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H 235 x W 165 mm

324 pages

Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white

Published May 2024

Archaeopress Journals


Paperback: 9781803277066

Digital: 9781803277073

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Established in 2006 by the Association for Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies in corporation with the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, AJNES is the only periodical in the Republic of Armenia devoted exclusively to the investigation of ancient and medieval cultures of the Near East and the Caucasus.



Issue 1

The Bronze Age fortresses of the Southern Urals – Ivan Semyan

Hittite mi-e-nu-us: Humans as ‘meek’ or ‘lesser’ – Jaan Puhvel

Hartapu – Hittite afterlife following the empire – Michael Banyai

Not hostile but loyal kings in Tabal, c. 735 BC. A new interpretation of TOPADA §§ 3-4 – Martien Dillo

Stamp impressions from ancient Artashat in Armenia – Achim Lichtenberger, Torben Schreiber, Carmen Ting and Mkrtich H. Zardaryan

Reinforcement of Medieval infrastructure: Medieval castles and caravanserais in Aruch and Dashtadem along the Dvin-Ani transit route – Astghik Babajanyan

Widder- und pferdeförmige Grabsteine: ein religions- und völker-übergreifendes Phänomen – Diether Schürr

Nurnus monastery and its excavations – Avetis Grigoryan, Artak Ghulyan and Hasmik Simonyan


Altan Çilingiroğlu (1945-2021)

From Van to Bastam: Wolfram Kleiss (1930-2020)

Gocha R. Tsetskhladze (1962-2022)

Armenian Summaries


Issue 2

Foreword – Aram Kosyan

The Urartian Onomasticon: A prosopographic study – Yervand H. Grekyan

1. Introduction

2. General remarks

3. The royal names

4. Urartian and assumed Urartian names

5. Theophoric names

6. Names by ethnic/territorial affiliation

7. Names of Indo-European origin

8. Semitic names

9. The Eastern Taurus: Indigenous and Semitic names

10. Feminine personal names

11. ‘Urartian’ names in Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid-period inscriptions

12. Unspecified anthroponyms

13. Disputable names

14. Statistical analyses of the onomastic data

15. Concluding notes

16. Instead of epilogue



Armenian Summary