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H 290 x W 205 mm

106 pages

Illustrated throughout in black & white

Published Jul 2016

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784914035

Digital: 9781784914042

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Iconography; Ancient Near East; War; Archaeology; Archaeological Theory

Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 1

Making Pictures of War

Realia et Imaginaria in the Iconology of the Ancient Near East

By Laura Battini

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This book brings together the main discussions that took place at an international conference on the iconology of war in the ancient Near East, a subject never addressed at an international meeting before.



Introduction: the War and its Representations; Some Observations on the War Scenes on the Seals from Mari City II; Elements Of War Iconography At Mari; Visualizing War in the Old Babylonian Period: Drama and Canon; Middle Assyrian Drama in depicting war: a Step towards Neo-Assyrian Art; “Losing One’s Head”. Some Hints on Procedures and Meanings of Decapitation in the Ancient Near East; Where is the public? A new look at the brutality scenes in Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions and art; Images of War in the Assyrian Period: What They Show and What They Hide