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Mirʾāt-i wāridāt : Tārīkh-i suqūṭ-i Ṣafawiyān, payāmadhā-yi ān wa farmānrawāyi-yi Malik Maḥmūd-i Sīstānī /
The final years of the reign of the Safavids (1501-1722) have been described by many (near-) contemporary authors. A key-event in this period was the rebellion of Malik Maḥmūd Sistānī who, in 1722, in exchange for recognizing Maḥmūd the Afghan as the new shah of Persia rather than doing battle with him in a last-ditch effort to liberate Isfahan, was allowed to claim sovereignty in Mashhad in Khurāsān-an independence which lasted until his defeat in November of 1726. In the standard Persian sources covering this episode, Malik Maḥmūd is described in negative terms, as an adventurer who had to be dealt with. The present work, written by a first-generation Indian of Persian descent, gives a much more positive description of Malik Maḥmūd and his claims to power, often providing hitherto unknown details. Most likely based on oral testimonies by followers who had fled to India, this a is welcome addition to the standard account.
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Shajarat al-mulūk : Tārīkh-i manẓūm-i Sīstān az kuhantarīn rūzgārān tā farmānrawāyi-yi Malik Bahrām-i Kiyānī dar dahihā-yi nukhust-i ḥukūmat-i Qājārān /
Sistan is a region straddling the eastern border between Iran and Afghanistan and on the Iranian side part of the province of Sistan-Baluchistan. Irrigated by numerous rivers coming from the mountains of central Afghanistan, the fields of Sistan produce mostly barley and wheat. Located on the trade routes between north and south and east and west, Sistan's strategic importance has always been recognized. The last conflict involving control over Sistan dates back to the nineteenth century when Persia and Afghanistan disputed the region, the border finally being fixed by the second Sistan Border Commission in 1903-05. There are not many local histories on Sistan, until recently only the anonymous Taʾrīk̲h̲-i Sīstān (5th-7th/11-13th cent.) and Malik Shāh Ḥusayn's Iḥyāʾ al-mulūk (11th/17th century). The history of Sistan published here is especially interesting because it runs until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Until now, we possessed little information beyond the early eighteenth century. Mathnawī, imitating the Shāh-nāma.
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