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H 276 x W 203 mm

126 pages

39 figures, 14 tables

Published Feb 2021

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789698978

Digital: 9781789698985

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Sudan; Nubia; Nile Valley; Pilgrim Flasks; Amulet-Beads; Lithics; Glyptic

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This book brings together papers presented at the 2nd Sudan Studies Research Conference, held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, 2018. The papers collected here focus on early administrative and mortuary material culture in the Nile valley and adjacent areas.



Foreword – Kate Spence ;
Sudanese and Nubian Archaeology: Scholarship Past and Present – Rennan Lemos and Samantha Tipper ;
Libations and Luxury: the Use of Pilgrim Flasks in Nubia – Loretta Kilroe ;
Understanding the Kerma Amulets: the Ladder and Baboon Amulet-Beads – Elena D’Itria ;
A-Group Nubian Glyptic: Analysis and Preliminary Results – Siobhan Shinn ;
The Dead and their Tools. A First Approach to the Relationship Between Macro-Lithic Tools and Skeletons from the Necropolis of Mahal Teglinos (Eastern Sudan) – Francesco Michele Rega, Eleonora Minucci and Giusy Capasso ;
Human Population History from an East African Perspective: the Forgotten Land – Hisham M. Eldai and Hiba Babiker

About the Author

Rennan Lemos is an ERC postdoctoral research fellow at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He recently completed his PhD in Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology at the University of Cambridge, specialising in mortuary material culture in New Kingdom Nubia. ;

Samantha Tipper is a senior lecturer at the University of Lincoln. She is a bioarchaeologist and paleopathologist with experience working in both the commercial and academic sectors in human osteology, paleopathology and forensic anthropology.