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H 290 x W 205 mm

228 pages

163 figures; 36 tables

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789694581

Digital: 9781789694598

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Rock-art; landscape archaeology; views; natural monuments; physicality; Rombalds Moor

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This landscape study of the rock-art of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire, considers views of and from the sites. In an attempt to understand the rock-art landscapes of prehistory the study considered the environment of the moor and its archaeology along with the ethnography from the whole circumpolar region.



Preface ;
Chapter One: Background to the study ;
Chapter Two: Encountering Rock-art ;
Chapter Three: Landscapes of Rock-art ;
Chapter Four: Rombalds Moor ;
Chapter Five: Methodology ;
Chapter Six: Results I - The Whole Moor ;
Chapter Seven: Results II - Natural Monuments in their Large Locales ;
Chapter Eight: Results III - Small Locales ;
Chapter Nine: Results IV - The individual carved rock ;
Chapter Ten: Discussion ;
Appendix 1. CSI locale abbreviations and full locale names ;
Appendix 2. Removed Stones: carved stones in B&V and CSI databases, but excluded from the study database, with reasons ;
Appendix 3: Conversion of Bannister’s dates in radiocarbon years BP to cal BC ;
Appendix 4: Fieldwork Recording Sheets

About the Author

Vivien Deacon is a Research Associate at the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Following a career in the NHS, she did a BA in Archaeology at York and went on to be awarded a PhD in 2018.


‘Suffice to say, this publication makes yet another splendid addition to the already burgeoning bookcase of regional rock art studies in the UK.’Kenneth Lymer (2020): The Prehistoric Society

'This book is essential reading for anyone interested in British rock art and the cup-and-ring art of England particularly.' – Robert Wallis (2021): Time and Mind