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H 290 x W 205 mm

460 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Aug 2018

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781784919764

Digital: 9781784919771

DOI 10.32028/9781784919764

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East Hamersley Range; Pilbara; Western Australia; Rockshelter; Pleistocene; Holocene; Aboriginal; Lithics

Rockshelter Excavations in the East Hamersley Range, Pilbara Region, Western Australia

Edited by Dawn Cropper, W. Boone Law

Foreword by Maitland Parker, Slim Parker, Martidja Banyjima Elders

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This volume offers a detailed study of six exceptional rockshelter sites from the inland Pilbara Region of Western Australia. Consisting of 18 chapters, it is rich with colour photographs, illustrations, and figures, including high-resolution images of the rockshelter sites, excavations, stratigraphic sections, cultural features, and artefacts.



Editor's Preface, Acknowledgements, and Reporting of Dates

Foreword: Go with a Clear, Open and Accepting Spirit, and the Country Will Not Treat You Badly – by Maitland Parker and Slim Parker


Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Rockshelter Excavations at Hope Downs 1 – by Dawn Cropper and W. Boone Law

Chapter 2 An Archaeological Review of the Hamersley Plateau – by W. Boone Law and Dawn Cropper

Chapter 3 Banjima Culture and the Hope Downs 1 Mine – by Nadia Butler, Neale Draper, and Fiona Sutherland

Chapter 4 Research Aims and Methods – by Dawn Cropper and W. Boone Law


Chapter 5 Excavations at Jundaru (HN-A9) Rockshelter – by Dawn Cropper

Chapter 6 Excavations at HD07-3A-PAD13 Rockshelter – by Dawn Cropper

Chapter 7 Excavations at HS-A1 Rockshelter – by Dawn Cropper

Chapter 8 Excavations at Djadjiling Rockshelter (HD07-1A-04) – by W. Boone Law and Dawn Cropper

Chapter 9 Excavations at PAD 3 Rockshelter – by W. Boone Law and Dawn Cropper

Chapter 10 Excavations at HD07-3A-03 Rockshelter – by Dawn Cropper


Chapter 11 Archaeomagnetic Analysis of Sediments from Djadjiling Rockshelter (HD07-1A-04), Pilbara, Western Australia – by Andy I.R. Herries

Chapter 12 Phytolith Analysis of Sediment Samples from Djadjiling (HD07-1A-04), Jundaru (HN-A9) and HD07-3A-PAD13, Pilbara, Western Australia – by Lynley Wallis

Chapter 13 Sedimentary, Charcoal and Palynological Analysis of Djadjiling (HD07-1A-04), HD07-3A-PAD13, HD07-3A-03, HS-A1, Jundaru (HN-A9) Rockshelters, Pilbara, Western Australia – by Simon Haberle, Feli Hopf, and Phil Roberts

Chapter 14 Faunal Analysis of Jundaru (HN-A9) and PAD 3 Rockshelters, Pilbara, Western Australia – by Matthew McDowell

Chapter 15 Usewear and Residues on Stone Tools from PAD 3, Djadjiling, and Jundaru Rockshelters, East Pilbara, Western Australia – by Richard Fullagar

Chapter 16 Report on Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating of a Further Four Samples from HD07-3A-PAD13 Rockshelter, Pilbara, Western Australia – by Frances Williams

Chapter 17 Report on the Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of HD07-3A-PAD13 Rockshelter, Pilbara, Western Australia – by Martin Williams


Chapter 18 Summary and Discussion of Rockshelter Investigations at Hope Downs 1 – by Dawn Cropper and W. Boone Law

About the Author

Dawn Cropper is the Director of Archaeology at leading consulting company, New Zealand Heritage Properties, which has branches in Dunedin, Christchurch, and Invercargill. As Director, Dawn’s responsibilities include the management of all archaeology teams across the branches, development of process and training, as well as the development of proprietary methodology for archaeological risk management across large areas. She also specialises in heritage impact assessments and is a leading expert in the management of large-scale archaeological projects throughout New Zealand. Dawn holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Sydney (Australia) and a Master’s in Archaeology from the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), with a focus on technological analysis of flaked stone tools. From 2007 to 2013 she worked as a senior archaeologist and lithic specialist for Australian Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, co-managing and supervising the Hope Downs 1 rockshelter excavations with W. Boone Law.

W. Boone Law is a scientist and heritage professional that specialises in the Aboriginal archaeology of the Australian Arid Zone. His qualifications include a BA in Anthropology from Texas Tech University and GDip/MPhil degrees in Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology from the Australian National University. He has published articles on a range of archaeological topics, including stone artefact technology, rockshelter excavations, and geospatial science. From 2006 to 2011, he worked as a senior archaeologist and lithic specialist for Australian Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, co-managing and supervising the Hope Downs 1 rockshelter excavations with Dawn Cropper. He is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Adelaide, where his research focuses on the application of satellite/aerial remote sensing technologies to investigate past Aboriginal land use. Through his role as a senior archaeologist with Scarp Archaeology Pty Ltd, Mr. Law is an Associate Investigator with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH), James Cook University. He serves as Secretary of the Australian Archaeological Association 2018-2019.