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H 276 x W 203 mm

258 pages

168 figures, 17 tables (colour throughout)

Published Aug 2022

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803272870

Digital: 9781803272887

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Jordan; Abila; Necropolis; Hellenistic; Roman; Byzantine

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The Necropolis of Abila of the Decapolis 2019-2021

By Abdulla Al-Shorman

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This is the first comprehensive synthesis of burial types, practices, and evidence for societal collapse in the growing field of bioarchaeology of Jordan, focusing on Abila of the Decapolis, the largest Graeco-Roman city in Jordan with a tremendous wealth of funerary remains.



Preface ;
Abila of The Decapolis ;
The Necropolis of Abila And Tomb Types ;
Description of Abila Tombs ;
Burial Practices at Abila ;
The Skeletal Remains ;
The Fall of Abila ;
Beyond The Tombs ;
Abila: The Whole Story ;
Plans of Type Ia ;
Plans of Type Ib ;
Plans of Type II ;
Plans of Type III ;
Plans of Type IV ;
Plans of Type Va ;
Plans of Type Vb ;
Plans of Type Vc ;
Plans of Type Vd ;
Plans of Type VI ;
Photo of Type VIII ;
Plans of Type IX ;
Tomb Type X- Columbaria ;
Tomb Type XI ;
Photographs ;

About the Author

Abdulla Al-Shorman is a bioarchaeologist and a civil engineer who has applied his knowledge of construction, design, and technical drawing to understand the architecture of ancient tombs and devise appropriate tomb typologies. His expertise in biological and forensic anthropology has developed his knowledge in archaeothanatology and archaeology, which bears fruit in this book. He currently a faculty member at the Department of Anthropology at Yarmouk University in Jordan.