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H 250 x W 190 mm

104 pages

Illustrated in full colour throughout

Published Feb 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789695311

Digital: 9781789695601

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Archaeology; Excavation; Survey; Sampling; Recording; Small finds

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A practical introduction covering all core aspects of archaeology, this book is perfect for anyone looking to get involved in archaeology on a professional level or as a volunteer, or simply wanting an overview of the discipline. Aerial and ground survey, excavation and fieldwork, recording methods, soil sampling and small finds are all discussed.



Introduction ;
Chapter One: Documentary Sources ;
Chapter Two: Aerial Survey for Archaeologists ;
Chapter Three: Ground Survey ;
Chapter Four: Archaeological Field Survey ;
Chapter Five: Site Excavation and the Site Grid ;
Chapter Six: Recording Methods: The drawn record ;
Chapter Seven: Recording Methods: The written record ;
Chapter Eight: Recording Stone and Timber ;
Chapter Nine: Recording Skeletons ;
Chapter Ten: Soil Sampling ;
Chapter Eleven: Small Finds ;
Chapter Twelve: What Next? ;
Suggested Reading ;


'A very useful basic introduction to archaeology.' – Mick Aston
'I wish this book had been available when I started out in archaeology back in the 1960s. It tells you everything you need to know in order to decide what sort of archaeology you’d like to learn more about. It doesn’t just deal with digging; instead it introduces you to aerial photography, geophysics, surveying, recording, finds processing, soil science and how to take samples – in fact all the subjects you’ll need to master if you want to become a field archaeologist. It’s well written and beautifully illustrated in full colour throughout. It would be cheap at twice the price!' – Francis Pryor