Name : Les pyramides de Sakkara : la pyramide à degrés, la pyramide de l'Horus-Sekhem-Khet, la pyramide d'Ounas, la pyramide d'Ouserkaf, la pyramide de Téti, le Sérapeum et les mastabas de Ti et de Ptah-Hotep = The pyramids of Sakkara : The Step Pyramid, the Pyramid of Horus Sekhem-Khet, the Pyramid of Unis, the Pyramid of Userkaf, the Pyramid of Teti, the Serapeum and the Mastabas of Ti and Ptah-hotep
Opening Hours
Sunday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. closed: Friday, Saturday and holidays. The library closes at 2:30 p.m. during Ramadan.