Library Access: The Library of the American Research Center in Egypt    Browse Library Collection
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H 245 x W 175 mm

260 pages

colour illustrations throughout

Published Feb 2013

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781905739592

Digital: 9781789699425

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Thin section ceramic petrography is a versatile interdisciplinary analytical tool for the characterization and interpretation of archaeological pottery. Using over 200 photomicrographs of thin sections from a diverse range of artefacts, time periods and geographic regions, this provides comprehensive guidelines for their study within archaeology.



Preface ;
1 Introduction to Archaeological Ceramic Analysis & Thin Section Petrography ;
2 Sampling, Thin Section Preparation & Analysis ;
3 Composition of Archaeological Ceramics in Thin Section ;
4 Grouping & Characterization of Archaeological Ceramics in Thin Section ;
5 Interpreting Ceramic Raw Materials & Provenance ;
6 Reconstructing Ceramic Technology ;
7 Petrography of Ceramic Building Materials, Metallurgical Ceramics & Plaster ;
Appendix Petrographic Fabric Descriptions ;