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H 276 x W 203 mm

286 pages

20 figures, 10 tables, 80 plates (colour throughout)

Published Jun 2022

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803272078

Digital: 9781803272085

DOI 10.32028/9781803272078

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Gandhara; Pakistan; Swat; Peshawar; Afghanistan; History of Archaeology

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This volume presents a seminal and pioneering account of the antiquities of Swat and Peshawar (Pakistan) by Harold Deane, discovered in the fort at Malakand, Swat; it presents and transcribes the manuscript and provides extended notes identifying and describing the places that Deane discusses in his article.



Foreword – Peter Stewart ;
Foreword – Adriano Valerio Rossi ;
Introduction ;
H.A. Deane: Life, Work and Context ;
Notes on the Transcription ;
Transcription ;
Archaeological Comments on the Note ;
General Notes ;
Deane’s Article ;
McCrindle’s Letter ;
Commentary on McCrindle’s Letter ;
Index of Placenames ;
Plates ;

About the Author

Llewelyn Morgan is Professor of Classical Languages and Literature at Oxford University, specifically interested in Roman poetry and its analysis. Afghanistan and the late-colonial milieu of which Deane was a part forms a second area of interest, and he is the author of The Buddhas of Bamiyan (2012, Harvard University Press). ;

Luca Maria Oliveri (Sitara-i-Imtiaz, Pakistan) is Professor of Archaeology of Gandhara at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan (ISMEO/Ca’ Foscari). From 2011 to 2016 he was Director of the ACT-Field School Project in Swat, which amongst other achievements in the fields of training, archaeology and restoration, was able to rebuild the Swat Museum, as well as to restore the colossal Jahanabad Buddha, both damaged during the Taliban insurgency.