archaic to Roman periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017)

ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze et al.

The proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa, 2017) is dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Sir John Boardman, President of the Congress since its inception. The central theme returns to that considered 20 years earlier: the importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Liburnians and Illyrian Lembs: Iron Age Ships of the Eastern Adriatic

Luka Boršić et al.

This book explores the origins of two types of ancient ship connected with the protohistoric eastern Adriatic area: the ‘Liburnian’ and the southern Adriatic ‘lemb’. An extensive overview of written, iconographic and archaeological evidence questions the existing scholarly assumption that the liburna and lemb were closely related. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Corpus des amphores romaines produites dans les centres de mer Noire

Dominique Kassab Tezgör

The Black Sea cities of Turkey's northern coast – Ereğli, Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, and others – feature museums holding important collections of amphorae. Their state of preservation is exceptional since the majority were recovered intact from the sea. This volume brings them together for analysis in light of recent investigations. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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IKUWA6. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology

ed. Jennifer A. Rodrigues et al.

Celebrating the theme ‘Shared heritage’, this volume presents the peer-reviewed proceedings from IKUWA6 (the 6th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, Fremantle 2016). Papers offer a stimulating diversity of themes and niche topics of value to maritime archaeology practitioners, researchers, students, museum professionals and more. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access

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Different Times? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences

ed. Zoï Tsirtsoni et al.

Proceedings from Session II-8 of the XVIII UISPP Congress, Paris, 2018, questioning temporal correlations between intra-site and off-site data in archaeology-related contexts. The word ‘site’ describes here archaeological sites – usually settlements – where recent research has produced information on the duration and timing of human presence. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Open Access

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London’s Waterfront 1100–1666: Excavations in Thames Street, London, 1974–84

John Schofield et al.

This book presents and celebrates the mile-long Thames Street in the City of London and the land south of it to the River Thames as an archaeological asset. Four Museum of London excavations of 1974–84 are presented: Swan Lane, Seal House, New Fresh Wharf and Billingsgate Lorry Park. Here the findings of the period 1100–1666 are presented. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | Open Access

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Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard

ed. Maria Duggan et al.

Papers focus on the pottery of Mediterranean origin imported into the Atlantic, as well as ceramics of Atlantic production which had widespread distribution. They examine chronologies and relative distributions, and consider the composition of key Atlantic assemblages, revealing new insights into the networks of exchange between c. 400-700 AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Public Archaeology: Arts of Engagement

ed. Howard Williams et al.

This collection, stemming from the 2nd University of Chester Archaeology Student Conference 'Archaeo-Engage: Engaging Communities in Archaeology' (April 2017), provides original perspectives on public archaeology’s current practices and future potentials focusing on art/archaeological media, strategies and subjects. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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The Secret Life of Memorials: Through the Memory Lens of the Australian South Sea Islanders

Julie Mitchell

Focussing on the Australian South Sea Islander minority community this volume employs a variety of theoretical arguments in order to contribute a new method for comprehending the many interleaving aspects of memory spaces, and should be of interest to heritage professionals, local councils and governing bodies, and members of the general public. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Early Farming in Dalmatia

Andrew Moore et al.

This book investigates the expansion of farming from its centre of origin in western Asia through the Mediterranean into southern Europe. Focussing on Dalmatia, it addresses several key questions, including when and how farming reached the area, what was the nature of this new economy, and what was its impact on the local environment. READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Greek Art in Motion: Studies in honour of Sir John Boardman on the occasion of his 90th Birthday

ed. Rui Morais et al.

Over 50 papers, first presented at the international congress ‘Greek Art in Motion’ (Lisbon, 2017) in honour of Sir John Boardman’s 90th Birthday, are collected here under the following headings: Sculpture, Architecture, Terracotta & Metal, Greek Pottery, Coins, Greek History & Archaeology, Greeks Overseas, Reception & Collecting, Art & Myth. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Taymā’ I: Archaeological Exploration, Palaeoenvironment, Cultural Contacts

ed. Arnulf Hausleiter et al.

