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H 290 x W 205 mm

120 pages

76 figures, 6 plates

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789695670

Digital: 9781789695687

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Fayyum; archaeology; urban settlements; Greco-Roman Egypt

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The Urban Landscape of Bakchias: A Town of the Fayyūm from the Ptolemaic-Roman Period to Late Antiquity

By Paola Buzi, Enrico Giorgi

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This book summarises the results of field research—including historical, historico-religious and papyrological studies—conducted on the archaeological site of Bakchias, located in the north-eastern part of the Fayyūm region. The book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the rise and fall of the kome of Bakchias.



Preface ;
Introduction ;
Chapter I: Bakchias: Its rediscovery, its cults (P. Buzi) ;
Chapter II: The genesis and urban development of Bakchias (E. Giorgi) ;
Chapter III: The sacred areas of the town (E. Giorgi) ;
Chapter IV: The Northern District (E. Giorgi) ;
Chapter V: The buildings along the canal and the South Kom (E. Giorgi) ;
Chapter VI: Bakchias in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (P. Buzi) ;
Bibliography ;
Captions ;

About the Author

Paola Buzi is Full Professor of Egyptology and Coptic Studies at the Sapienza University of Rome and Honorary Professor of the same disciplines at Hamburg University. She is President-Elect of the International Association for Coptic Studies. Since 2002, she has been a member of the Archaeological Mission in Bakchias (Fayyūm ) and co-director of the same mission since 2008.

Enrico Giorgi is Associate Professor in Archaeological Research Methodologies at the University of Bologna. Since 1997, he has been a member of the Archaeological Mission in Bakchias (Fayyūm ) and co-director of the same mission since 2008. He is Director of archaeological projects of his university in Agrigento, Butrint, Burnum, Pompei, Paestum, Suasa and Monte Rinaldo.