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Keyword: Simulation

Modelling the Logistics of Mantzikert

Philip Murgatroyd et al.

The Battle of Mantzikert had profound consequences for both Byzantine and Turkish history, yet the historical sources for this campaign contain significant gaps. This book presents the results of a project that seeks to demonstrate the important role computer simulation can play in the analysis of pre-modern military logistics. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Arqueología computacional del territorio. Métodos y técnicas para estudiar decisiones humanas en paisajes pretéritos

Miguel Carrero-Pazos

This book aims to describe some of the current analytical approaches to model past cultural landscapes, their evolution, and relationship with the human societies that inhabited them. To this end, the use of Geographic Information Systems and spatial statistics is proposed, using territorial and landscape archaeology as a theoretical framework. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Open Access

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Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii

Heather Hopkins Pepper

The scale of processing associated with the dyeing industry in Pompeii is a controversial subject. This investigation uses a new multi-disciplinary triangulated approach, providing an understanding of the significance of the industry that is grounded in engineering and archaeological principles, but within the context of Pompeii. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

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CAA2016: Oceans of Data

ed. Mieko Matsumoto et al.

A selection of 50 papers presented at CAA2016. Papers are grouped under the following headings: Ontologies and Standards; Field and Laboratory Data Recording and Analysis; Archaeological Information Systems; GIS and Spatial Analysis; 3D and Visualisation; Complex Systems Simulation; Teaching Archaeology in the Digital Age. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | Open Access

Included In Library Collection