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H 174 x W 245 mm

178 pages

Published Dec 2021

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781789698923

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Ancient Near East; Uruk; Elam; Terracottas; Assyria; Swords; Oman; Sumerian

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Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East 5

Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East No 5 1-2, 2021

Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies

Edited by Laura Battini


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Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East.



Vol 5 No 1 2021 ;
The Primates of Susa: Depictions of Monkeys in Stone Statuettes from Elam – Bernardo Urbani and Dionisios Youlatos ;
An Ox and a Hut: Notes on an Uruk-Period Cylinder Seal – Agnete W. Lassen ;
Notes on Horses and Dogs: Two Special Animals? – Laura Battini ;
1965 Excavations of Amrit – 7th Season (Archives of Nassib Salibi) – Michel al-Maqdissi and Eva Ishaq ;
Tracing the Transmission of Power – Andrea Cesaretti and Roberto Dan ;
A New Analysis Protocol for the Studying of Ancient Terracottas – Laura Battini ;

Vol 5 No 2 2021 ;
The Assyrian Stylized Tree: A Date Palm Plantation and Aššurnaṣirpal II’s StemmaNorma Franklin ;
Mechanical Examination of Swords in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age – K. Kopanias, E. Vemou and K. Sidiropoulou ;
The first Bronze Age bull-headed lyre from south-east Arabia? Tantalising shell inlays from the third millennium BC (Umm an-Nar) site of al-Tikha, Sultanate of Oman – St J. Simpson ;
Appositive Semantic Classification in Sumerian Cuneiform and the Implementation of iClassifierGebhard J. Selz

About the Author

Laura Battini is an archaeologist specialised in the Ancient Near East. She is currently a researcher at the French National Centre of Scientific Research (Laboratory PROCLAC, UMR 7192, directed by Thomas Römer). Laura created a new journal for the Ancient Near East (Ash sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East, Archaeopress), and is the editor of the archaeological series Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology.