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H 290 x W 205 mm

314 pages

120 figures, 91 tables

Published Feb 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789698442

Digital: 9781789698459

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Iron Age; Bronze Age; Roman, Medieval; Excavations; Peterborough; Fens

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Excavations at Stanground South, Peterborough

Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Medieval Settlement along the Margins of the Fens

By William A Boismier, Edmund Taylor, Yvonne Wolframm-Murray

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This volume is a report of archaeological excavations at Stanground South undertaken by MOLA between September 2007 and November 2009 on behalf of Persimmon Homes (East Midlands) Ltd and in accordance with a programme of works overseen by CgMs Heritage. The work involved five areas of set-piece excavation and a series of strip map and record areas.



Summary ;

Chapter 1: Introduction ;
Location, topography and geology – by WA Boismier, Steve Critchley and Helen Keeley ;
Planning background – by WA Boismier and Rebecca Casa-Hatton ;
Investigation Strategies – by WA Boismier, Ed Taylor and Yvonne Wolframm Murray ;
Archive Location – by Theodora Anastasidou and Tora Hylton ;
Site phasing – by WA Boismier ;

Chapter 2: The archaeological evidence ;
Period 1: Early prehistoric activity (Mesolithic to early Bronze Age) – by Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Period 2: Bronze and early Iron Age – by WA Boismier, Ed Taylor and Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Period 3: Middle to late Iron Age – by WA Boismier, Ed Taylor and Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Period 4: Roman – by Ed Taylor and Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Period 5: Medieval to post-medieval – by Ed Taylor and Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;

Chapter 3: Finds ;
Worked Flint – by Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Worked Flint from burnt mounds – by W.A. Boismier ;
The Bronze Age pottery – by Andy Chapman ;
The late prehistoric and Roman pottery – by E.R. McSloy ;
Roman Ceramic building material and kiln furniture – by Pat Chapman ;
Plaster and mortar – by Pat Chapman ;
Utilised stone – by Andy Chapman ;
Metalworking debris and fuel ash slag – by Andy Chapman ;
Small finds – by Tora Hylton with Ian Meadows and Don Mackreth ;
Possible fired clay artefacts – by Pat Chapman ;

Chapter 4: Human, faunal and environmental evidence ;
Human remains – by Anwen Caffell and Malin Holst ;
Mammal, bird, fish, amphibian and reptile bones – by Philip L. Armitage ;
Charcoal – by Dana Challinor ;
Waterlogged wood – by Michael Bamford with contributions from Maise Taylor ;
Pollen – by C.R. Batchelor ;
Mollusca – by Karen Deighton ;

Chapter 5: Discussion by WA Boismier, Ed Taylor, Rob Atkins, Philip Armitage, Val Fryer and Yvonne Wolframm-Murray ;
Introduction ;
Settlement chronology ;


About the Author

William A Boismier’s professional background includes four university degrees and extensive fieldwork experience across Eastern and Southern England with archaeological remains ranging in date from the Palaeolithic to the medieval and postmedieval periods. He currently works as an archaeological consultant. ;

Edmund Taylor is a Project Manager for the York Archaeological Trust. ;

Yvonne Wolframm-Murray has worked for MOLA (formerly Northamptonshire Archaeology) since 2005 and amongst other sites supervised parts of the excavations at Stanground.