Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe : A Festschrift on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of BETH /
Adapt or perish! During the past 50 years, theological libraries world-wide have met with huge societal changes challenging their relevance, while simultaneously discovering opportunities for technological advancement, renovation and international cooperation in librarianship. Read in this volume how the European theological libraries adapted.
During the past 50 years, theological libraries have confronted secularisation and religious pluralism, along with revolutionary technological developments that brought not only significant challenges but also unexpected opportunities to adopt new instruments for the transfer of knowledge through the automation and computerisation of libraries. This book shows how European theological libraries tackled these challenges; how they survived by redefining their task, by participating in the renewal of scholarly librarianship, and by networking internationally. Since 1972, BETH, the Association of European Theological Libraries, has stimulated this process by enabling contacts among a growing number of national library associations all over Europe.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Vin, bière et ivresse dans les civilisations orientales : entre plaisir et interdit : René Lebrun in honorem /
"Ce volume rassemble les communications présentées aux XLVIes Journées des orientalistes belges ou Journées Armand Abel-Aristide Théodoridès, qui se sont tenues au Musée Royal de Marienmont (Morlanwelz) les 11-12 avril 1008"--page [iii]. :
xxviii, 244 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references.
"René Lebrun : une bio-bibliographie / Agnès Degrève et Raphaël Gérard": p. [xi]-xxviii.