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Die Gottebenbildlichkeit im alten Agypten und im Alten Testament /

: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) --Universitat Tubingen, 1983. : 175 pages ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 158-168) and index. : 3447025131

Published 1951
Die Schriften des Jakobiten Habib ibn Hidma, Abu Ra'ita /

: 2 volumes ; 25 cm.

Published 2016
Bei Übernahme Korrektur? : Aufnahme und Wandlung ägyptischer Tradition im Alten Testament anhand der Beispiele Proverbia 22-24 und Psalm 104 /

: Revised thesis (doctoral)-Rijksuniversiteit,Groningen;2008 : x, 205 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [195]-202) and index. : 9783868351750

Published 2006
Transitus Mariae : Beiträge zur koptischen Überlieferung mit einer Edition von P. Vindob. K 7589, Cambridge Add 1876 8 und Paris BN Copte 129¹⁷ ff. 28 und 29 /

: ix, 277 pages, viii pages of plates : facsims ; 25 cm. : 9783110182279
3110182270 :

Published 2014
Exodus und Eisodus : Komposition und Theologie von Josua 1-5 /

: For this book the author has received THE MANFRED LAUTENSCHLAEGER AWARD FOR THEOLOGICAL PROMISE 2015 Kein Auszug ohne Einzug - erst mit dem Eisodus in das verheißene Land kommt der Exodus aus Ägypten an sein Ziel. Es verwundert daher nicht, dass der erste Teil des Josuabuches in den Kapiteln 1-5, in dem dieser Einzug dargestellt wird, vielfältige literarische Bezüge zur Exodusüberlieferung im Pentateuch aufweist. Wie aber sind diese Bezüge zu erklären, als intratextuelle Bindeglieder ein und desselben Werkes oder als intertextuelle Bezugnahmen? Mit dem Aufweis einer sukzessiven Ausgestaltung der Ereignisse beim Eisodus nach dem Vorbild des Exodus bietet die vorliegende Untersuchung der Komposition und Theologie von Josua 1-5 in den drei überlieferten Ausgaben des Josuabuches (MT, LXX, Qumran) Antworten auf alte, angesichts der gegenwärtigen Debatte um Hexateuch und Deuteronomistisches Geschichtswerk hochaktuelle Fragen der Forschung. _______________________________________________ The Exodus from Egypt is perfect only with the Eisodus into the Promised Land. It does not come as a surprise, therefore, that the first part of the Book of Joshua, which is dedicated to the entry into the land, features a variety of literary affinities to the Exodus tradition as found in the Pentateuch. But how are these affinities to be explained? Do they testify to an original literary work which covered both Exodus and Conquest, or do they rather betray subsequent connections through intertextual references? Analyzing the composition and theology of Joshua 1-5 in the three extant versions of the book (MT, LXX, Qumran), the present study contributes to the current debate of the Pentateuch, Hexateuch, and Deuteronomistic History.
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Tübingen, 2013.
"The Exodus from Egypt is perfect only with the Eisodus into the Promised Land. It does not come as a surprise, therefore, that the first part of the Book of Joshua, which is dedicated to the entry into the land, features a variety of literary affinities to the Exodus tradition as found in the Pentateuch. Analyzing the composition and theology of Joshua 1-5 in the three extant versions of the book (MT, LXX, Qumran), the present study contributes to the current debate of the Pentateuch, Hexateuch, and Deuteronomistic history."-- Publisher description. : 1 online resource (xviii, 488 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 443-473) and indexes. : 9789004267794 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1993
Die Religionswissenschaft und das Christentum, Eine historische Untersuchung über das Verhältnis von Religionswissenschaft und Theologie.

