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Published 2023
The IOS Annual Volume 23: "Drought Will Drive You Even Toward Your Foe" /

: The IOS Annual volume 23: "Drought Will Drive You Even Toward Your Foe" brings forth studies devoted to a wide array fields and disciplines of the Middle East. The two sections - Ancient Near East and Semitics include six articles. The Ancient Near East contains three articles dealing with the history of Mesopotamia and ancient Syria (Steinkeller; Steinmayer; Cohen), and the second and concluding part of "On Aramaic Loanwords in Neo- and Late Babylonian Texts" (Zadok), which appeared in IOS 21. The Semitic section includes two articles. The first is about metaphors in the Bedouins' Poetry (Cerqueglini). The second is a study of the vocalization of guttural consonants in the Secunda (Maurizio)
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004526815

Published 2023
The Shape of Stories : Narrative Structures in Cuneiform Literature /

: How were narratives composed in the ancient Near East? What patterns and principles, constraints and considerations guided the shaping of cuneiform stories? The study of narrative structures has emerged as a promising approach to the textual heritage of the cuneiform world. Engaging with practically any ancient text - whether literary, historical, or religious - requires some understanding of the narrative forms that shaped their content. This volume gives researchers the tools to better understand those form, illustrating each approach to narrative analysis with a case study from the cultures of the ancient Near East: Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and Hittite. .
: 1 online resource (368 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004537149

Published 2023
The IOS Annual Volume 22: "Telling of Olden Kings" /

: The IOS Annual volume 22: "Telling of Olden Kings" brings forth studies devoted to a wide array fields and disciplines of the Middle East. The Ancient Near East section is devoted to Neo-Babylonian Mesopotamia and the Achaemenid Empire (Da Riva and Novotny; Levavi; Tavernier and Azzoni; Zadok). The Semitic section includes three articles dealing with contact between various languages of the Semitic language group and between Semitic languages and dialects and other language groups (Castagna; Cerqueglini; Klimiuk and Lipnicka). The Arabic section contains two articles two articles about Modern Iraqi and Egyptian Poetry (Khoury) and the image of Rahav the harlot in early Muslim traditions (Yavor).
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004526785

Published 2023
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol II : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /

: Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators. This is volume II of a set of two volumes.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524040

Published 2023
All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul's Letters /

: In this work, Jeehei Park proposes Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as a constructive category through which to navigate a reading of human diversity and communal unity in Paul's letters. Park takes a thorough look at the cosmopolitan ideas of Diogenes of Sinope, Philo, Plutarch, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius to establish Paul as an interlocutor who critically participated in the discourse of cosmopolitanism. Park characterizes Paul's understanding of unity with the distinctive phrase "heterogeneous unity," in which human differences are respected and embraced rather than being universalized or homogenized. This book offers a novel analysis of Paul's rhetoric about citizenship in Philippians and its adoption of Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as an interpretive contour.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522008

Published 2023
Serving at the 'Banking-Tables' : New Light on Acts 2-8 and the Link Between Spiritual and Economic Transformation /

: Traditional exegesis divides scripture into two distinct economic models: the OT (Hebrew) model of blessing with a "surplus of prosperity", and the NT (Christian) model of economic collectivism with "all things in common". Using an economic perspective as an exegetical tool, the author demonstrates that this differentiation is an artificial construct. In particular, he argues that various NT Greek words and phrases in Acts, which have been rendered to describe acts of charity, should be reinterpreted to depict overtly commercial activities, including the possibility of a banking operation at the heart of the primitive church that posed a serious political and economic threat to the Jewish elite in first-century Jerusalem.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004538139

Published 2023
The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians : Essays in Honor of L. Michael White /

: This volume contains fifteen essays in honor of L. Michael White, whose work has been influential in exploring the social histories of ancient Jews and Christians within the Graeco-Roman world. Following an introduction that highlights some of White's main scholarly contributions, the essays are grouped into three topic areas: Paul and his Legacy, Social Relations, and Material Culture. The essays are united by an interest in reconstructing the social worlds of ancient Jews and Christians through careful analysis of literary sources and material culture in their most precise ancient contexts.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004523913

Published 2022
Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity : Studies in Honor of Johan C. Thom /

: This volume celebrates the scholarship of Professor Johan C. Thom by tackling various important topics relevant for the study of the New Testament, such as the intellectual environment of early Christianity, especially Greek, Latin, and early Jewish texts, New Testament apocrypha and other early Christian writings, as well as Greek grammar. The authors offer fresh insights on philosophical texts and traditions, the cultural repertoire of early Christian literature, critical editions, linguistics and interpretation, and comparative analyses of ancient writings.
: 1 online resource : 9789004517486

