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Ẓafarnāma-yi Khusrawī : Sharḥ-i ḥukmrawāyi-yi Sayyid Amīr Naṣrallāh Bahādur Sulṭān b. Ḥaydar /
Ẓafar-nāma is the title of a number of Persian works, in poetry or prose, mostly in glorification of some ruler or dynasty. As examples one could cite the Ẓafarnāmā-yi Tīmūrī (9th/15th cent.), the Ẓafarnāma-yi Shāh Jahān (11th/17th cent.), or the Ẓafarnāma-yi Kābūl (13th/19th cent.). The anonymous Ẓafarnāma-yi Khusrawī published here clearly stands in that tradition. Composed in 1279/1862-63, it was written with the purpose of recording the major events and achievements in the reign of the Manghit ruler of Bukhara, Amīr Sayyid Naṣrallāh b. Ḥaydar (reg. 1257-77/1841-60), preceded by an account of the happenings that led to his coming to power. The Manghits of the Khanate of Bukhara were a Turco-Mongolian dynasty that ruled over Transoxania between 1756 and 1920. The present work gives a detailed, insider account of many of the events that shaped the history of the region halfway the nineteenth century. As such, it is an invaluable and much-needed source of information.
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Asnād-i pādiriyān-i Karmilī : Bāz mānda az ʿaṣr-i Shāh ʿAbbās-i Ṣafawī /
During the reign of the Safavid Shāh ʿAbbās I (reg. 996-1038/1588-1629), Isfahan was the center of power, diplomacy and trade of Iran. Every year scores of diplomatic envoys and traders would make their way to the capital in pursuit of some political or commercial gain. The present collection of Persian letters and documents, whose originals are kept in the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III in Naples, gives a fine view of the major issues in international relations that ʿAbbās I had to deal with during most of his reign. The collection consists for the greater part of translations of documents from various European courts and religious bodies and authorities, prepared by the interpreters of the Carmelite mission in Isfahan. Among the subjects: the silk trade, Anglo-Spanish relations, the threat of the Ottomans, the importance of Russia in an alternative trade route to Europe, foreign access to Persia's ports, and the interests of the Catholic church.
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