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H 290 x W 205 mm

258 pages

123 figures, 15 tables (colour throughout)

Published Aug 2021

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789699876

Digital: 9781789699883

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Epigraphy; Digital Humanities; Accessible Research; Epigraphic Databases; Virtual Museums; EpiDoc TEI-XML; Linked Open Data; SfM Photogrammetry; Digital Image Modelling

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Epigraphy in the Digital Age

Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Inscriptions

Edited by Isabel Velázquez Soriano, David Espinosa Espinosa

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This volume presents epigraphic research using digital and computational tools, comparing the outcomes of both well-established and newer projects to consider the most innovative investigative trends. Papers consider open-access databases, SfM Photogrammetry and Digital Image Modelling applied to textual restoration, Linked Open Data, and more.



Foreword – Isabel Velázquez Soriano and David Espinosa Espinosa ;

Part 1: Preliminary Issues ;

Chapter 1: Digital Projects in Epigraphy: Research Needs, Technical Possibilities, and Funding Problems – Silvia Orlandi ;

Chapter 2: The Need for an Innovative Approach to the Study of Latin Epigraphic Poetry – Concepción Fernández-Martínez ;

Chapter 3: The Role Played by Epigraphy in Archaeological Divulgation – Rosario Cebrián Fernández ;

Part 2: Digital Recording and Analysis Techniques in Epigraphy ;

Chapter 4: Virtual Epigraphy: Virtual Museums and 3D Epigraphy – Javier Andreu Pintado and Pablo Serrano Basterra ;

Chapter 5: Digital Epigraphy: New Technologies and 3D Modelling – Aroa Gutiérrez Alonso, Mercedes Farjas Abadía and Rocío Gutiérrez González ;

Chapter 6: Reconstructing the Texts of Funerary Inscriptions from Augusta Emerita for the CIL II2 Mérida Project with the Aid of New Technologies – Jonathan Edmondson ;

Chapter 7: Tools Integration for Understanding and Deciphering Inscriptions in the PETRAE Database – Florent Comte, Hernán González Bordas, Milagros Navarro Caballero and Nathalie Prévôt ;

Chapter 8: A Sample of the Application of Digital Photogrammetry to Latin Epigraphy: The Epitaphs of the Vadinienses in 3D – David Martino García and Luis Coya Aláez ;

Chapter 9: The ‘Toros de Guisando’ in the Digital Age – J. Francisco Fabián, Helena Gimeno Pascual, María del Rosario Hernando Sobrino and Hugo Pires ;

Chapter 10: ‘Rough-and-Ready’: 3D Models Rescuing some Roman Inscriptions from Lusitania Joaquín L. Gómez-Pantoja and Ignacio Triguero ;

Part 3: Computational Epigraphy and Digital Dissemination ;

Chapter 11: Where Can Our Inscriptions Take Us? Harnessing the Potential of Linked Open Data for Epigraphy – Charlotte Tupman ;

Chapter 12: Linguistic Markup and Dialectal Variants. The Perspective of the Digital Corpus Supplementum Epigraphicum Creticum (e-SEC) – Alcorac Alonso Déniz ;

Chapter 13: Digital Publication of Texts in Palaeo-European Languages and Script. The State-of-the-Art – María José Estarán Tolosa ;

Chapter 14: Philology and Technology in the Hesperia and AEHTAM Databanks – Eduardo Orduña, Eugenio R. Luján and Isabel Velázquez ;

Chapter 15: The Epigraphica 3.0 Project: Making Accessible and More Readable the Roman Epigraphy from Ourense Province (Galicia, Spain) – David Espinosa Espinosa, Borja Paz Rodríguez and Miguel Carrero Pazos ;

Chapter 16: Roman Open Data. CEIPAC’s Amphora Epigraphy Database – José Remesal Rodríguez and Guillem Rull Fort ;

Chapter 17: From CIL XV to the CEIPAC Database: Some Results of Dissemination Data – Juan Manuel Bermúdez Lorenzo ;

Chapter 18: M(agistratus) H(ispaniae) R(omanae): A Database of Magistrates from Roman Iberia – Silvia Gazzoli ;

Chapter 19: Doing Epigraphy with Digital Support: Tools for the Study of Lapidary Epigraphy – The Case of Roman Goldsmiths – Jordi Pérez González ;

Chapter 20: Inscriptions by Christians in Late Antique Rome. Some Issues and Perspectives for the Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) – Antonio E. Felle ;

Chapter 21: EPIHUM, a Database for Renaissance Epigraphy from Portugal and Spain – Manuel Blázquez-Ochando and Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez

About the Author

Isabel Velázquez Soriano is Professor of Latin Philology in the Department of Classical Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid. She is the principal Investigator of the Research Group ‘Textos epigráficos antiguos de la Península Ibérica y el Mediterráneo griego’ (TEAPIMeG no. 930750) at the Complutense University of Madrid, Director of the Epigraphic Archive of Hispania, and editor of Hispania Epigraphica series at the same university. Isabel Velázquez Soriano is a specialist in the study of epigraphic and literary texts from Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. ;

David Espinosa Espinosa has a PhD in Ancient History from the Complutense University of Madrid. A Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vienna, he is now Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Oviedo. His research focuses on the granting of Latin rights in the western Roman provinces, the Roman civil wars during the Republic, and Roman epigraphy. Director of the digital epigraphic corpus Epigraphica 3.0, he has among his book publications Plinio y los ‘oppida de antiguo Lacio’. El proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior (2014).