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H 276 x W 203 mm

230 pages

96 figures (colour throughout)

Published Nov 2020

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789696998

Digital: 9781789697001

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Romanization; Landscape archaeology; Marche; Northern Italy; Pre-Roman

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Picenum and the Ager Gallicus at the Dawn of the Roman Conquest

Edited by Federica Boschi, Enrico Giorgi, Frank Vermeulen

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This volume presents a coherent collection of papers presented at an International Workshop (held in Ravenna, 13-14 May 2019) which focussed on the transition between Italic culture and Romanised society in the central Adriatic area – the regions ager Gallicus and Picenum under Roman dominance – from the fourth to the second centuries BCE.



Introduction – F. Boschi, E. Giorgi, F. Vermeulen ;
Data integration and comparison in landscape archaeology: towards analysis beyond sites and valleys – P. Attema ;
Romanization dynamics through the material culture analysis in the Ager Gallicus et Picenum – A. Gamberini, P. Cossentino, S. Morsiani ;
Forum Sempronii and the Romanization of the Metauro Valley – O. Mei, L. Cariddi ;
Methodological approaches to the study of the Cesano and Misa River Valleys (2010-2020). New data: some thoughts and perspectives – F. Boschi ;
The Cesano Valley at the outset of the Roman conquest and the genesis of Suasa – E. Giorgi ;
Sena Gallica
: a stronghold for the Roman conquest of the ager Gallicus – M. Silani ;
Perspectives on the analysis of the settlement system in medio-Adriatic Italy between the late sixth-fifth and fourth centuries BC: the case study of the Cesano and Misa river valleys – A. Gaucci ;
News from Ancona and Numana – V. Baldoni, S. Finocchi, M. R. Ciuccarelli ;
Settlement dynamics from the fourth to the second century BC in the Potenza river valley (Marche): landscape approaches and some methodological issues – F. Vermeulen ;
A crossroads in the central Potenza Valley: non-invasive research into settlement (dis-) continuity at Monte Franco (Pollenza, Marche, Italy) – W. De Neef, ;
Pollentia-Urbs Salvia during the Republican period – R. Perna ;
The sanctuary of Jupiter at Monte Rinaldo: a sacred landscape in the heart of Picenum – E. Giorgi, F. Pizzimenti, S. Kay ;
The Urban Archaeology Project in Ausculum. From civitas caput gentis to civitas foederata – F. Boschi, E. Giorgi, T. Casci Ceccacci, F. Demma ;
Continuity and discontinuity in the archaeological record south of the Tronto river – V. d’Ercole, M.G. Di Antonio ;
Conclusions – F. Boschi, E. Giorgi, F. Vermeulen ;

About the Author

Federica Boschi is senior researcher in Methods of Archaeological Research at the University of Bologna. She specialises in non-destructive methods of investigation, in particular geophysics and aerial photography for archaeology. ;

Enrico Giorgi is Associate Professor of Methodology and Landscape Archaeology at the University of Bologna. He is the director of the journal ‘Groma: Documenting Archaeology’ and directs research on Adriatic archaeology. ;

Frank Vermeulen has been Professor of Roman Archaeology and Archaeological Methodology at Ghent University since 1999 and directed its Department of Archaeology from 2015-2018.