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H 276 x W 203 mm

198 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (69 colour plates)

Published Apr 2018

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784918514

Digital: 9781784918521

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Mediterranean; underwater archaeology; classical; hellenistic; Roman; archaeometry; art history; bronze age

SOMA 2015: Time, Space and People

Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

Edited by Murat Arslan

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The proceedings of SOMA 2015 contain eighteen interdisciplinary articles on themes from underwater archaeology to history, archaeometry and art history, and chronologically, the subjects of these articles range from the Bronze Age to the 20th century.



Agata KUBALA – Representations of Animals on So-Called Neo-Hittite Seals; Alper ZAFER, Ahmet ASLAN – Bronze Age Stone Anchors by the Cilicia Coast, Turkey / 2015; Ahmet DENKER, Hakan ÖNİZ – Reconstruction of the Lost Great Temples of Ionia; Mateo GONZÁLEZ VÁZQUEZ – Conditoria Frugum Occulta: A Comparison of Subsistence Strategies in Aboriginal North America and Iron Age Iberia; Michele SCALICI – A New Way of Drinking: The Distribution of the Krater Form in the North-Lucanian District; Lucia NOVAKOVA – Changes and Developments in Burial Customs: Tracing the Civic Elite in Western; Anatolia; Petra JANOUCHOVÁ, Barbora WEISSOVÁ – The Use of Writing in a Funerary Context in Classical and Hellenistic Thrace; Erdener PEHLİVAN, Asuman BALDIRAN – Two Graves from the Isauria Region: A Rock Sarcophagus and a Rock Ostothek; Kenan BEŞALTI – The Underwater Study of Magydos Harbour; Mateusz ŻMUDZIŃSKI – The Romans and Salt. Notes on its Production and Trade; Baki KOYUNCU, Alper GÖKÇE, Pejman PANAHI – The Use of the Unity Game Engine in the Reconstruction of an Archeological Site; Krzysztof JAKUBIAK, Maria WARDZYŃSKA – Marina el Alamein: A Highly Mysterious, Multicultural Town?; Lihi HABAS – Daily Life in the Framework of Time and Place in the Mosaic Pavements of the; Churches of Transjordan; Coşkun ÖZDEMİR – An Example of the Lives of the Prophets in Illustrated Manuscripts: Cami'u't- Tavarikh (Edinburgh Lib., OR. Ms. 20); Zeynep Emel EKİM – Documents in the Prime Ministerial Ottoman Archives: Concerning the Seal Boxes (Kozaklar) and Cases Sent to the King of Poland in International Diplomacy; Berna ÇAĞLAR – The Development of Woodcut Printing in Anatolia and a Comparison of Compositional Characteristics; Okay SÜTÇÜOĞLU – From Antiquity to the 20th Century: Cedar Transportation in the Region of Finike; Deniz HEPDİNÇ HASGÜLER, Serap ÖZDEMİR – Conservation of Furniture Belonging to Atatürk During the War of Independence in “Atatürk’s House and Railway Museum”

About the Author

Murat Arslan is the editor of SOMA 2015. He is professor of Ancient History at Akdeniz University in Antalya (Turkey). He is interested in Ancient Greek and Ancient History, especially the Classical and Hellenistic periods, and historiography. In addition to his monographs (Galatians, Mithradates VI Eupator, Classical and Hellenistic History of Byzantion), his translations and commentaries on periplus (Arrianus, Ps. Scylax), and Memnon of Heracleia Pontica, he is the current editor in chief of several international journals (Cedrus, MJH, Phaselis, Libri).