Published 2023
The Iconography of Family Members in Egypt's Elite Tombs of the Old Kingdom /

: In The Iconography of Family Members in Egypt's Elite Tombs of the Old Kingdom, , Jing Wen offers a comprehensive survey of how ancient Egyptians portrayed their family members in the reliefs of an elite tomb. Through the analysis of the depiction of family members, this book investigates familial relations, the funerary cult of the dead, ancestor worship, and relevant texts. It provides a new hypothesis and perspective that would update our understanding of the Egyptian funerary practice and familial ideology. The scenes of family members are not a record of family history but language games of the tomb owner that convey specific meaning to those who enter the chapel despite time and space.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004528628

Published 2023
Deixis in Egyptian : The Close, the Distant, and the Known /

: In this volume, Maxim N. Kupreyev explores the intricate stories of Egyptian-Coptic demonstratives and adverbs, personal, relative pronouns and definite articles. Applying the concepts of distance, contrast, and joint attention, the book offers a panorama of competing deictic systems in Old Kingdom Egypt. It singles out dialectal differences and outlines the history of deixis not as a linear development, but as a competition of regional variants that gradually attain normative status. The results of the study reconsider the evolution of Ancient Egyptian, its periodization and its embedding in the Afro-Asiatic linguistic context.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004523395

Published 2023
Florilegia Syriaca: Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World /

: From the 6th century onwards, Syriac patristic florilegia - collections of Greek patristic excerpts in Syriac translation - progressively became a prominent form through which Syriac and Arab Christians shaped their knowledge of theology. In these collections, early Greek Christian literature underwent a substantial process of selection and re-organization. The papers collected in this volume study Syriac florilegia in their own right, as cultural products possessing their own specific textuality, and outline a phenomenology of Syriac patristic florilegia by mapping their diffusion and relevance in time and space, from the 6th to the 17th century, from the Roman Empire to China.
: 1 online resource : 9789004527546

Published 2023
Extreme Klimaereignisse und Hungerkatastrophen in den Prophetenbüchern /

: Extreme Klimaereignisse und Hungerkatastrophen zählen zu den kontinuierlichsten Problemen, mit denen sich Menschen durch alle Zeiten hindurch auseinandersetzen mussten. Gleichzeitig sind sie eng verflochten mit zeitlichen, räumlichen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen. Mit Methoden der historischen Hungerforschung und dem da etablierten Vulnerabiltitätskonzept werden die Texte der Hebräischen Bibel danach befragt, wie die Menschen extreme Klimaereignisse wahrgenommen, gedeutet und bewältigt haben. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Texte nie einfache, monokausale Erklärungen bereithalten, sondern sich auf eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen, teilweise widersprüchlichen Aussagen stützen. Gott, Mensch und Natur erscheinen in dieser Vorstellung als Akteure, die miteinander agieren und die Katastrophe gleichermaßen mitverantworten. Extreme climate events and famines are among the most continuous problems that humans have had to deal with throughout the ages. At the same time, they are closely intertwined with temporal, spatial and social conditions. Using methods of historical hunger research and the established concept of vulnerability, this study examines the texts of the Hebrew Bible to determine how people perceived, interpreted and coped with extreme climate events. In doing so, it becomes apparent that the texts never provide simple, monocausal explanations, but rely on a number of different, sometimes contradictory statements. God, humans and nature appear in this conception as actors who interact with each other and share equal responsibility for the catastrophe.
: 1 online resource (640 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004526723

Published 2023
Genesis 37 and 39 in the Early Syriac Tradition /

: The Syriac reception of the story of Joseph offers an unprecedented glimpse into late antique Syriac literary culture. The story inspired a diverse body of texts, written in prose, narrative poetry, dialogue poetry, and metrical homilies, including the greatest narrative poem written in Syriac. These texts explore and retell the story of Joseph with a combination of exegetical imagination, playful creativity, and a relentless focus on the exemplary virtues of the patriarch. Read through a typological lens, this study shows how the story also became an important locus of Christian-Jewish polemic.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004526952

