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H 290 x W 205 mm

142 pages

Colour illustrations throughout

Published Dec 2023

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803276489

Digital: 9781803276496

DOI 10.32028/9781803276489

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Ancient Near East; Bronze Age; Iron Age; Contacts; Trade; Exchange

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Proceedings of the Workshop held at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York University 7th March 2016

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The eleven contributions in this book address the history of contacts and exchanges in the Bronze and Iron Ages within West Asia, extending far beyond the boundaries of the previously defined contact zone of the ‘Ancient Near East’.



Introductory Remarks – Arnulf Hausleiter


I. Old Assyrian Trade

Introduction to the Old Assyrian Trade Session – Nancy A. Highcock

States, Markets and Overland Trade in the Early and Middle Bronze Age – Gojko Barjamovic

Dynamism and Scale in Western Asian Bronze Age Trade Networks – Lorenzo D’Alfonso and Nancy A. Highcock


II. Cuneiform Knowledge Production in Contact Zones

Reflections on the Dynamics of Cuneiform Knowledge Production in the Ancient Near East – Jonathan Valk

Production of Knowledge in Contact Zones: Mari and Tigunānum in the Old Babylonian Period – Beate Pongratz-Leisten


III. Transitions and Transformations in the Levant and Northern Arabia

The MBA/LBA Transition at Tell el-ʿAjjul in the Light of Exchanges between Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean – Celia J. Bergoffen

Transitions in Material Culture of the 2nd Millennium BCE: the Middle Bronze to Late Bronze Age Shift Seen from Northwest Arabia – Marta Luciani

Connections and Transformations in the Southern Levant during the 2nd Millennium with a View from Megiddo – Robert Homsher


IV. Egyptian Red Sea Trade

Power and Prestige: Egyptian Red Sea Trade during the Old and Middle Kingdoms and its Place within the Royal Redistributive Network – Lisa Saladino Haney


V. Middle Grounds, Contact Areas and Social Identity in the Iron Age

Middle Grounds, Contact Areas, and the Assyrian Empire: the Case of the Syrian Lower Euphrates Valley, Iron II Period – Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault

Tell Jemmeh: Social Identity at a Cultural Crossroads – Alice M. W. Hunt

About the Author

Arnulf Hausleiter, MA 1992, PhD 1996 (University of Munich), Habilitation 2012 (Freie Universität Berlin), is scientific officer for the archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula at the German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) Orient Department. His research interests focus on different aspects of material culture, urban and oasis settlements in their environmental contexts, and cultural contacts. He has been co-directing field projects in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.