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H 245 x W 174 mm

232 pages

311 figures, 18 plates (colour throughout)

Published Oct 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789699517

Digital: 9781789699524

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Underwater; Maritime; Naval; Shipbuilding; Iron Age; Rough Cilicia; Turkey

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Dana Island: The Greatest Shipyard of the Ancient Mediterranean

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This book presents the archaeological discoveries from Dana Island, off the coast of Rough Cilicia in southern Turkey, where underwater investigations and surface survey undertaken in advance of excavation revealed nearly 300 ancient rock-cut slipways, the largest number of such naval installations discovered to date.



List of Figures ;
Acknowledgments ;
Foreword – Ahmet Ünal ;
The Prehistoric Strategic Location of Dana Island – Şengül G. Aydingün ;
The Importance of the Southern Mediterranean Coast – Ahmet Ünal ;
Hittites And Seafaring – Özlem Sir Gavaz ;
Ancient shipsheds on Dana Island: Some preliminary observations – Olaf Höckmann and Hakan Öniz ;
An Ancient Naval Yard On The Southern Coast Of Anatolia – Mustafa H. Sayar ;
Dana Island Ancient Shipyard, Rough Cilicia: Archaeological Observations – Hakan Öniz ;
Coastal Aeolianite as the Geological Heritage of Dana Island: Preliminary Results – Ahmet Evren Erginal, Oya Erenoğlu, Hakan Öniz and Savaş Sarialtun ;
Geoarchaeological Investigation Of Architectural Structures On Dana Island – Savaş Sarialtun, Hakan Öniz and Günay Dönmez ;
The Ancient Naval Base/Shipyard on Dana Island – Ahmet Denker and Hakan Öniz ;
Usage Forms Of Plant Species On Dana Island And Its Surroundings From Past To Present – Zerrin Koşdemir ;
The Tomb Types Of Dana Island (Ancient Pityoussa) – Günay Dönmez and Ercan Soydan ;
Water Cisterns On Dana Island – Dilber Bala, Hakan Öniz ;
The Possible Role of Dana Island in the Events Of 1200 BC – Haldun Aydingün ;
Mavikent Harbor: The Mainland Connection Point of the Dana Island Shipyard? – Mert Uğur Kara ;
Early Maritime Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean and Dana Island – Koray Alper ;
Authors/Dana Island Scientific Committee Members ;
Plate section

About the Author

Hakan Öniz completed his masters and PhD in Underwater Archaeology at Selçuk University, Konya. He is one of the founders and was the first coordinator of the UNESCO UniTwin Underwater Archaeology Network between 2012 and 2015. He is the head of the Mediterranean Underwater Cultural Heritage Division in the Mediterranean Civilizations Research Institute of Akdeniz University, Head of the Department of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Faculty of Art, and Director of the Underwater Archaeology Research Center in the same University. He manages several Underwater Archaeology research and excavation projects on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast, is Secretary and bureau member of ICOMOS-ICUCH (International Committee of Underwater Cultural Heritage), a member of the UNESCO National Observation Committee of Underwater Archaeology, and a member of the CMAS Scientific Committee.