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H 250 x W 205 mm

130 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Jun 2018

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781784918996

Digital: 9781784919009

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Arabian peninsualr; language; linguistics; literature; scripts; epigraphy

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2018

Languages, scripts and their uses in ancient North Arabia: Papers from the Special Session of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held on 5 August 2017

Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 48 2018

Edited by Michael C.A. Macdonald

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Most of the papers published in this volume were presented at a Special Session of the 51st Seminar for Arabian Studies (British Museum, August 2017) to celebrate the completion in the previous March of Phase 2 of the ‘Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia’ (OCIANA).



Introduction – by Michael C.A. Macdonald ;
I. The use of languages and scripts in settled areas ;
Towards a re-assessment of the Ancient North Arabian alphabets used in the oasis of al-ΚUlā – by Michael C.A. Macdonald ;
Scribal practices in contact: two Minaic/Dadanitic mixed texts – by Fokelien Kootstra ;
‘Literacy in literate societies’: the scribe in Nabataean and other Aramaic contexts – by John F. Healey ;
The role of Aramaic on the Arabian Peninsula in the second half of the first millennium BC – by Peter Stein ;
II. The use of languages and scripts among nomads: ;
New research on the ‘Thamudic’ graffiti from the region of Дimā (Najrān, Saudi Arabia) – by Alessia Prioletta with a note by Christian J. Robin ;
A survey of the Ancient North Arabian inscriptions from the Dūmat al-Jandal area (Saudi Arabia) – by Jérôme Norris ;
A preliminary investigation of an Ancient North Arabian invocation from the Madaba region of central Jordan – by Hani Hayajneh ;
Understanding Safaitic inscriptions in their topographical context – by Ali Al-Manaser ;
The earliest attestation of laysa and the implications for its etymology – by Ahmad Al-Jallad ;
Papers read at the Special Session