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H 290 x W 205 mm

778 pages

476 figures, 16 tables

Published May 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789697582

Digital: 9781789697599

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Black Sea; Antiquity; Ancient Greece; Ancient Rome; Pontic region

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Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017)

Edited by Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Alexandru Avram, James Hargrave

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The proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa, 2017) is dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Sir John Boardman, President of the Congress since its inception. The central theme returns to that considered 20 years earlier: the importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World.


About the Author

Gocha Tsetskhladze (PhD Moscow, DPhil Oxford) is a classical archaeologist who specialises in ancient Greek colonisation and the archaeology of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Caucasia, Anatolia, and Central and Eastern Europe in the 1st millennium BC. ;

Alexandru Avram has been a professor of ancient Greek history at the University of Le Mans since 2002 after having taught at the University of Bucharest. His academic interests include Greek archaeology and amphorology and Greek and Latin epigraphy, in particular from the region of the Black Sea and Asia Minor. ;

James Hargrave has a PhD in Economic History from the University of Durham and a Diploma in Archive Administration from the University of Wales (Aberystwyth).


'The present volume is a valuable contribution to scholarship on the ancient Black Sea. Its papers cover a wide range of important topics in the social, economical and cultural history of the Pontus as well as providing reports on recent discoveries, making it a significant resource for all students and scholars interested in the region. The editors are to be congratulated on carrying out so well so mammoth a task.' – Stanley M. Burstein (2023): Ancient West and East 22