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H 290 x W 205 mm

538 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published Dec 2022

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781803274126

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Journal of Greek Archaeology 7

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 7 2022

Edited by John Bintliff

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In this rich volume, articles range across all the main phases of Greek Archaeology from Prehistory to the Postmedieval era, and cover a wonderful range of topics.



Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 7: Editorial ;

Prehistory and Protohistory ;
The sanctuary at Keros in the Aegean Early Bronze Age: from centre of congregation to centre of power – Colin Renfrew, Michael J. Boyd, Demetris Athanasoulis, Neil Brodie, Tristan Carter, Katerina Dellaporta, Marie Floquet, Giorgos Gavalas, Myrto Georgakopoulou, Myrsini Gkouma, Jill Hilditch, Irini Legaki, Evi Margaritis, Marisa Marthari, Ioanna Moutafi, Olga Philaniotou, Peggy Sotirakopoulou and Joshua Wright ;
Fusion cuisine in the shadow of Mount Olympus: an integrated study of Middle and Late Bronze Age cooking pots – Anastasia Dimoula, Sophia Koulidou, Zoi Tsirtsoni, Edward Standall, Oliver E. Craig and Soultana Maria Valamoti ;
Bronze Age Cyprus and the Aegean: ‘exotic currency’ and objects of connectivity – A. Bernard Knapp ;
Unlocking building biographies during the Late Bronze Age in Central Macedonia: the case of the Thessaloniki Toumba mound settlement – Kalliopi Efkleidou Maria Karantoni, Sevasti Triantaphyllou and Stelios Andreou ;
The site of Ayios Vasileios in Laconia from the prehistoric to the early modern period. Results of the pedestrian field survey – Corien Wiersma, Philip Bes, Mink W. van IJzendoorn, Adam Wiznura and Sofia Voutsaki ;

Archaic to Classical ;
New observations on the pediments of the early Classical temple of Aphaia on Aegina and on other works by the ‘Aphaia architect’ – Hansgeorg Bankel ;
What do terracotta figurines in a sacral context reveal? The case of the Aphaia sanctuary on the island of Aegina – Maria G. Spathi ;

Roman and Late Roman ;
The cities of Crete under Roman rule (1st–3rd centuries AD) – Michalis Karambinis ;
Protesilaos, two ways – Andrew Stewart ;
A beekeeper’s kit of the First Byzantine period in Eleutherna (Crete) – Anastasia G. Yangaki ;

Medieval and Post-Medieval ;
A note on Medieval Mediterranean trade networks: first observations on the possible evidence of Sicilian amphorae of the 8th-9th century in Crete and the Aegean – Matteo G Randazzo ;
Middle Byzantine glazed pottery from Nauplio: an overview – Anastasia Vassiliou ;

Multiperiod ;
The settlement patterns of the Ierapetra Isthmus (East Crete) from the Archaic to the Venetian periods, as revealed through the SettleInEastCrete Program – Nadia Coutsinas, Marianna Katifori, Konstantinos Roussos and Athanasios Argyriou ;
The Kotroni Archaeological Research Project (KASP): evaluating ancient Aphidna using multimodal landscape analysis – Athos Agapiou, Anastasia Dakouri-Hild, Stephen Davis, EleniAndrikou and William Rourk ;
Coastal environments and long-term human practices in Corfu: a seascape perspective – Kostas Sbonias ;
Historicising the emergence of the Aegean culture (1890s) – Michael Fotiadis ;

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