: What are religious studies? What is theology? And what is their relationship to each other? In the light of such theoretical and methodological questions this historical inquiry asks what characterizes the study of Christianity within comparative religion-as distinguished from that of Christian theology? In the three main sections of the book representative texts from the history of comparative religion-including Schleiermacher and some other theological forerunners in the 19th century-are analyzed from a methodological and a material point of view. On this basis an answer is sought to the following questions: What has been the place of the study of Christianity within this discipline? On which methodological principles has it been based? And what kind of picture of Christianity has it presented?
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378834

Published 2020
Monachus et sacerdos : asketische Konzeptualisierungen des Klerus im antiken Christentum /

: "In Monachus et sacerdos untersucht Christian Hornung die Asketisierung des Klerus im antiken Christentum. Vor dem Hintergrund der grundsätzlichen Bedeutung der Askese in der Antike nähert er sich dem Thema unter vier Perspektiven: der Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral der Asketisierung sowie den Widerständen gegen ihre verbindliche Durchsetzung im Klerus. Analysiert werden theologische Begründungen der Asketisierung, ihre Einforderung in der kirchlichen Disziplin sowie die konkrete Umsetzung in der Pastoral. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist den Widerständen gegen die Durchsetzung der Asketisierung gewidmet. Hornung kann überzeugend aufzeigen, dass die Asketisierung als ein umfassender Prozess einer zunehmenden asketischen Konzeptualisierung des Klerus zu deuten ist, der sich an die Professionalisierung in vorkonstantinischer Zeit anschliesst und zu einer Ausdifferenzierung unterschiedlicher christlicher Lebensformen führt. In Monachus et sacerdos Christian Hornung examines the asceticism of the clergy in late antique Christianity. Concerning the fundamental importance of asceticism in Antiquity he approaches the topic from four perspectives: the theology, discipline and pastoral care of asceticism as well as the opposition against its binding enforcement in the clergy. The theological justifications of asceticism, its demand in ecclesiastical discipline and its concrete implementation in pastoral care are analysed. A separate chapter is devoted to resistances against the enforcement of asceticism in the clergy. Hornung convincingly demonstrates that the asceticism is a broad process of increasing ascetic conceptualization of the clergy, which follows the professionalization in pre-Constantine time and leads to a differentiation of Christian life forms".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004421318

Published 1999
Für Israel und die Völker : Studien zum alttestamentlich-jüdischen Hintergrund der paulinischen Theologie /

: In this work, the author investigates Gal 1:13-14, Gal 3:6-14, 1 Thess 4:13-17, 2 Cor 12:1-10 and Rom 10:4 and then expounds how Paul, although originating from Judaism and having been educated in Jewish Biblical interpretation, reaches a new hermeneutic only after his experience of Christ. The apostle proves to be dependent neither on apocalyptic views nor on the methods of Greek Rhetoric nor on Rabbinic Midrash, although he is well versed in them. Instead, he develops a Christological interpretation of the Torah, and this interpretation becomes the centre of his mission to the non-Jews. The Torah finds its eschatological fulfillment in Christ and receives its ethical validity for the nations in the form of the love command.
: 1 online resource (xv, 306 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004267442 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Die Eucharistie ist Jesus : Anfänge einer Theorie des Sakraments im koptischen Philippusevangelium (NHC II 3) /

: Given the concept of salvation through knowledge in Valentinian Gnosis, which is basically anti-materialist, one would not expect concrete physical rituals to play a large role in its practice. The Nag Hammadi Gospel of Philip is widely recognized as a Valentinian text, yet it contains portions of a treatise on the value of baptism, anointing, and the eucharist. The text, which arguably comes from the end of the second century, presents the first developed theory and justification of these sacraments in Early Christianity. The present study reconstructs this theory from the fragmentary text and considers its consequences for the organization of the community. Thus, the book is also an attempt to address the problem of institutionalization in early Christian communities.
: Slightly Revision of the author's thesis--Universität München, 2005. : 1 online resource (xii, 550 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 505-531) and indexes. : 9789047421634 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Brot, Licht und Weinstock : intertextuelle Analysen johanneischer Ich-bin-Worte /

