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H 174 x W 245 mm

236 pages

Published Dec 2023

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781803275239

Digital: 9781803275246

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Ancient Near East; Uruk; Elam; Terracottas; Assyria; Swords; Oman; Sumerian

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Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East 7

Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East No 7 1-2, 2023

Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies

Edited by Laura Battini

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Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East.



Vol 7 No 1 2023

Hommage to Pierre Villard

The use of early photography for archaeological research: The 1929-1931 expedition to Meskeneh/Balis (Syria) in the photograph collection of the Biblioteca Berenson in Florence – Stefano Anastasio

The place of deportation of the Babylonian divine statues – Pierre Villard

Taharqa, not Ushanahuru: Reconsidering the identity of the African individual on the victory stele of Esarhaddon – Mattias Karlsson

A selection of metalwork from classical antiquity and the Middle Ages from Cilicia in southern Turkey – Ergün Laflı and Alev Çetingöz

Down-the-line from the Persian Gulf to the Armenian Highlands: Archaeomalacology as a tool for the recognition of long-distance connections during the Middle Bronze Age – Andrea Cesaretti, Maria Flavia Gravina and Roberto Dan

From Jemdet Nasr origins to an early Muslim town in the wetlands: second preliminary report on excavations at Kobeba (Dhi Qar governorate), southern Iraq – St John Simpson


Vol 7 No 2 2023

Pierre Villard – Jack M. Sasson, Chapel Hill, NC.

‘Transitional Cases’, Allonymy, and the Use of Aramaic in the Early Neo-Assyrian Provincial Administration: The Example of Ilu-bāni/-ibni of Sūḫu – Alexander Johannes Edmonds

Divine Battles in the Akkadian Period – Laura Battini

Work Hard, Play Hard: Gameboards and Merchants’ Way of Life in Middle Bronze Age Anatolia – Nancy Highcock and Yağmur Heffron

Updating the Presence of Beveled Rim Bowls in Northern Central Zagros.Some Preliminary Data from Tepe Qaleh Naneh (Kurdistan) – Ali Binandeh and Silvana Di Paolo

Qalat-e- Shah: a Median or Islamic Watch Tower in Northwestern Iran? – Ali Binandeh, Mohammad Hossein Rezaei and Obeidollah Sorkhabi

About the Author

Laura Battini is an archaeologist specialised in the Ancient Near East. She is currently a researcher at the French National Centre of Scientific Research (Laboratory PROCLAC, UMR 7192, directed by Thomas Römer). Laura created a new journal for the Ancient Near East (Ash sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East, Archaeopress), and is the editor of the archaeological series Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology.