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H 230 x W 156 mm

148 pages

32 illustrations in colour and black & white

Published Dec 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789693416

Digital: 9781789693423

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World-systems theory; Multidisciplinary; Borders; Limes; Sociology

On the Borders of World-Systems: Contact Zones in Ancient and Modern Times

Edited by Yervand Margaryan

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This work examines the historical, archaeological, and political interpretations of world-systems theory and geocivilizational analysis. The macrosociological issues of ancient and modern history are presented through five case-studies, concentrating on the Taurus-Caucasus region, which functioned as a contact zone throughout the different periods.



Introduction ;
The Euphrates frontier in the Byzantine period: undergoing the new reality – Yervand Margaryan ;
Mountainous landscapes as bounded territories: The northern gates of the Euphrates-Tigris contact zone – Pavel Avetisyan and Arsen Bobokhyan ;
‘The Caucasian Frontier’ and Terek Cossacks – Aram Kosyan & Beniamin Mailyan ;
Jewish history within the framework of frontier theory – Vladimir Ruzhansky

About the Author

Yervand Margaryan, Head of the Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies of the Russian-Armenian University at Yerevan and Leading Researcher at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, is a leading historian from the Republic of Armenia. His research focuses on the Ancient World, particularly problems of Classical period social relations, religion (Mithraism), identity and world-systems theory.