Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection
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H 255 x W 174 mm

120 pages

Published Mar 2024

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781803276984

Digital: 9781803276991

DOI 10.32028/Groma-Issue-7-2022

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The seventh issue of Groma publishes proceedings of the 15th edition of the ArcheoFOSS International conference on open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research.




An open source platform addressing structural stability risk assessment in historical centres – Renzo Carlucci, Charilaos Maniatakis, Philip Fayad, Andrea Di Iorio, Nikolaus Sketakis, Costantine Spyrakos, Haris Saroglou, Alessio Di Iorio, Alexandros Paraskeuas and Nikos Papadopoulos

MOvEIT: a Proof of Concept of a Road Graph for Late Antique Egypt – Julian Bogdani

Palaeo-landscape feature identification: a FOSS cloud-based Python approach through Google Earth Engine (GEE) – Guillem Domingo-Ribas and Filippo Brandolini

Integrating pyArchInit and BraDypUS for field and academic archaeological research – Giuseppe Guarino and Paolo Rosati

From micro-regional to intra-site analysis: the GIS of the Italian Archaeological Expedition in the Erbil Plain (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) – Valentina Oselini, Michael Campeggi, Luca Forti, Elisa Ginoli, Andrea Pezzotta, Agnese Vacca and Luca Peyronel

A digital ecosystem for the knowledge, conservation and valorization of the medieval archaeological site of Satrianum (Tito, PZ). FOSS instruments – Giorgia Dato, Eugenio Saccà and Alessandro Spadaro

Virtual Tour realizzato con Pannellum ed integrazione LeafletJS – Valerio De Luca and Martina Frau

The Roman Villa of l’Albir (Alicante, Spain). The use of Blender and the Extended Matrix in the virtual reconstruction – Jaime Molina, Javiier Esclapés, Carolina Frías, Javier Munoz, Alejandro Martín, Mónica Sánchez, Laia Fabregat and Daniel Tejerina

A source-based reconstruction of the Tepidarium at L’Alcudia de Elche:

Combination of standardised methods to create a detailed source-based reconstruction of the Tepidarium at L’Alcudia de Elche, Alicante, Spain – Cristina Gonzalez-Esteban

Using Programming Environments for Academic Research and Writing – Morgan Lemmer-Webber

re3dragon – A Research Registry Resource API for Data Dragons – Florian Thiery and Allard W. Mees