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H 290 x W 205 mm

94 pages

35 figures, 1 table (colour throughout)

Published Sep 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697131

Digital: 9781789697148

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Mapping; Landscape; Heritage; Archaeological continuum; Conservation strategies

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Proceedings of the UISPP World Congress

Mapping the Past: From Sampling Sites and Landscapes to Exploring the ‘Archaeological Continuum’

Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 8, Session VIII-1

Edited by Michel Dabas, Stefano Campana, Apostolos Sarris

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Proceedings of Session VIII-1 of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (2018, Paris); papers reflect on the need to develop sustainable and reliable approaches to mapping our landscape heritage, guided by the crucial concept termed the ‘archaeological continuum’.



List of Figures ;

General introductory text of the series ;

Introduction to the volume ;

Establishing meanings, roles and limits of ‘Archaeological Continuum’ paradigms – Stefano Campana ;

Mound landscape continuum. Mapping barrows (and more) in the Białowieża Forest, Poland – Michał Szubski ;

An integrated approach to the construction of cultural landscapes in Southwest Angola: The case of Huila – Daniela de Matos, Luiz Oosterbeek, Ziva Domingos, Christopher Miller, Nicholas J. Conard, Manuel Sahando Neto, Paulo Valongo, José B. Fernandes, and Maria Helena Henriques ;

Geophysical explorations of the classical coastal settlement of Lechaion, Peloponnese (Greece) – Apostolos Sarris, Tuna Kalayci, Nikos Papadopoulos, Nasos Argyriou, Jamie Donati, Georgia Kakoulaki, Meropi Manataki, Manolis Papadakis, Nikos Nikas, Paul Scotton and Konstantinos Kissas ;

A view from the hills. Investigating protohistoric phases in the longue durée of the Potenza Valley (Marche, Italy) – Wieke de Neef, Frank Vermeulen ;

Magnetic method in the study of the influence of environmental conditions on settlement activity: case study from Fayum Oasis (Egypt) – Tomasz Herbich

About the Author

Michel Dabas is Senior Researcher and Co-Director of the Laboratory of Archaeology at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (AOROC) where he develops approaches for the provision of interactive maps on the web ( portal) and focuses on the application of geophysical methods for archaeological sites. ;

Stefano R.L. Campana is Professor of Landscape Archaeology at the University of Siena. His research is focused on the understanding of past Mediterranean landscapes from late prehistory to contemporary times. ;

Apostolos Sarris is ‘Sylvia Ioannou’ Professor of Digital Humanities at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus and Research Director at F.O.R.T.H.: Head of the GeoSat ReSeArch Lab.