: This study considers the "I am" sayings in the Gospel of John, interpreted in the context of their reception in late antiquity. It takes an intertextual approach, considering both inner-biblical parallels and extra-biblical texts, which have been much neglected in recent Johannine scholarship. A comparative analysis of the "I am" formula is complemented by the consideration of the metaphors of the predicative "I am" words, focussing particularly on the use of "bread", "light" and "vine" and the context of these metaphors in the Gospel of John and elsewhere. This discussion demonstrates that Johannine Christology is profoundly incarnational. *** Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung sind die Ich-bin-Worte des Johannesevangeliums. Diese werden in ihrem spätantiken Lese- und Rezeptionskontext interpretiert, wobei die Intertextualitätstheorie als methodische Basis dient und auch außerbiblische Schriften zum Vergleich herangezogen werden, die in der Forschung der vergangenen Jahrzehnte kaum berücksichtigt worden sind. Ergänzend zur vergleichenden Untersuchung der Formel "Ich bin..." werden die prädikativen Ich-bin-Worte als Metaphoren näher bestimmt und exemplarisch drei ausgewählte Prädikationen, nämlich "Brot", "Licht" und "Weinstock" in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext analysiert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die johanneische Christologie primär als Inkarnationchristologie zu verstehen ist.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [341]-381) and index. : 9789047433248 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1961
'Der Sohn' in den synoptischen Jesusworten : Christusbezeichnung der Gemeinde oder Selbstbezeichnung Jesu?.

: Issued also as thesis, Nijegen. : 1 online resource (xxiii, 194 pages) : Bibliography : pages [xiv]-xxiii. : 9789004265813 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1997
Arché : a collection of patristic studies /

: During the past forty years J.C.M. van Winden OFM, Emeritus Professor of Early Christian Literature at Leiden University and editor of Vigiliae Christianae , has built up an impressive body of published research on early Christian thought and related areas of Greek and Jewish philosophy. In this volume in honour of his 75th birthday his more important contributions, originally published in a wide range of journals and other publications, have been collected together. These are grouped together in five categories: The archè in early christian thought, Essays on the Church Fathers, Philonica, Plotiniana, Essays on the relation between Greek and Patristic Thought. The volume includes a hitherto unpublished survey article on early Christian exegesis of 'the beginning' in Gen. 1:1 (in German), English translations of five contributions originally published in Dutch, and a complete bibliography of Pater van Winden's scholarly work.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 331 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004313088 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
The seventh book of the Stromateis : proceedings of the Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (Olomouc, October 21-23, 2010) /

: The seventh book of the Stromateis is the culmination of Clement of Alexandria's ethic. Introduced as an apology of the piety of the perfect Christian (the 'gnostic'), it broaches such topics as divine pedagogy, angelology, superstition, prayer, assimilation to God, martyrdom, eschatology, and the criteria of orthodoxy. This volume contains sixteen studies dealing with all major themes of the seventh book and the method of their presentation. It includes a Clementine bibliography of the last fifteen years and two appendices concerned with Clement's 'Hymn to Christ the Saviour.' The publication may serve as a companion to the reader of Stromateis VII and as a compendium of contemporary scholarship dealing with major aspects of Clement's thought in general.
: 1 online resource (xviii, 386 pages) : music. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004233898 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
Paulus, die Evangelien, und das Urchristentum : Beiträge von und zu Walter Schmithals /

: This volume contains the author's 'late harvest' from the fruits of half a century scholarly research in the fields of the New Testament. The essays on Paul oppose the view of history held by the 'Tübingen School' (F.C. Baur), and point out the importance of literary criticism for the theological interpretation of the pauline letters. The essays on the Letter to the Hebrews assign the appropriate historical place within early Christianity to this New Testament book. The essays on the synoptic gospels force the crisis of synoptic form criticism, and give convincing reasons for the alternative solution concerning the origin of the synoptic tradition. Five contributions complete the author's 'Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums' edited 1994. In the second part various prominent German New Testament scholars engage into a discussion with Schmithals's contributions.
: 1 online resource (xi, 841 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047412472 : 0169-734X = : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
De tribus principiis, oder, Beschreibung der drey Principien göttliches Wesens : Of the three principles of divine being, 1619 /