This is the first of a series of books reporting on a Saudi-German archaeological project at Taymā’; the current archaeological exploration of the oasis is contextualised with previous and ongoing research within the region, while offering a first overview of the settlement history of the site, possibly starting more than 6000 years ago. READ MORE

Hardback: £65.00 | Open Access

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The Grotte du Placard at 150: New Considerations on an Exceptional Prehistoric Site

Christophe Delage

The prehistoric site of Le Placard, Southwest France, was first explored 150 years. 19th-century excavations almost emptied the cavity, now surprisingly ill-known. This 150-year milestone grants an opportunity to look back at this exceptional site and what it can tell us about the Late Pleistocene hunting and gathering societies who dwelt there. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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New Approaches to Disease, Disability and Medicine in Medieval Europe

ed. Erin Connelly et al.

An interdisciplinary collection of papers focussing on infections, chronic illness, and the impact of infectious diseases on medieval society, with contributions by academics from a variety of disciplines and a diverse range of international institutions. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Introduzione alle antichità di Ventotene

ed. Giovanni Maria De Rossi et al.

Ventotene, a small island located in the Tyrrhenian sea, hosts the ruins of a large Roman villa dated to the Augustan age where many women related to imperial families were exiled and enclosed. This volume offers an introduction to the roman antiquities of Ventotene and is the first of a series of thematic monographs dedicated to the island. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Representations of Animals on Greek and Roman Engraved Gems

Idit Sagiv

A comprehensive study of the depictions of animals and their significance on Greek and Roman gems. The work examines the associations between animal depictions and the type of gemstone and its believed qualities. The study also compares the representation of animals on gems to other, larger media, and analyses the differences. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Egyptian and Imported Pottery from the Red Sea port of Mersa Gawsis, Egypt

Sally Wallace-Jones et al.

The unique site of Mersa Gawasis was a base for seaborne trade along the Red Sea coast during the Middle Kingdom. This volume presents the site’s wide variety of ceramic material, offering also an interpretation of what pottery reveals about activities at the site. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Alexandria and Qumran: Back to the Beginning

Kenneth Silver

This book addresses the proto-history and the roots of the Qumran community and of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the light of contemporary scholarship in Alexandria, Egypt. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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SOMA 2014. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

ed. Blazej Stanislawski et al.

Presents 22 papers from the 18th annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA), held in Wrocław-Poland, 24th to 26th April 2014. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Lost and Now Found: Explorers, Diplomats and Artists in Egypt and the Near East

ed. Neil Cooke et al.

Long distance travel and mass tourism are not recent phenomena. Papers from the 2015 ASTENE Conference in Exeter demonstrate that over the centuries many individuals and groups of people have left the safety of their family home and travelled huge distances both for adventure and to learn more about other peoples and places. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Cloth Seals: An Illustrated Guide to the Identification of Lead Seals Attached to Cloth

Stuart F. Elton

This book is intended to be a repository of the salient information currently available on the identification of cloth seals, and a source of new material that extends our understanding of these important indicators of post medieval and early modern industry and trade READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Eastern Sudan in its Setting

Andrea Manzo

Ongoing research in Eastern Sudan has provided a preliminary reconstruction of the history of the region from c. 6000 BC to AD 1500. This publication outlines this reconstruction and also considers the more general setting known for the other regions of northeastern Africa READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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Sweet Waste: Medieval sugar production in the Mediterranean viewed from the 2002 excavations at Tawahin es-Sukkar, Safi, Jordan

Richard E. Jones

This book reports on the excavation of a medieval sugar refinery, Tawahin es-Sukkar near Safi, situated south of the Dead Sea in Jordan. There it was possible to explore many of the steps in the sugar-making process. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00

The Black Sea in the Light of New Archaeological Data and Theoretical Approaches

ed. Manolis Manoledakis

The Black Sea in the Light of New Archaeological Data and Theoretical Approaches contains 19 papers on the archaeology and ancient history of the Black Sea region, covering a vast period of time, from the Early Iron Age until the Late Roman – Early Byzantine Periods. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Parcours d’Orient

ed. Bérengère Perello et al.

This volume contains 23 articles written by 26 authors in order to express the extent of their respect and friendship for Christine Kepinski. Several papers are directly connected to fieldwork she conducted in Iraq and in Turkey: Haradum and the Middle Euphrates area, Tilbeshar and Kunara. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

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Arqueología y Tecnologías de Información Espacial

ed. Alfredo Maximiano et al.

Papers from the First Iberoamerican Conference on Spatial Archaeology held in 2013 at the University of Cantabria, Spain. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

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