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H 276 x W 203 mm

704 pages

2 colour figures, links to extensive online image archive

Published Jul 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697056

Digital: 9781789697063

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Prehistoric Monuments; Orientation; Neolithic; Iron Age; Megalithic ritual; Axial alignment

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Orientation of Prehistoric Monuments in Britain: A Reassessment

By Alistair Marshall

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Reassesses major axial alignment at many megalithic ritual and funerary monuments (Neolithic to Bronze Age) in Britain and Ireland, not in terms of abstract astronomical concerns, but as an expression of repeated seasonal propitiation involving community, agrarian economy and ancestry in an attempt to mitigate variable environmental conditions.


About the Author

Alistair Marshall has a formal background in archaeology and the natural sciences, general interests in European prehistory, and is currently developing various projects including: application of remote sensing, from broader study of landscapes to detailed interpretation of ritual monuments with related experimental work; structural analysis of megalithic sites, with especial reference to interpretation of axial alignment; investigation of broader aspects of tribal economies during the later Iron Age in Britain and Northwestern Europe.