: Jacob Boehme's Of the Three Principles of Divine Being, 1619, is vital for understanding his work as a whole, its relationship to its epoch, and its role in intellectual history. Reproduced here using the methods of critical edition, the original of the work and its adjacent translation, together with an extensive introduction and commentary, provide unprecedented access to this essential work of early modern thought and cast a fresh light on the revolutionary theological, philosophical, and scientific developments coinciding with the start of the Thirty Years' War. The 1730 edition is annotated with reference to the manuscript sources to clarify ambiguities so that the translation can interpret the text without refracting its meaning. This makes it possible to interpret Boehme's complex theories of the origin of the divine being and of nature, the human creature, and the female aspect of divinity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004395275

Published 2014
Sparsa collecta. the collected essays of W.C. van Unnik /

: Between 1973 and 1983 three volumes of collected essays by Willem C. van Unnik appeared under the title Sparsa Collecta . All the essays in these volumes had been published between 1930 and 1970. The editors of the present volume decided to publish a fourth volume with a selection of his later papers, some of which appear here for the first time in English (they were originally published in Dutch).
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004271739 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1998
Perspectives in the study of the Old Testament and early Judiasm : a symposium in honour of Adams S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 70th birthday /

: This volume contains the papers presented to a symposium organized by the Theological Faculty of the University of Groningen on the occasion of the seventieth birthday of Adam S. van der Woude, former Professor of Old Testament and Early Judaism and former head of the Qumran Institute at the same Faculty. The essays, eight in English and four in German, explore (through case studies) the developments over the last few years in the different areas of study of the Old Testament and of Early Judaism, observe the new perspectives opened in these areas and map the directions in which the research will be moving in the third millennium. The volume also includes a German version of the public lecture on the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for the Study of Old Testament and of Early Judaism delivered in Dutch by Van der Woude during the symposium.
: Papers presented at the symposium on Oct. 17-18, 1997 at the Theological Faculty of Groningen. : 1 online resource (xi, 284 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004275980 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1973
Sparsa collecta : the collected essays of W. C. van Unnik.

: English, French, or German. : 1 online resource (3 volumes) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004266087 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2000
Apelles und Hermogenes : zwei theologische Lehrer des zweiten Jahrhunderts /

: This volume deals with the intellectual and social context of two Christian teachers living in the second half of the second century. It presents a coherent reconstruction and interpretation of their teaching, often considered to be marginal within the development of early Christian doctrine. The first part of the book seeks to understand the Marcionite Apelles as a cultured person, who shaped his understanding of Christian doctrine in the context of the philosophical background and in permanent discussion with other Christian schools. In this respect Apelles coincides with the Christian Platonist Hermogenes. His opinions are described in the second part of the book. The author points out that teachers like Apelles and Hermogenes had to answer the questions of the educated in order to defend and to define their understanding of Christian faith.
: 1 online resource (xii, 350 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-324) and index. : 9789004313149 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2005
The canonical Hebrew Bible : a theology of the Old Testament /

: Founded on a lifetime's research and creative thought, this is the crowning work of an internationally celebrated Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholar. Part I provides an engaging running commentary on the text from a final-form, canonical perspective, and Part II deals with a range of thematic issues, including: creation, covenant and election, the patriarchs, the promised land, torah, cult, Moses, David, Zion, language about God, prophecy, wisdom, Israel's historical consciousness, hermeneutics, Jewish and Christian theology of the Hebrew Bible. It is both an invaluable tool for students and a significant work demanding the attention of professionals.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [757]-781) and indexes. : 9789004397415 : 1566-2101 ;