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H 276 x W 203 mm

172 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (56 colour plates)

Published Mar 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784918552

Digital: 9781784918569

DOI 10.32028/9781784918552

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Gandhāra; Pakistan; South Asia; Art; Chronology

Problems of Chronology in Gandhāran Art

Proceedings of the First International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 23rd-24th March, 2017

Edited by Wannaporn Rienjang, Peter Stewart

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‘Problems of Chronology in Gandhāran Art’ is the first publication of the Gandhāra Connections project at the University of Oxford’s Classical Art Research Centre. It presents the proceedings of the first of three international workshops on fundamental questions in the study of Gandhāran art, held at Oxford in March 2017.



Introduction – by Wannaporn Rienjang and Peter Stewart Numismatic evidence and the date of Kaniṣka I – by Joe Cribb Positioning Gandhāran Buddhas in chronology: significant coordinates and anomalies – by Juhyung Rhi A framework for Gandhāran chronology based on relic inscriptions – by Stefan Baums On Gandhāran sculptural production from Swat: recent archaeological and chronological data – by Luca Maria Olivieri and Anna Filigenzi The chronology of stūpa relic practice in Afghanistan and Dharmarājikā, Pakistan, and its implication for the rise in popularity of image cult – by Wannaporn Rienjang Buddhist art’s late bloomer: the genius and influence of Gandhāra – by Monika Zin On the relationship between Gandhāran toilet-trays and the early Buddhist art of northern India – by Ciro Lo Muzio Is it appropriate to ask a celestial lady’s age? – by Robert Bracey Architectural evidence for the Gandhāran tradition after the third century – by Kurt Behrendt

About the Author

Wannaporn Rienjang is Project Assistant of the Gandhāra Connections Project at the Classical Art Research Centre, Oxford. She completed her doctoral degree in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge on Buddhist relic cult in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Before starting her PhD, she worked as a research assistant for the Masson Project at the Department of Coins and Medals, the British Museum. Her research interests include the art and archaeology of Greater Gandhāra, Buddhist studies, and working technologies of stone containers and beads.

Peter Stewart is Director of the Classical Art Research Centre and Associate Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at the University of Oxford. He has worked widely in the field of ancient sculpture. His publications include Statues in Roman Society: Representation and Response (2003) and The Social History of Roman Art (2008). Much of his research concerns the relationship between Gandhāran art and Roman sculpture.


'This book is therefore an essential contribution to Gandhāran studies, by favouring an approach through various disciplines and paving the way for further studies.' – Olivier Bordeaux (2020), Ancient West & East