Published 2023
Paul's Declaration of Freedom from a Freed Slave's Perspective /

: This project attempts to listen to voices that have seldom been heard. While others have explored Paul's theology of Christian freedom, they have not considered how Paul's declaration of freedom would have been received by those who most desired and valued freedom: the slaves and freedpersons in the Galatian churches. In this study, Robin Thompson explores both Greek and Roman manumission, considers how the ancient Mediterranean world conceived of freedom, and then examines the freedom declared in Galatians from a freed slaves's perspective. She proposes that these freedpersons would likely have perceived this freedom to be not only spiritual freedom, but - at least in the Christian communities - individual freedom as well.
: 1 online resource (246 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004532601

Published 2023
Deuteronomion : A Commentary Based on the Text of Codex Alexandrinus /

: This commentary on Deuteronomion is based on Codex Alexandrinus, the single best complete witness to the Old Greek. It features a new transcription of the manuscript with a fresh translation that treats Deuteronomion as a sacred text that would have been read, studied, and cherished in a worshipping community. Notations of important variants with the other key manuscripts, such as p848, p963, and B (Vaticanus), appear regularly. This commentary represents an interpretative adventure, intentionally giving room for varied ancient reader-responses, and accordingly it functions within several literary spaces. First, it recognizes the substantial intratextual features between the book's narrative framing and its legal materials. Deuteronomion is also read in its hypotextual relation with the Pentateuch's other narratives and legal materials, chiefly within Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Sensitivity to the Greek linguistic climate, the so-called koine Greek, is another space. Finally, and most distinctively, this commentary adds to its reading the many voices who read and used Deuteronomy, in either Hebrew or Greek forms, from the late Second Temple Period.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004536531

Published 2023
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol.I : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /

: Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators. This is volume I of a set of two volumes.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004524002

Published 2023
Ancient Egypt, New Technology : The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and Other Digital Humanities in Egyptology /

: This volume of collected studies takes stock of most recent developments in Egyptology and the Digital Humanities, considering future directions for the application of new technologies in Egyptology. The book presents the results of an international conference held in 2019 at Indiana University - Bloomington, in which Egyptologists and digital humanists with interest in Egyptology gathered in 2019 to present current projects in 3D modeling, virtual and augmented reality, game technology, digital pedagogy, database projects, computational and corpus linguistics and E-publications. Those projects, along with a selection of others that were not presented in Bloomington, are now described and discussed in this volume.
: 1 online resource : 9789004501287

Published 2023
Theological Interpretation of Scripture as Spiritual Formation /

: Academic expertise is essential. But have you ever wondered how it itself is spiritually formative? This book, coming from an interdisciplinary assortment of scholars, shows how the exegetical methods of Theological Interpretation of Scripture (TIS) are themselves spiritually formative. This book provides a diverse collection of essays that focus on theological interpretative methods that result in a unique transformational experience not achieved through historical-critical or grammatical-historical approaches alone. Renowned thinkers-such as biblical scholar Ben Witherington III, historical theologian Mark Elliott, and theologian Arthur Sutherland-offer new works that explore how reading theologically can transform theology, cultures, and individuals. These new studies focus on the theological exegesis of such thinkers as Mother Teresa, Thomas Aquinas, Ignatius of Antioch, and Clement of Alexandria. The collection also includes several important and timely pieces that show how theological interpretation leads to moral formation within diverse cultural groups including African American and Latinx communities.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004529199

Published 2023
The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic : Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary /

: The apocryphal Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) plunges us right into the heart of early-Christian conceptions of heaven and hell. Its vivid eyewitness account of otherworldly punishment and reward was translated into many different languages and inspired numerous later authors, among whom Dante. This book offers a re-edition and English translation of the ancient Coptic version. An exhaustive commentary makes the text accessible and situates it in the time and place where it was written, fourth-century Egypt. As this new study shows, the Coptic version is by far the best available witness of the original Apocalypse of Paul .
: 1 online resource : 9789004526464

Published 2023
Paul and the Rhetoric of Resurrection : 1 Corinthians 15 as Insinuatio /

: Have you ever wondered why Paul leaves the resurrection discussion in 1 Corinthians 15 for the end of the letter? Have you pondered how 1 Corinthians 15 functions as the climax to 1 Corinthians? This book answers those questions by exploring insinuatio , the Greco-Roman rhetorical convention used to address prejudiced or controversial topics-like resurrection-at the end of a discourse. This is the most thorough treatment of insinuatio in Biblical and Classical studies to date. It examines the Greco-Roman rhetorical handbooks and speeches on insinuatio , compares them to what Paul does in 1 Corinthians 15, and finds that this was precisely Paul's rhetorical strategy in 1 Corinthians.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004527904