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H 290 x W 205 mm

290 pages

89 figures, 8 tables (colour throughout)

Published Mar 2022

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789699265

Digital: 9781789699272

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Turkey; Greece; Balkans; Neolithic; Lithics; Anatolia; Neolithization

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Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond

Edited by Adnan Baysal

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This volume aims to show networks of cultural interactions by focusing on the latest lithic studies from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans, bringing to the forefront the connectedness and techno-cultural continuity of knapped and ground stone technologies.



Foreword – Mehmet Özdoğan ;

Connecting Lithics: An Introduction to Lithic Studies in Anatolia and Beyond – Adnan Baysal ;

Raw Material Matters – Elizabeth Healey ;

Use-wear Analysis of Lithic Tools: Technical Processes and Cultural Developments in Anatolia – Laurence Astruc ;

The Projectile Points of Neolithic Çatalhöyük: A Contextual Multi-Attribute Analysis – Lilian Dogiama ;

The Importance of Lithics in Determining the Economic Models and Lifestyles of Prehistoric Societies: The Kanlıtaş Höyük Example – Neyir Kolankaya-Bostancı ;

The Lithic Assemblage of Suluin Cave in Antalya (sw Anatolia) – Zehra Fürüzen Taşkıran and Harun Taşkıran ;

Lithic Assemblages from the Marmara Region: 7th -3rd mill. BC – Ivan Gatsov and Petranka Nedelcheva ;

Yeşilova Höyük Neolithic Period Chipped Stone Industry – Betül Fındık and Zafer Derin ;

The Techno-Typology of The Projectile Points of the Neolithic Settlement of Ege Gübre (Izmir/Turkey) – Eşref Erbil ;

Interpreting Chipped Stone Assemblages of the Neolithic in Western Anatolia – A Conceptual View – Bogdana Milić ;

Looking West: Central Anatolian Obsidian in the Western Anatolian Peninsula and Eastern Aegean – Marina Milić ;

Viewing Melian Neolithic Obsidian Networks from the Western Side of the Aegean sea (Greece): Distribution Parameters and Data Reconsidered – Lia Karimali and Stella Papadopoulou ;

Stone Technology Under the Microscope: the Contribution of Microwear Analysis of Ground Stone Tools to the Understanding of Daily Activities – Christina Tsoraki ;

On the Function and Ethnographic Analogies of North East Aegean Ground Stone Tools – Abdulkadir Özdemir and A. Onur Bamyacı ;

General Assessment of the Ground Stone Industries of the Marmara Region – Emre Güldoğan ;

So Close, Yet So Far Away: the Ground Stone Tool Assemblages from the Two Neighbouring Settlements of Kleitos, North-western Greece – Danai Chondrou ;

Abrasive Stone Tools in the Neolithic of Serbia: from Recognition to Publication – Dragana Antonović and Vidan Dimić

About the Author

Adnan Baysal is Associate Professor of Prehistory at Ankara University, Turkey. He received his PhD from the University of Liverpool in 2010. He specializes in the Anatolian Neolithic and has worked extensively on the social and economic implications of ground stone assemblages from Çatalhöyük and other contemporary Central Anatolia sites. His edited volumes are on Networks and Social Organization (2015), Stone Tools in Anatolian Archaeology (2018), Time and History in Prehistory (2019) and Material Culture and People (2021).