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Listening to the Stones: Essays on Architecture and Function in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries in Honour of Richard Alan Tomlinson

Edited by Elena C. Partida, Barbara Schmidt-Dounas

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This book presents a range of topics, conveying the broad scope of Richard Tomlinson’s archaeological quests and echoing his own research methodologies; it is is a token of appreciation for a British professor of archaeology, who spread knowledge of the Greek civilization, manifesting the brilliant spirit of the versatile ancient Greek builders.



Preface – by Elena Partida and Barbara Schmidt-Dounas

Publications by Richard Alan Tomlinson

Emplekton - The Art of Weaving Stones – by Poul Pedersen

Ionic or Doric – by Barbara Schmidt-Dounas

Observations on the Interior Structure of Macedonian Tombs – by Stella Drougou

The Stoas of the Sanctuary at Dodona – by Nikolaos Th. Katsikoudis

Architectural Practice and the Distinctiveness of Sacred Sites – by Franziska Lang

Town and Sanctuary in Aetolia - Calydon in Context – by Søren Dietz

Politics Reflected on Architecture: An Evaluation of the Aetolian, the Pergamene and the Roman Input to the Religious Landscape at Delphi – by Elena C. Partida

From the Valley of the Muses Via the Kabeirion of Thebes to the Ptoion: The Theatres and Sanctuaries of Boeotia – by Marco Germani

Observations on the History and Topography of Two Major Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Zeus in Aigialeia of Achaea – by Dora Katsonopoulou

The Organization, Planning and Architectural Design of the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mount Lykaion, Arcadia – by David Gilman Romano

Reconstructing Building Height: The Early Hellenistic Hestiatorion Propylon at Epidauros – by Jari Pakkanen

Interpretation of the Current State of the Treasuries Retaining Wall at Ancient Olympia through Staged Historical Back Analysis – by Dimitrios Egglezos

Sacred Architecture in Roman Laconia – by Georgios Doulfis

More Corinthian on Samothrace – by Bonna D. Wescoat

The Sanctuaries on the Island of Lesbos from an Architectural and Topographical Perspective – by Yannis Kourtzellis

Shaping the Ancient Religious Landscape at Kato Phana, Chios – by Lesley A. Beaumont

Topographical Study of Ancient Cos: New Data from the Western District – by Giorgio Rocco

The Tufa Stoa in Cos: A Hypothesis on Its Identification – by Monica Livadiotti

Medicine, Urbanisation and Religion in Classical Cos – by Luigi M. Caliò

Temple and Hestiatorion. The Combined Edifice on Mount Çatallar Tepe (Turkey) – by Frank Hulek

The Role of Carians in the Development of Greek Architecture – by Abdulkadir Baran

Visualising Cyrene: Three-Dimensional (3D) Laser Scanning and the Ancient Urban Environment – by Gareth Sears and Vince Gaffney

New Evidence for Early Greek Settlement on the Acropolis of Selinunte – by Clemente Marconi

Travels Around Greece – by Tony Spawforth, Erica Davies and Marie-Christine Keith

About the Author

Elena C. Partida is research archaeologist at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, and adjunct professor at the University of Patras. She holds MA and PhD from the University of Birmingham.

Barbara Schmidt-Dounas studied classical archaeology, ancient history and prehistory at the Universities Johann Wolfgang von Goethe at Frankfurt/Main and Georg August at Göttingen in Germany. Barbara is a member of the founding board of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Archaeological Studies ‘Manolis Andronikos’ and a director of the Cast Museum of the Department of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Barbara is also a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.


The book includes a diversity of topics that examine different aspects of architecture identifiable with Tomlinson's research: matters of construction, design, orders, architectural planning, but also identity, politics and the part architecture played in them, not only enriching our knowledge of specific sites and buildings, but also emphasising the value of architectural analysis.