Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection
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H 290 x W 205 mm

284 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Mar 2016

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784913205

Digital: 9781784913212

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Traveller; Early travellers; Travel writing; Libya; Cyrenaica

In Pursuit of Ancient Cyrenaica...

Two hundred years of exploration set against the history of archaeology in Europe (1706–1911)

By Monika Rekowska

Translated by Anna Kijak

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This work examines travellers' accounts of their journeys to Cyrenaica, focusing in the main on an analysis of these accounts within the context of their significance to topographic surveys of the region.



Acknowledgements ; Introduction; Chapter I The History of Archaeological Interests in Europe (18th century – early 20th century) Selected topics; Chapter II Travellers in Cyrenaica. The History of Travels to Cyrenaica Against the Panorama of Libya (18th – 19th Centuries); Chapter III The Topography of Ancient Sites; Chapter IV ‘Transfering’ Cyrenaica to Europe; Postscript; Bibliography