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H 280 x W 220 mm

144 pages

Published Dec 2020



Paperback: 9781789698114

Digital: 9781789698121

Paperback: 9781789698121

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Numismatics; Ancient Greece; Ancient Rome; Late Antiquity; Byzantine

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The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies

Editor-in-Chief Nicholas J. Molinari

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KOINON includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more.



The Unconquerable Sun: An introduction to Koinon III and brief note concerning the solace of numismatics – Nicholas J. Molinari ;
Overstruck sigloi of Azbaal and Baalmelek II of Kition – David Macdonald ;
Cast copies of a Neapolitan silver didrachm from the Berlin coin cabinet – John Voukelatos ;
Susa mint: 311-301 BC – Lloyd W. H. Taylor ;
Sidon to Tyre: the Macedonian administration and relative chronology – Lloyd W. H. Taylor ;
The Kerykeion mint control linked coinage of Andragoras and Sophytes – Lloyd W. H. Taylor ;
Αχελομορφωθ: magistrates of Akarnania. A Reconsideration of the iconographic fluctuations on Akarnanian federal coinage – Nicholas J. Molinari ;
Constantine’s decennalia and his fourth consulship on a follis from Lugdunum – Andrei Bontas ;
The emergence of fur money in medieval Russia – Dzmitry Huletski ;
Hungarian coins – Hebrew letters – Csaba Tóth and József Géza Kiss ;
The ant-nose coinage of ancient China – Thomas Walker ;
Catalogue of new varieties